Rebirth 99 to become a car giant

Chapter 865 It’s easy to enjoy the shade under the big tree, which makes the former giant angry

"Dear leaders, distinguished guests, and friends~"

"good morning guys!"

"In this snowy December, we ushered in the commissioning ceremony of the first phase of the Nanshan Semiconductor Imperial City Factory Project."

"This is a happy event in the development history of Nanshan Semiconductor and a grand event in the history of China's economic development."

"Here, on behalf of Nanshan Semiconductor, I would like to extend a warm welcome to all the leaders and guests who came to the commissioning ceremony, and express my heartfelt thanks to people from all walks of life who have long cared about and supported the construction and development of Nanshan Semiconductor!"

"Once upon a time, our semiconductor industry..."

As the host and the representative of Nanshan Semiconductor, Zhang Jing first took the stage to open the show.

As an academic figure, his speech was quite satisfactory.

Although it's not exactly vivid, there's nothing wrong with it.

Immediately afterwards, guests from all walks of life were naturally invited to speak on stage. Even if each department spoke for ten minutes, the total time would be quite long.

Fortunately, when Zhang Jing invited the boss Cao Yang to come on stage, the atmosphere finally improved a little.

After all, what the relevant departments said were basically official lines, which made people feel a little sleepy.

Judging from the past, Cao Yang's speeches have often been relatively concise and humorous. The key is to be meaningful and dare to say anything.

This is what the media likes to hear the most, so you can feel free to express yourself when you go back to write articles.

"I've been waiting for this moment for a long time."

"Our China's semiconductor industry has finally caught up with the world's leading pace."

"Starting from today, we have the most advanced chip production capabilities in the world."

"From semiconductor production equipment to related raw materials, and now to wafer and chip processing plants, our group has encountered many ups and downs."

"Fortunately, we finally removed these stumbling blocks."

Cao Yang came on stage without writing as usual, briefly greeted everyone, and then began to express himself freely.

"As the mobile phone industry has fully entered the smartphone era, our mobile communications have also completely entered the 4G era from 3G."

“Our basic necessities, food, housing, transportation, and every aspect of our daily lives are increasingly connected to electronic products such as mobile phones and the Internet.”

"Behind this change is the increasing dependence on chips, which is a reflection of the increasing importance of chips."

"In the past, our chip imports exceeded the crude oil imports. I believe this will never happen again in the future."

"Our factory is currently the most technologically advanced chip factory in the world, and it is also the first factory to adopt the 14-nanometer process."

"In the future, Nanshan Semiconductor will use 14nm process chips as the most important chips to promote in various fields."

"We will also speed up the construction of another factory of the same level in Chang'an City."

"Of course, Nanshan Semiconductor's technology will not stop. We have continued to study chip technology with the 7-nanometer process."

"We will even further explore more advanced chip production processes in the future."

What Cao Yang said was naturally more informative than the speeches of relevant departments.

Relevant content is also quickly delivered to the Internet or other companies.

Intel, which has always believed that it is the world's leader in chip technology, is paying attention even as far away as the United States.

"Otellini, can our 14-nanometer chip factory be mass-produced in the first half of next year?"

Although it was already off work time, Otellini was still having a meeting at the company, which was rare.

Intel's chip technology has always been the most advanced in the industry.

Various computer companies are also proud to use Intel chips.

Many computers even have Intel's LOGO specially pasted next to the keyboard to tell everyone that the CPU of my computer is produced by Intel.

Countless people majoring in computer and software engineering are also proud to work at Intel.

Especially the past ten years have been almost the most glorious period in Intel's development history.

But all this changes starting today.

Or it has changed since the advent of the smartphone era.

Intel, which has always focused on computer CPUs and other products, has completely failed to keep up with smartphones.

Although we have cooperated with Nokia and other mobile phone manufacturers to launch some smart phone chips before, the final result was not ideal at all.

Last year, Intel even reached some private agreements with Nanshan Semiconductor in order to prevent Nanshan Semiconductor from messing up in the computer CPU market.

Therefore, when Qualcomm, Apple and other American semiconductor companies joined forces to deal with Nanshan Semiconductor last year, Intel rarely participated.

But that doesn't completely change Intel's predicament.

Especially since Nanshan Semiconductor officially announced that it has mastered the chip technology of the 14nm process, the pressure on Intel has become even greater.

Today, Nanshan Semiconductor's 14nm process factories have officially entered mass production, but Intel is still working hard.

This situation is something Otellini really doesn't want to see.

"It is still difficult to advance to the first half of next year. Currently, we are advancing according to the schedule for the second half of next year, which is already a relatively tight schedule."

Pat naturally knew why Otellini had such a proposal.

When a new chip factory is put into operation, there must be a process of increasing production capacity and improving yield rate.

Especially as a chip factory with the most advanced technology, there are not many ready-made things in the past to refer to, so you need to explore by yourself.

This is even more time consuming.

According to Otellini's speculation, the Nanshan Semiconductor Imperial City Factory will not be able to deliver large-scale chips with 14nm process technology to the outside world until at least the middle of next year.

If Intel's new factory can be put into production in the first half of next year, Intel will deliver the same type of chips in about the same time as Nanshan Semiconductor.

On this point, Otellini is still confident.

After all, things like ramping up production capacity and improving yield rate are also very demanding.

Intel clearly has an advantage in this regard.

"It depends on man-made circumstances. The situation now is different from the past."

"Let the entire team overcome the difficulties. If anyone finds it difficult to cope, they can choose to leave."

Otellini felt uncomfortable when he thought that Nanshan Semiconductor would start producing the world's most technologically advanced chips today.

Intel employees have seen better days for a long time.

He felt it was time to put some pressure on everyone.

He even thought of the reason, that is, the company did not launch the 14nm process chip this year as planned. It was delayed by one day compared to the plan, which caused a relatively large impact on related income.

Therefore, some redundant personnel need to be adjusted.

Survival of the fittest and doing something every few years is a routine used by many European and American companies.

"I'm going to communicate with all parties to confirm that now it's not just our own personnel who need to fully cooperate."

"ASML can't hold back, otherwise it will be difficult to complete and put into production before July next year."

Pat didn't dare to say anything more if it was too late.

If I continue to say this, will I become someone who needs to get out?

You know, at the commissioning ceremony of the Nanshan Semiconductor Imperial City Factory, Cao Yang said that they are already working on 7-nanometer chip technology.

Intel is still in the very early pre-research stage of preparations in this area.

If something happens again then, it will be over.

So I quickly ended this topic and went to find some subordinates to scold me and vent my frustration.

Like Intel, Apple is also under pressure to put its new Nanshan semiconductor factory into production.

Although their chips are all contracted to TSMC or Samsung, the design work is all done in-house.

If Samsung and TSMC cannot handle 14nm chip foundry, it will be useless even if they design such a chip.

"Mr. Wang, judging from the mentality of the industry, the places where high-end chips are most used are computers and smartphones."

“Currently, Honor Technology’s influence in computers is not that high, but in the smartphone business, Honor Technology’s influence is very huge.”

"I feel that the other party will first consider using it on the HONOR series of flagship phones. By then, it will put a lot of pressure on our Apple phones in overseas markets."

Lin Rong has been paying attention to the start of production of the Nanshan Semiconductor Imperial City Factory since she went to work today.

But the more attention she paid, the worse her mood became.

Nanshan Semiconductor has just built a factory and immediately started to promote the construction of the Chang'an factory.

According to this development speed, production capacity will definitely increase rapidly by then, and it will definitely be used in many products.

Otherwise, why would Nanshan Semiconductor be so active?

"No matter how many things there are, the headquarters can do whatever they want. Anyway, we will definitely not be able to sell our mobile phones in the Chinese market."

Wang Ziming's mentality has changed now.

He was already a little disheartened by what happened these few times.

Anyway, Apple’s performance in China doesn’t seem to have much to look forward to.

No matter how hard he works, he probably has no hope of becoming the vice president of the headquarters or anything like that.

Then it's better to work hard at the China branch. Anyway, Apple's global business is still booming and there is no intention to lay off employees.

As for whether the market in China will further deteriorate, he is not particularly worried.

Apple's products are all produced by OEMs, and they are not simply OEMs just for China's market share.

So as long as global sales continue to increase, all problems will be covered up.

"I'm concerned that they will be used not only on high-end phones but also on their laptops."

"Now Honor Technology is following a similar path to Apple. We have our own independent operating system, and they are the same."

"But due to the influence of smartphones, their operating systems are much more well-known in China than ours, and people are more accustomed to using them."

"This is very detrimental to our further expansion of the computer market."

Lin Rong was Wang Ziming's old subordinate, so she didn't pay much attention to her boss's complaints.

She knew that maybe in a few days, the hurdle in Wang Ziming's heart would pass, and she would start forcing herself to investigate this and that, make a bunch of analysis reports, and then fly to the United States to report to the headquarters.

Anyway, with such a high salary, part of my job is to be a trash can for my boss to complain about, or to be scolded.

She still has this awareness.

"If Nanshan Semiconductor makes a big move in the computer CPU market, then the most nervous ones should be Intel and AMD. They are the dominant players in the computer CPU market."

"As long as their CPUs can be guaranteed to be better than those produced by Nanshan Semiconductor, then everything will not be a problem."

When Wang Ziming said this, Lin Rong didn't know how to object.

This is indeed the truth.

But she always felt that things might not be that simple.

If this were the case, Honor Technology would not be able to develop so fast.

It's just that Wang Ziming is not in the mood to listen to what he has to say too much today, so let's talk about it another day.

It just so happens that I can go back and continue to read some reports related to the commissioning ceremony of the Nanshan Semiconductor Imperial City Factory.

In addition to people speaking on stage one after another during the commissioning ceremony, Zhang Jing also arranged for everyone to visit the production line site.

Of course, many production processes within semiconductor factories are not suitable or cannot be displayed to the outside world.

The tour route this time was already considered when building the factory, and a special tour channel has been reserved for subsequent visits.

Walking on this passage, you can feel the advanced nature of Nanshan Semiconductor Imperial City Factory to a certain extent, but you can't really see anything.

More of it is just various promotional materials along the way.

"Mr. He, I heard that your lithography machines in the packaging and testing section have completely replaced imported lithography machines, and you and Nanshan Semiconductor's front-end lithography machines have basically divided the domestic market."

"Now we are preparing to enter the international market."

Yin Zhiqiang of AMEC Semiconductor and He Guangming of Modu Microelectronics are old acquaintances.

Both companies are members of the Chip Industry Equipment Alliance, and their headquarters are in Shanghai. They have various opportunities to meet almost every month.

As long as the relevant departments in China convene a meeting on chip-related equipment, both of them are basically invited at the same time.

If there is a symposium on advanced equipment or high-tech companies held in the Magic City, both of them will usually be invited at the same time.

Not to mention that both companies have factories in the industrial parks in Yangcheng and Chang'an.

The more we interact with each other, the easier it will be for us to become familiar with each other.

Today everyone went to visit the factory. Although the two of them had visited it before, they still followed the large army around behind.

Of course, their attention is definitely not on the on-site production. They have seen this many times.

"Your etching machine performs better than ours. I heard that the factory in Chang'an City was put into operation and reached full production in a few months. Now we are starting to prepare for the second phase of the factory."

"And I heard that TSMC has officially asked you to order etching machines. This is a very big breakthrough."

He Guangming is naturally very familiar with the situation of China Microelectronics.

To some extent, the two of them are now competing for the title of China's second largest chip equipment manufacturer.

However, this kind of competition is relatively insubstantial. After all, our products are not of the same category, but more often it is a cooperative relationship.

After all, when a customer purchases a lithography machine for the packaging and testing section, he will definitely need to purchase a large number of etching machines.

They can also recommend customers to each other.

"The threshold for etching machines is relatively not that high. We, Micro Semiconductor, have taken the right technical direction and can save much more time than other equipment manufacturers."

"Once this late-mover advantage is formed, it will be more lethal."

The two of them are so familiar, so Yin Zhiqiang naturally doesn't need to be modest.

Otherwise it would seem a bit too fake.

After all, AMEC's ​​ability to gain recognition from TSMC is obviously due to its own uniqueness in technology.

To put it bluntly, among the world's key chip production equipment, China Micro Semiconductor's etching machine is the first to enter the technology that can produce chips with a 7-nanometer process.

After all, the principle of etching machines determines that their technology will improve faster than other products such as photolithography machines.

This also means that China Micro Semiconductor has established technological advantages in the next few years, and its development prospects are very good.

"Mr. Yin, in your current situation, I think you can consider going public."

"When the time comes, we will further expand the company's scale and become the world's largest etching machine manufacturer. Maybe the market value will exceed 10 billion yuan."

When He Guangming said this, Yin Zhiqiang really became interested.

Compared with borrowing your own money or relying solely on profits to expand, the speed is definitely slower and the pressure is higher.

But if these funds are used for development after listing and financing, the situation is different.

Although the shares are exchanged for funds, the control of the company is still in their own hands.

There is no pressure to spend this kind of money.

Even if it goes too far, it is completely reasonable and legal to turn around most of the funds and put them into your own private pocket.

For example, by purchasing some parts, equipment or other services, giving an exaggerated price, and the company is opened in the name of Yin Zhiqiang's family members or friends.

If it were easier, just find an advertising company to work with.

Anyway, advertising costs are the most insignificant thing.

It is difficult to quantify the difference between an advertising investment of 1 million yuan and an advertising investment of 10 million yuan.

When the time comes to transfer most of the money back into your own pocket, there will be no problem at all.

Why was it that for a while when various car companies were fighting corruption, the biggest problem was not the purchasing department, but the sales department? This is because the threshold for making money from sales is lower and the money earned is more exaggerated.

On the procurement side, on the other hand, although no company dares to say that its procurement is as poor as water, it is relatively difficult to do anything exaggerated.

Because the price of each part is not determined by one or two people.

And the price of each part has a certain industry standard, so you can't make it too exaggerated.

Just like when a labor union purchases drinks, it will definitely not tamper with Coca-Cola or fresh oranges where the prices are very transparent. Instead, it will buy some drinks that everyone has almost never heard of. The prices are very opaque and there is relatively little room for maneuver. big.

"I really need to go back and think about this matter carefully, and find some professional agencies to consult first."

Yin Zhiqiang thought quickly in his mind.

But today is certainly not the right time to discuss this matter in detail.

"Academician Zhang, our next-generation Honor mobile phones and Honor computers are going to use 14nm process chips. The yield rate should be improved to the ideal level in half a year, right?"

To introduce the production factory to everyone, there is no need for academician Zhang Jing to come forward.

Nanshan Semiconductor has a professional and beautiful receptionist to take everyone around the factory.

Xia Qingqing, as a figure whose influence has been expanding within the Nanshan System in recent years, and Honor Technology being a major customer of Nanshan Semiconductor, naturally attended today's event.

For her, the first thing that comes to mind is using the most advanced chips in Honor Technology.

This is definitely very beneficial for improving the competitiveness of Honor Technology’s new products.

After all, smartphones have developed to this point, and there is no way to win simply by relying on stunning appearance.

Even everyone's appearance is actually almost the same, and they are not bad in appearance.

At this time, various parameters such as the performance of mobile phone chips, screen performance, and camera performance began to attract everyone's attention.

There is no doubt that for smartphones, the impact of chips must be very large.

Otherwise, the most advanced chips would not be used in mobile phones and computers every time.

Many people think that the technologies used in the military industry are the most advanced, and only if they meet the requirements of the military industry will they enter the civilian market.

For many products, this is indeed the case.

But for chips, this is obviously not the case.

Whether it is the military industry or traditional automotive-grade chips, what people pursue is more stability and safety, and performance is not the most important.

Because even chips with a 60-nanometer process or even a 100-nanometer process can meet most needs.

"Half a year is definitely enough. We will strive to start large-scale shipments in the second quarter of next year."

Although there are still many problems that need to be solved, Zhang Jing is quite confident.

All kinds of equipment are produced by domestic equipment manufacturers, so it is very easy to make some improvements or adjustments.

Nanshan Semiconductor is also responsible for the chip design work, and is familiar with the situation in every place.

In this case, it becomes much easier to improve the yield rate of chips.

"Then I will ask Honor Technology's project manager and procurement to connect with Nanshan Semiconductor to use the latest technology chips as soon as possible."

Xia Qingqing's idea is considered very normal.

If you don’t use good things, when will you wait?

She is also thinking about relying on this trick next year to see if it is possible to surpass the sales of Samsung mobile phones globally.

After all, no one wants to beat someone every day.

In the Chinese market, there is no opponent that can threaten Honor mobile phones.

But looking at the world, Samsung mobile phones are a hurdle that cannot be circumvented.

Surpassing Samsung mobile phones is also an important goal for Xia Qingqing in the next stage.

According to her idea, this goal must be achieved within the next three years.

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