Rebirth 99 to become a car giant

Chapter 994: Do you want to grab the first place?

The successful maiden flight of the Starship spacecraft of Venustech made the entire Spring Festival of 2016 spent in a festive atmosphere.

If the previous Venus 9 was more of a breakthrough in recycling technology, then this time the Starship spacecraft is an all-round breakthrough and a full-scale technological leader.

Whether it is the upgraded recycling technology or the super-large launch tonnage, it is not comparable to any other country's rockets.

Even in the history of the development of China's aerospace industry, this is a very representative moment.

In the following period of time, China TV specially arranged several groups of people to interview Cao Yang, Zhao Siyu and some front-line engineering and technical personnel.

Everyone can see the news of Venustech on China TV every now and then.

Even just after the Spring Festival, senior leaders came to visit Venustech and gave it 5 minutes of broadcast time in the news broadcast.

In this case, everyone knows that Venustech is the hottest chicken in China's technology and industrial circles.

Whether it is Lingnan Province, Chang'an Province or the relevant departments, the degree of care and love for Venustech has directly reached the highest level.

No matter what happens or what difficulties you encounter, we can handle them in a special way.

Even on the Internet, Venusstar Technology has become the best employment choice for Chinese college students.

It has social status, high income, and super high sense of achievement.

Who doesn't like such a job?

"Ayang, the number of students who have contacted our School of Aerospace for postgraduate study has increased significantly compared with previous years."

"Even some top students who studied related majors at Beihang University during their undergraduate studies are now thinking about coming to our Lingnan University of Technology for postgraduate study."

"We didn't even dare to think about this scene before."

Xiang Changle is in a very good mood now.

Lingnan University of Technology was not particularly high in the ranking of Chinese universities before.

In the past decade, thanks to the rise of Nanshan-based companies, the influence of their semiconductor colleges, computer colleges, automotive colleges, materials colleges, and aerospace colleges has soared rapidly.

In some rankings, they have entered the top 10 in the country.

As for some majors, many have become the top 3 in the country, or even the top 1.

As the president, Xiang Changle will definitely leave a strong mark in the history of Lingnan University of Technology.

And he is now an academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, which can be said to be successful.

"Integration of industry, academia and research, our school has done a particularly good job in this regard, and it is normal to become a model of the industry."

"In fact, this can be regarded as a reference idea for the teaching and scientific research reform of domestic universities, so that our university education can be combined with the needs of enterprises as much as possible."

"Let the talents of teachers in our university be fully utilized, so that there will not be a bunch of scientific research results that will be shelved."

"And through sufficient communication, teachers can also better grasp the direction of industrial development and let their research go on the right path."

Choice is more important than hard work, life choices are like this, and so is the choice of scientific research direction.

On the road of scientific research, there are countless examples of industry leaders being overtaken by others and declining because of choosing the wrong research direction.

The fact that Nanshan-based companies have been able to maintain rapid development in recent years is inseparable from the fact that they have always made the right scientific research choices.

With the same ten points of effort, they can create twenty points of results.

Others can't even get three points, and this gap will definitely continue to widen.

"Yes, so our next step is to further expand cooperation with Nanshan-related enterprises and hire more senior engineers and senior managers to become part-time professors of our school."

"These people have the most cutting-edge science and technology and management technology, which can play a huge role in improving the entire faculty of our school."

Chang Changle obviously wanted to discuss this topic with Cao Yang today.

How to allow more experts to have time to go to Lingnan University of Technology for classes without affecting the normal development of Nanshan-related enterprises is actually a very important issue.

In particular, Xiang Changle is still thinking about further enhancing the influence of Lingnan University of Technology in the country and even the world, so something must be done.

In fact, there have been some interesting changes in the current rankings, that is, Lingnan University of Technology's position in the international ranking is better than its domestic ranking.

Even some international institutions have ranked Lingnan Ligong University's science and engineering professional strength after Huaqing University, making it the second in the country.

This change has brought great hope to the teachers and students of Lingnan University of Technology.

It would be great if one day, when people talk about Chinese universities, they don't mention Huaqing University and Yenching University every day, but think of Lingnan University of Technology first.

Of course, it is definitely not that easy to achieve this.

But Xiang Changle is already taking action.

In his opinion, Nanshan Group's companies have become the first in the country and even the world in many industries.

As long as both sides can fully cooperate and communicate, it is not impossible to make Lingnan University of Technology the best university in China.

Look at the GDP of Yangcheng and Lingnan Province. The most critical link for maintaining the first place in a single city and a single province in the world for so many years is the contribution of Nanshan enterprises.

That is, in recent years, Nanshan enterprises have begun to deploy in the capital, the magic city and Chang'an City, so the GDP gap between several first-tier cities has begun to narrow.

Otherwise, Yangcheng is estimated to be far ahead among the first-tier cities.

"If I remember correctly, there are nearly 100 people from various companies who serve as part-time professors in the school?"

'If this continues to expand on a large scale, won't many professional teachers become mainly from our company? Will it bring some criticism? '

"If people just spread rumors that Lingnan University of Technology has become a training school for Nanshan enterprises, it will have a very bad impact on you."

Cao Yang is not opposed to letting more employees work part-time in the school.

In recent years, through part-time jobs, Nanshan enterprises have cultivated a lot of talents for themselves.

A few years in advance, I have been exposed to the working style of the enterprise, and even when I was a graduate student, I directly followed the professors of the Nanshan system to do scientific research.

When you graduate and join the company, you will completely skip the long first few years of training new employees and can directly start research and development.

This change has actually made a lot of contributions to the improvement of the scientific research strength of Nanshan Group's enterprises.

The number of undergraduates and postgraduates recruited by various groups from Lingnan University of Technology each year has exceeded 3,000.

The key is that this trend is still rising rapidly. In the future, it is not surprising that two or three out of ten graduates from Lingnan University of Technology will work in Nanshan Group companies.

If Lingnan University of Technology's national ranking does not change, it is probably not a big deal.

But if it really tops the list, some universities will definitely be unhappy.

"What does it matter?"

"We are not the only university cooperating with Nanshan Group. There are five universities in Yangcheng alone, and there are also many in Chang'an City, Shanghai, and Beijing."

"It's just that the scale of our cooperation is a little deeper."

Xiang Changle is not worried about what Cao Yang said at all.

As I said, he has already achieved success and fame, and there is almost no room for promotion.

In this case, what he hopes most is to lead Lingnan University of Technology to the top.

In order to achieve this goal, even if there are some criticisms, it is acceptable.

"Since you are not worried, I have no opinion."

"As long as they are not some special confidential personnel, they are willing to go to school to teach students, and their abilities meet the requirements of the school, it is all possible."

"I dare not say more, but it is still possible to take one day a week to teach everyone."

Cao Yang drew a circle for part-time teaching.

You can not come to work one day a week.

Although it is only one day, in fact, according to the class schedule of colleges and universities, there are classes from 8 am to 9 pm.

If you really want to exaggerate a little, you can actually take many classes in one day.

For many college teachers, the teaching hours are actually the workload of a whole day.

Of course, in addition to teaching, they also have various other things to deal with.

It cannot be simply understood that university teachers only work one day a week.

Besides, under normal circumstances, the Academic Affairs Office cannot arrange all the courses of a teacher in a week in one day.

Except for the special part-time professors of Nanshan-affiliated enterprises.

There is no impenetrable wall in the world.

Other universities have naturally seen the various movements of Lingnan University of Technology.

It would be a lie to say that everyone has no ideas.

Many universities are showing their talents and want to improve their own teaching level by taking advantage of the technical strength of Nanshan-affiliated enterprises.

"Mr. Cao, a vice president of Capital University of Technology has contacted me and wants to strengthen cooperation with us in various fields such as vehicles, semiconductors, computers, and materials."

"Especially in the fields related to military products, they are very interested."

Ji Hua was a professor at the School of Mechanical and Vehicle Engineering of Capital University of Technology. Although he was not very good at school, the situation was completely different after he joined Nanshan Gearbox.

Today, Nanshan Gearbox is the undisputed number one in China.

Ji Hua, the general manager, naturally became an outstanding alumnus of Capital University of Technology.

He is an invited guest at the school anniversary held every five years.

It is normal for the vice president to come to the door this time.

"We welcome cooperation with all universities, which can fully mobilize the scientific research resources of universities."

"As one of the seven national defense institutions, Capital University of Technology has very strong research and development capabilities in the military industry."

"We can let Nanshan Automobile Group and Venusstar Technology and other companies strengthen cooperation with them."

The university that Cao Yang wants to deepen cooperation with will definitely not be the only Lingnan University of Technology.

Cao Yang will definitely not only hang on Lingnan University of Technology.

There is progress only when there is competition.

The same is true for cooperation with universities.

"I feel relieved when you say this. When the time comes, I will communicate with the Human Resources Department and let them connect with Capital University of Technology to see how to proceed next."

Ji Hua breathed a sigh of relief.

He was also worried that Cao Yang, as an alumnus of Lingnan University of Technology, would be biased against expanding cooperation with other universities.

Now it seems that he was just overthinking.

In order to maximize the development speed of the starship spacecraft and reduce production costs.

Many related parts are not produced one at a time, but in small batches of five.

In this way, Venustech can assemble more starship spacecraft at any time.

Of course, there will definitely be another kind of waste.

That is, after the first launch, if some parts need to be modified, then the parts that have been produced before will be scrapped.

So after a comprehensive internal evaluation, five parts will be produced in the first phase, with the ability to assemble five starship spacecraft.

After the first flight was successful, Venustech immediately announced that it would conduct a second launch test next month.

After this news was officially announced, it immediately caused heated discussions on the Internet.

"Venus Technology is amazing. It's been less than a month since the launch, and it's about to launch for the second time."

"I feel like we'll see the Starship spacecraft flying this year."

"It can carry 100 astronauts into space at a time, and astronauts from the Chang'e Space Station, the International Space Station, and the lunar orbital space station can all share rides."

"When will the lunar base be built? I'm looking forward to it."

"Can Venus Technology consider developing space tourism in the future? If 100 tickets are sold at a time, even if each ticket is only 10 million yuan, it can still make 1 billion yuan in revenue at a time, and it should not lose money."

"Who climbed over the wall to see it? Judging from the reactions of the polar bear and the United States, I seem to know. "

"Nanshan products must be high-quality. It's okay to say this anytime."

"Is Venusstar Technology still recruiting? I don't want a million-dollar annual salary, as long as I can get 100,000."

"There is a reason why Venusstar Technology has become the most popular company among college students in China."

"There is no harm without comparison. Venusstar Technology is so powerful. What do you think of Aerospace Technology?"

"Can Aerospace Technology be incorporated into Venusstar Technology in the future? The difference in level is getting bigger and bigger, right?"


Various comments have kept the popularity of Venusstar Technology high.

That's not all. Just when the heat of the matter had not subsided, Zhao Siyu came to report to Cao Yang a major discovery made by astronauts on the Venusstar Technology lunar orbit space station.

"Mr. Cao, our astronauts have observed something very special, which may have a great impact on our next stage of planning."

Zhao Siyu came to Cao Yang's office with a glorious face.

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