Rebirth 99 to become a car giant

Chapter 880: They are all large companies with 200,000 employees. They didn’t catch the spotlight, b

The future launch of S9 will definitely have an impact not limited to the automotive industry.

Since Nanshan Semiconductor's NS8155 was repeatedly introduced and explained by Zeng Tingting during the press conference, there were also a large number of related introductions in various subsequent media articles.

Therefore, the popularity of chip-related topics has once again reached a relatively high position.

Various chip companies have also felt the pressure brought by customers.

In this case, SMIC has finally made a decision.

They plan to purchase a complete set of chip production equipment from Nanshan Equipment and directly build a 14-nanometer chip factory.

Although related lithography machines and other equipment, the quotations from Nanshan Equipment are completely in line with ASML.

However, considering some technical exchanges and overall equipment advantages, SMIC held its nose and admitted it this time.

"Mr. Wang, ASML also said that it has made a breakthrough in photolithography technology and can be used to produce 14-nanometer chips."

"However, their production capacity in the next year will need to prioritize Intel, TSMC and Samsung."

"If we order from them, not only will we not have any advantage in terms of price, but the equipment delivery cycle will not be until the second half of next year at the fastest, or even the year after next."

"And Nanshan Equipment said it can start deliveries one after another in the second half of this year."

"The installation of all equipment in the chip factory will be completed in the first half of next year."

"In this way, we can start small-scale mass production of 14nm process chips in the second half of next year, and improve the yield rate to an acceptable level by the year after next at the latest."

Yang Bingning knew that Wang Anguo was not particularly satisfied with this equipment purchase.

In the past, SMIC also purchased some equipment from domestic equipment manufacturers. The price of these equipment has obvious advantages compared with imported equipment.

However, in terms of equipment procurement to build a 14-nanometer factory this time, domestic equipment does not have a cost advantage compared to imported equipment.

Although it is clear that the equipment manufacturers must allocate all kinds of research and development expenses to themselves, the other party's production costs cannot be that high.

But without more choices, SMIC can only choose to accept it.

But it is inevitable to feel unhappy.

"This time we skipped the 28nm process technology and directly invested in the 14nm process chip factory. We will definitely encounter various problems by then."

"In this regard, the company's technical team must be fully prepared, and must also make full use of the advantages of domestic equipment manufacturers to improve our technology."

"Otherwise, it would be uneconomical for us to spend so much money purchasing equipment."

Wang Anguo knows that SMIC has no better choice now.

As a major chip foundry, SMIC’s technology is obviously inferior to that of Samsung and TSMC.

Now Nanshan Semiconductor is also a latecomer and has surpassed them.

Then when purchasing equipment, you will inevitably be restricted.

In fact, the current situation is better than he thought.

Originally, he thought that Nanshan Equipment would not sell 14nm process-related equipment to SMIC at all.

After all, in the foundry field, SMIC and Nanshan Semiconductor are actually competing.

Of course, people must be looking to Shu to get more benefits.

"We try our best, but the other party may not be willing to share some key technical points with us easily."

"Now 14nm technology giants such as Samsung and TSMC are making final sprint preparations. Before their similar products are put into production, it is estimated that Nanshan Equipment will definitely have to hide something."

Wang Anguo could understand what Yang Bingning said.

But understanding is understanding, everyone definitely hopes to take advantage of it.

SMIC has invested a lot of money since its establishment.

Although the scale has increased, there is still a big gap in technology with the giants.

Wang Anguo also hopes that SMIC can catch up with the mainstream technology in the industry.

As for being ahead of his peers, he didn't dare to think about it casually.

That requirement is really a bit high.

The Chinese New Year is just around the corner. At this time of year, the distribution of year-end bonuses by various companies is often a topic that everyone talks about.

Although there is no official announcement, most Nanshan-type companies can estimate the number of their year-end bonuses this year when they receive this month's salary.

Whether it is Nanshan Automobile Group, Honor Technology, or some other Nanshan-based companies, all of them have generous bonuses.

There are six-figure bonuses at every turn, and even for some people with a certain position, the bonuses are higher than many people's salaries for several years.

The news immediately made headlines on Weibo.

It can be said that the rivals that compete with Future Auto and Honor Technology for headlines are news related to their own group.

"Yuxuan, is your year-end bonus this year over 100,000 yuan?"

Chen Zitong regrets that he chose to continue his graduate studies.

My best friend Li Yuxuan joined Yangcheng Zhongwang after graduating from college. Not only does she get a high salary every month, she now has a year-end bonus of more than 100,000 yuan.

As for me, I was working hard for my boss, with only a few hundred yuan of subsidy every month.

It’s not surprising that her monthly working hours are not necessarily less than Li Yuxuan’s, or even more.

The key is that if people work on weekends or continue to work after get off work, they will be paid a lot of overtime pay.

But she had nothing in school.

This gap is really uncomfortable.

I am afraid that my sisters will not have a good life, and I am even more afraid that my sisters will have a good life.

Chen Zitong's mood at this time explained this sentence very well.

Although the topic of year-end bonuses for Nanshan-based companies is a hot topic almost every year, everyone enjoys discussing it.

In particular, I heard that the number of year-end bonuses for some companies has exceeded the annual salary, which is even more stimulating to everyone.

What makes Chen Zitong very depressed is that after graduating from graduate school, he may not be able to enter Yangcheng Zhongwang.

Even if you enter Yangcheng Zhongwang, you will most likely become a subordinate of Li Yuxuan or other people who entered the company at about the same time as Li Yuxuan.

This feeling...

"The company's salary is confidential and is not allowed to be disclosed."

"However, this year's year-end bonus is indeed very good, and it is consistent with many contents reported online."

Although Li Yuxuan wanted to show it off, she had already felt the sourness in Chen Zi's fairy tale, so she refrained from irritating her best friend.

Otherwise, this best friend might not be able to survive anymore.

After all, she has been working for several years and has a deeper understanding of some things in society and the ways of the world.

No matter how good the feelings and relationships are, they still need to be maintained.

"Your company is really proud."

"I kind of regret not going into Yangcheng Zhongwang with you."

Chen Zitong's family background is not bad, but it is just good. There is still a long way to go before becoming wealthy.

A bonus of more than 100,000 yuan a year, and a salary of more than 100,000 yuan, is equivalent to an annual salary of more than 300,000 yuan.

For an undergraduate who has just graduated two or three years ago, it is definitely very competitive.

Even in another ten years, this salary will still be very competitive.

No wonder Chen Zitong was sour.

"You don't have to worry. Industrial software is now very important. Whether it is Yangcheng Zhongwang or other software companies, they are constantly recruiting relevant talents."

"Mathematics-related majors are also a major that industrial software companies attach great importance to."

"Our company just happens to have internal promotion activities this year. I will send you the internal promotion code when the time comes."

At this time, Li Yuxuan must actively help make suggestions and show her enthusiasm.

However, it is hard to say whether Chen Zitong still has hope of entering Yangcheng Zhongwang in the end.

After all, after Yangcheng Zhongwang's NSCAD became famous in the industry, its popularity in China also increased rapidly.

In addition, various benefits are very good, and the threshold for recruiting people is also rising rapidly.

Just like BYD, before 2020, the people it recruited were basically students who had graduated from their second degree.

Many universities whose names you have never heard of also have a good chance of entering BYD.

But after people become famous, let alone ordinary students, even ordinary 211 will not be so easy to enter.

Many of the graduates they recruit are graduates from 985 colleges and universities, including some from Qingbei.

This kind of scenario is probably something that HR would never dare to think about back then.

The current situation of Yangcheng Zhongwang is similar to that of BYD in the previous life.

In the early years, Yangcheng Zhongwang recruited people, basically as long as they had the right major or relevant work experience, no matter which university they graduated from, they would have a chance.

But now the company's number of personnel has increased, its reputation has also increased, and its development has been on the right track.

In this case, the threshold for recruiting people has naturally increased.

For fresh graduates, if they are not students from 985 colleges and universities, it is relatively difficult to enter.

As for Chen Zitong, a graduate student at China Normal University, it's not like he has no chance, but it's certainly not as easy as Li Yuxuan's.

Not to mention what the best friends Li Yuxuan and Chen Zitong were communicating about. As the person in charge of human resources of the Nanshan Department, Liu Youmei also went to report a situation to Cao Yang today.

"Mr. Cao, the number of employees in the entire Nanshan Group's enterprises has now exceeded 500,000."

"Nanshan Automobile Group alone now has more than 200,000 employees."

"The topic of year-end bonuses related to the group is quite hot right now. I think it is possible to publish the information on the number of employees in the company?"

Liu Youmei has been in charge of human resources business for so many years, and she is relatively clear about some of Cao Yang's ideas.

Materials like this that can obviously be used for publicity are definitely not to be missed.

However, Nanshan Group has now been split into five groups. Liu Youmei is also a little unsure whether it is still suitable to promote them together.

That's why she came over to report to Cao Yang.

"Nanshan Automobile Group already has more than 200,000 people, right?"

Cao Yang really didn't expect that the number of personnel in each group would increase so quickly.

This is because Honor Technology has entrusted the processing business to BYD. Otherwise, it is estimated that a single group has more than 200,000 employees, and it is not just Nanshan Automobile Group.

"Yes, there are already 210,000 employees."

"Xingchen Automobile, Jaguar Land Rover, Future Auto, Nanshan Engine, Nanshan Transmission, Nanshan Auto Parts and other companies are all large in scale. Two hundred thousand people are already the reason why we use a large number of automated production lines."

"Otherwise, for an ordinary enterprise, even 300,000 employees would not be that many if it were to reach this scale."

Liu Youmei is relatively familiar with the situation of each group.

For example, a car factory with a production capacity of 200,000 people usually has thousands of people.

Nanshan Automobile Group now has so many large-scale subsidiaries, and it is normal to have 200,000 people.

"A group has 200,000 employees, which is an exaggerated figure."

“You can ask Nanshan Automobile Group’s official WeChat account to publish relevant information.”

"As for the fact that the total number of people in the five major groups exceeds 500,000, there is no need to deliberately emphasize it."

At the beginning, Nanshan Group was so successful that it was split up.

Although it seems a bit deceptive, it still has some effect.

Especially after different situations emerged with the development of each group, the situation gradually became complicated.

Now that we have taken this step, there is no need for us to keep emphasizing that we are one.

There are things that can be done, but there is no need to say them all the time.

As for what people outside will think, it doesn't matter that much.

"Okay, then I will communicate with Nanshan Automobile Group to see how to make use of this news."

After hearing what Cao Yang said, Liu Youmei knew in her heart how to deal with similar information in the future.

The number of employees in Nanshan Automobile Group has exceeded 200,000, and this is just the beginning.

There will definitely be a day when the number exceeds 300,000, and other groups will also have times when they exceed 100,000 or 200,000.

These are all materials that can be used for publicity.

"Mr. Wang, I see that the news that the number of employees of Nanshan Automobile Group has exceeded 200,000 has become a hot search."

"I just went to HR to find out the situation. Our number of employees has already exceeded 200,000, and is about to reach 300,000."

"Taking this opportunity to promote it together should be good for improving the company's reputation."

Zhong Qiang has become accustomed to seeing content related to the Nanshan System on Weibo hot searches every now and then.

For those news that can be learned from, he will naturally want to see how to learn from it.

After all, there is some heat that can be rubbed off on.

This approach will not anger Nanshan Automobile Group.

Even if everyone announces the number of employees together, it can also make everyone aware of the importance of the automobile industry to China's economic development.

So during lunch, he took the initiative to sit across from Wang Fu and brought up this topic with him like a casual chat.

"Nanshan Automobile Group already has more than 200,000 employees?"

"Then there are five to six million people in the enterprises in the entire Nanshan system?"

Wang Fu felt really emotional.

Ten years ago, BYD Group was not necessarily smaller than Nanshan Group.

But now the gap is getting wider and wider.

BYD as a whole is incomparable with a group company like Nanshan Automobile Group.

In other words, the number of employees can be larger, but this does not seem to be an advantage?

As for compared with companies such as Venus Technology and Nanshan Energy, there is no comparison.

They have even developed things like the Venus 9 and Kunpeng heavy transport helicopters.

It can be said that the enterprises of the Nanshan Group, as China's industrial overlord, no one can threaten its status.

Even those companies with the prefix "Yang" cannot compare.

Not to mention other things, if Aerospace Technology faced off against Venus Technology, neither of them dared to say that they had an overwhelming advantage.

The situation at AVIC is similar.

Otherwise, if we don’t research a stealth bomber similar to the B-2, we would have to invite Daystar Technology to cooperate.

"Although they have not released this information, I think there are about 500,000 people."

"This is because they have many unmanned factories and factories with high automation rates. Otherwise, the number of employees is estimated to reach 800,000, or even 1 million."

When Zhong Qiang said this, he felt very emotional.

Such an awesome company, even if it is mentioned during chat, people can't help but feel a bit of admiration.

"Since you think this topic can be heated for a while, then arrange for someone to do it."

"We really need to learn from Nanshan Automobile Group in terms of publicity. They have been at the forefront of publicity for so many years."

Wang Fu still remembers the special publicity methods used one after another when Xingchen Automobile was first established.

It abruptly cut a piece of cake out of the luxury car market.

This kind of ability is really not something that ordinary companies can possess.

In other words, no other company except Nanshan Automobile Group has this capability.

After communicating with Wang Fu, Zhong Qiang naturally took action immediately.

Soon, BYD’s official Weibo also released a similar content.

However, soon, the content in the comment area changed a bit.

"Everyone in Nanshan Automobile Group has an annual salary of hundreds of thousands, and the year-end bonuses of new employees are tens of thousands. How dare you compare with others?"

"Is this taking advantage of the popularity of Nanshan Automobile Group? I heard that BYD's per capita salary is 60,000 yuan. Is it a fraction of that of Nanshan Automobile Group?"

"BYD's approach reminded me of a saying, that is, flattering the horse's legs."

"Looking at BYD's financial report, although it has a large number of employees, its revenue and salary expenses are far behind those of Nanshan Automobile Group, right?"

"You're so impressed. I guess people from Chery and Geely are secretly glad that the Weibo posts promoting the number of employees in their companies haven't been posted yet."

"Did BYD mess up this time? It's better not to say it, but it will be revealed once it is said."

"Can everyone be more tolerant? In fact, the income of most enterprise workers is not as good as that of BYD."

All kinds of comments are generally sarcastic.

However, BYD has achieved its wish and has become a hot search topic, but I don’t know how they feel about it.

"It's really weird. Nanshan Automobile Group can win praise from netizens just by posting a Weibo post. BYD will be scolded after posting a similar one."

At Spring City Automobile Group, Zhu Zhengfeng felt quite complicated after listening to Tao Wen's report.

Because he was originally planning to make a fuss about the number of employees of Spring City Automobile Group.

He even wants to find a few cases where his grandfather works at Spring City Automobile Group, his father works at Spring City Automobile Group, and his son is also working hard in it, so that everyone can see the dedication of employees.

But now he is a little glad that his preparations are not finished yet.

Otherwise, you might get scolded.

This is obviously not a situation he wants to see.

"Nanshan Automobile Group is an enterprise that has mastered the traffic password. Ordinary enterprises really cannot easily learn from their practices, otherwise they will overturn accidentally."

"For many things, netizens' tolerance for them is actually different from their tolerance for other companies."

Tao Wen now also has a feeling of surviving a disaster.

Although being scolded will not affect the performance of Spring City Automobile Group, it will definitely be a stain for those who handle this matter.

Maybe during the year-end assessment, someone will give you a bad review just because of this matter.

That would be very unworthy.

Why do some people in the system prefer to do less things rather than take risks easily?

That's because if you do too much, you may not get credit, but if you do something wrong, you will definitely be punished.

If this is the case, then do less.

"Enterprises in the Nanshan Group are indeed very competitive. Neither we nor other companies can compare to this."

Zhu Zhengfeng has now completely recognized the reality.

There is no need to compare with companies in the Nanshan Group to compare with others. They are unique and cannot be compared with Spring City Automobile Group.

It takes many companies many years to come up with a successful project, but for companies in the Nanshan system, various good projects come out every year.

Just look at how many National Science and Technology Progress Awards Nanshan Group companies have won over the years.

"Nanshan Hongqi, which we cooperate with, is now fully developed."

"There is also a lot of influence from Nanshan Automobile Group in it."

"Speaking of which, among the various domestic car companies, we are the one that has reaped the largest dividends from Nanshan Automobile Group."

"Although other companies such as BYD, Chery and Great Wall have relatively close cooperation with Nanshan Automobile Group, they also develop some engines and gearboxes themselves. In fact, they also have a certain degree of competition."

"In the end, on the key issues, I think Nanshan Automobile Group will stand with us."

Tao Wen's statement made Zhu Zhengfeng feel quite comfortable.

Since there is a huge gap with the other party and there is no comparability, it is also a good thing to be able to gain some benefits from the other party's development.

We can even further leverage the development momentum of Nanshan Automobile Group in the future to make Nanshan Hongqi's influence even greater.

If Nanshan Hongqi can really become China's top-selling car company by then, Spring City Automobile Group will be in a big win.

The status brought by China's first automobile factory can also be stabilized.

To some extent, this is a good thing.

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