Rebirth 99 to become a car giant

Chapter 996: Venus 777's first flight is a success

In the past decade or so, China has been vigorously building high-speed railways, making the flow of people from different places much more convenient.

However, the entire country is too large, and relying solely on high-speed railways will certainly not meet the travel needs of everyone.

Therefore, the civil aviation market has been in a state of rapid development in the past decade or so, and various airlines have been constantly purchasing passenger aircraft.

For various airlines, they basically do not have many choices when purchasing aircraft, either from Boeing or Airbus.

Relying on the rapid increase in the Chinese market, Boeing and Airbus have also made a lot of money.

Although there is a competitive relationship between the two companies, when dealing with China, they will never easily tear down each other's platform on price.

The kind of thing that the sales price of aircraft is getting lower and lower under the competition between the two companies is not seen here.

It's not like the competition between Chinese companies. Even brother companies like CSR and CSR can cut prices to a loss-making price in order to grab orders.

This kind of approach is simply incredible in the eyes of many foreign companies.

It just so happens that Chinese companies will continue to do similar things for many years to come.

It seems that it will not be over until they get themselves killed.

For example, photovoltaic products, the whole world is looking for Chinese manufacturers to purchase them. Logically, China has full control over the pricing power of this product and should make a lot of money.

As a result, they can still make huge losses, which is really speechless.

In order to break the monopoly of Boeing and Airbus and allow China to use its own products on civil aviation aircraft, Shanghai Commercial Aircraft Corporation and Venusstar Technology have made considerable efforts.

Shanghai Commercial Aircraft Corporation's C919 successfully completed its maiden flight last year and is now carrying out various tests in full swing.

By then, the use problem of China's regional aircraft can be solved.

Venusstar Technology's Venusstar 777 is aimed at trunk technology and will compete with Boeing 777 and Airbus A350 for the market.

Once China has these two products, the pattern of civil aviation aircraft will be completely changed.

Even if the production capacity is limited at the beginning, it is necessary to continue to purchase some products from Boeing and Airbus, and the price will definitely drop significantly.

Their idea of ​​making money lying down will definitely not continue.

"Mr. Cao, the first flight of our Venus 777 will fly from Chang'an to Yangcheng. We can directly meet it at Baiyun Airport."

"We can watch the flight status of the aircraft and various related information at the control tower of Baiyun Airport."

Zhao Siyu personally accompanied Cao Yang to participate in the first flight of Venus 777.

In Chang'an City, Liu Tianwu and others will hold a simple ceremony to send off the aircraft, while in Yangcheng, Cao Yang and the leaders of Lingnan Province and Yangcheng City will go to the airport to meet it.

Although the manufacturing plant of large aircraft is located in Chang'an City, many design functions are still in Yangcheng.

The key is that the headquarters of Venus Technology is in Yangcheng, so Lingnan Province still attaches great importance to it.

"The relevant test items of the first flight should have been rehearsed before, so there will be no problems this time, right?"

In order to maximize the influence of Venus 777, many scenes of this first flight will also be broadcast live.

If there are some problems in the middle, it will definitely have an adverse impact on the subsequent final mass production, which Cao Yang does not want to see.

"Today is the first flight. There are very few test items. As long as we can fly smoothly from Chang'an to Yangcheng and complete the landing, it will be fine."

"We will conduct various flight maneuvers in the future, and we will also change the route to let the Venus 777 experience the test of various routes."

Zhao Siyu has made special arrangements for the first flight this time, and is naturally very confident.

The H-20, which is on the same platform as the Venus 777, has already had its first flight for a long time. The Venus 777 has only made its first flight now. If there are still problems, Zhao Siyu thinks it is necessary to conduct a thorough internal review to see if some people have become complacent.

After listening to Zhao Siyu's explanation, Cao Yang was completely relieved.

If there are still problems in this situation, then there is indeed a problem.


For Chinese netizens, the first flight of the Venus 777 is naturally a happy thing.

All airlines are also happy to see it happen.

After all, they are still very confident in the products produced by Venus Technology.

But for Boeing, this is bad news that cannot be any worse.

"David, the Chinese market is the aviation market with the greatest potential in the world. Now their C919 and Venus 777 have entered the stage of first flight, which has a great impact on us."

Milenburg communicated with David anxiously.

As the president of Boeing, he has not had an easy time in recent years.

Boeing has encountered many problems in both the civilian and military markets.

Especially the disappearance of Boeing 777 has brought them a lot of impact.

In order to cope with the rise of Venus Technology, Boeing began to exclude some Chinese engineers and managers from the core team.

Even tried to force them to leave.

Faced with these personnel changes, Muilenburg chose to use Indians to replace them.

After all, in the Internet and technology industries in the United States, the best people are Chinese and Indians.

It’s just that Muilenburg probably never imagined what results would be brought to Boeing after a large number of Tianzhu people took over.

"Now that the first flight is underway, it will still take some time before final mass production."

"And we will certainly not issue them an airworthiness certificate."

Boeing has had many rounds of discussions before on how to deal with the Daystar 777.

David has no way to come up with more brand-new perspectives now.

"The increase in the Chinese market alone will allow Venus 777 to be produced at full capacity for several years."

"The impact that our airworthiness certificate can have is probably not as big as we imagined."

Muilenburg did not fall into blind confidence.

It would really be nice if it was that easy to limit the other party.

"That's true, but the rise of China is an objective fact. If we want to deal with Daystar Technology, we can't just rely on Boeing to do it on its own."

“I think the views of some current presidential candidates can be put to good use when the time comes.”

"We need to trap China and tie the rope for their development. Otherwise, it may be difficult to completely stifle the development of Daystar Technology."

Muilenburg also agreed with David's statement.

Boeing's influence in the United States is still quite large, and Muilenburg is planning to meet up with a few big guys to have a good discussion.

We must make everyone fully aware of the crisis Boeing is facing now, and what impact it will have on the United States if Boeing loses its competitive advantage.

Boeing's troubles are actually Airbus's troubles.

One of them has the American market and the other has the European market, but the saturation of these two markets is relatively high, and the market growth is relatively limited.

If we cannot gain a larger share in China, the world's largest new market, we will suddenly go from a state of insufficient production capacity to a stage of overcapacity.

This situation is definitely not what they want to see.

"Chen, Venus Technology has officially announced that the first flight of the Venus 777 was a complete success. According to their plan, a cargo version of the product will be put into use by the end of this year."

"China Civil Aviation Company will also start purchasing Venus 777s for test flights next year, which is very detrimental to us."

"In recent years, we have also invested a lot of resources in our joint venture assembly plants in China."

"If the capacity utilization rate of our joint venture factories drops due to the emergence of the Venus 777, then all the reasons are caused by China itself."

"You need to communicate this risk with the joint venture parties."

Fabrice knew that his statement was not very convincing, but at least it could influence the Chinese aviation market from a side perspective.

Otherwise, we can't just watch Daystar Technology seize the Airbus A350 market while we ourselves don't make any movement at all.

"I am already planning to visit General Manager Zhao Tianling of AVIC the day after tomorrow to discuss this topic with him."

"The expansion of the joint venture's production capacity is entirely at the request of the joint venture parties."

"It would be a pity if the expanded production capacity is idle there now."

Although Chen Jumin is from China, as the general manager of Airbus China, he must think from the perspective of Airbus.

In fact, strictly speaking, the joint venture factory is mainly responsible for the production and assembly of some wings of the Airbus A320.

The emergence of the Venus 777 will not have any impact on them at all. After all, the Airbus A350 is the competitor of the Venus 777, but this aircraft is not assembled in the joint venture factory.

"Try to make the impact as serious as possible to prevent China from making such big moves."

"Civil aviation aircraft are very important products and have extremely high requirements for safety performance. They cannot be put into the market directly after simple testing. That would be irresponsible to consumers."

Fabrice's current situation is similar to Muilenburg's. They can't find a better way to prevent the rise of Daystar Technology.

People want technology and technology, relationships and connections, and markets and markets. What are you going to do to stop them?

"I heard before that Internet public opinion in China is very influential. Is it possible to create a view on the Internet that the Venus 777 is unsafe, thereby affecting the mass production of the Venus 777?"

Although Fabrice is over 50 years old, his thinking is still relatively flexible and he can keep up with the pulse of the development of the times.

But his understanding of the Chinese Internet market is obviously not deep enough.

"Fabrice, China's largest social media website is a brother company of Daystar Technology, and China's largest film and television company is also a brother company of Daystar Technology."

"Many other websites are inextricably related to Daystar Technology. Even Nanshan Investment is an investor in many Internet companies."

"Under such circumstances, it would be very difficult for us to engage in a public opinion war on the Internet."

Chen Jumin explained with a wry smile.

If this move was effective, he would have used it long ago.

But in China, let alone using this trick to achieve any good results, it is very good if it can avoid being counterattacked.

"Then what other ways are there to ruin the reputation of Daystar 777?

Fabrice asked relentlessly.

"If you must do this, I think you can consider asking BBC or Reuters and other media to help promote it."

"First form a wave of public opinion offensive abroad, and then guide it on the Internet in China to see if you can bring the rhythm up."

After a little thought, Chen Jumin gave his own plan.

Although the influence of media such as BBC in China is not as great as it was more than a decade ago, there are still some people who recognize it.

In particular, some public intellectuals often like to move some views from BBC to the Chinese Internet.

"Since you say so, then let's do it this way first."

Fabris has no better plan, so he can only do it this way first.


"Mr. Cao, congratulations, the first flight of Venusstar 777 went very smoothly, and subsequent mass production is just around the corner."

Airbus acted quickly, and Chen Jumin soon visited Zhao Tianling.

Although Zhao Tianling knew that Venusstar Technology would not change its layout because of Airbus's ideas, some information communication and exchange could still be done.

At least let Cao Yang know that AVIC is actually supporting Venusstar Technology, even at the cost of offending the joint venture partner.

"We have carried out a very full rotation in the product design stage of Venusstar 777, in order to minimize the modification in the prototype testing stage."

"Now it seems that the previous efforts have not been in vain."

"This also proves that the various industrial software modules related to the aerospace industry produced by Yangcheng Zhongwang have very advanced performance and are not inferior to imported software at all."

Cao Yang must talk about the efforts and contributions of Venusstar Technology at this time.

The current achievements did not fall from the sky.

"Yangcheng Zhongwang's software is really good. All the factories under our AVIC are now using their software."

"The market share of those imported software manufacturers such as Dassault in China has dropped significantly."

Zhao Tianling first exchanged pleasantries with Cao Yang for ten minutes before continuing: "Just now, someone from Airbus came to visit me. AVIC talked about the capacity utilization rate of their joint venture factories in China and hoped that we could interfere with the development of the Venus 777."

"They underestimated our awareness too much. The emergence of the Venus 777 is of great benefit to the entire Chinese aviation industry."

"Now Airbus actually wants us to abolish our own martial arts. It's simply a daydream."

Zhao Tianling first stated AVIC's attitude to avoid misunderstanding Cao Yang.

Cao Yang naturally expressed his gratitude for this.

Even though he knew that even if AVIC wanted to make something happen, it would not have any effect.

But you can't even thank them verbally for their kindness.

The world is not about fighting and killing, and you should pay attention to this aspect when doing business.

Otherwise, if you stumble, you won’t know who caused it.

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