Rebirth: Ancient Sword God

Chapter 1036: Cultivation breakthrough

The first thousand and thirty-six chapters of cultivation base breakthrough

Lin Hao rushed out of the millstone of the God of War and found that the seniors and seniors were all there.

Huo Cang said with excitement on his face, "Little Junior Brother, congratulations, Yuanzun's realm, the battle body has reached its peak, comparable to the fifth-order divine body, perhaps, you don't need to wait for you to light the fire to break the battle. The limit of the body!"

The limit of the battle body is to reach the level of the fifth-order divine body through an explosion after igniting the divine fire.

Lin Hao is now separated from the Divine Fire Realm, the Holy Realm, and the Emperor Realm, but the two barriers have reached the limit of the battle body. Now no one will feel that he will not be improved in the next two barriers.

"I would also like to thank you for the power of the world's origin given by the big brother before, otherwise I am afraid it will be difficult to complete this breakthrough." Lin Hao said.

Without Huo Cang's vigorous world origin power, it is estimated that Lin Hao would have to take a lot of time to truly take this step.

Huo Cang smiled and said, "Three days later, it will be time for me to go to the God Realm to start the battle. Little Junior Brother, you will go together at that time."

"Yes, big brother." Lin Hao replied. The battle in three days will be extremely fierce. Lin Hao really wants to see how powerful the top **** king is!

"Big brother..." Nie Ru frowned slightly.

"Don't worry, the seven great kings who attacked the younger brother ten thousand years ago are no longer in the lower three-day God Realm, and the next three-day God Realm does not dare to attack the younger brother on the spot." Huo Cang said very confidently.

"It's okay, I'll be responsible for the safety of Junior Brother!" Yang Guang said, patting his chest.

"Big brother, the seven great kings who shot me at the beginning, went to middle school for three days?" Lin Hao asked immediately.

Huo Cang didn't conceal it either, saying: "I asked other people in the Void God Realm to investigate before. The seven **** kings who shot tens of thousands of years ago went to a secret place in the gods. As for where it is, it is not yet known."

Lin Hao did not continue to ask.

Sooner or later, he would ask them to settle accounts with those seven great kings. Now his strength has not reached that level. Knowing so much is of no use. He also never thought of letting the brothers and sisters of the God of War help him take revenge. Some things, You have to do it yourself!


After coming out of the God of War grinding pan, Lin Hao also learned from the second senior sister Nie Ru that the big brother had evolved the way of the king for Jiang Chen, and now Jiang Chen is in retreat.

As for the third senior brother Yang Guang, the battle body has also broken through to the level that it can be comparable to the fifth-order divine body, but it seems that there is an urgent matter to deal with, and he has already left the Temple of War!

In the palace where he lived, Lin Hao continued to run his vitality and blood, warming his body.

It's just this step now, and the physique has reached the lowest standard of a Tier 5 divine body. As for how to improve in the future, Lin Hao has not yet thought of a way.

The Qi-blood diagram of ancient martial art has no effect.

Although he has not found a way to continue to improve his combat body, he believes that he can definitely find a way before the Divine Fire Realm.

Before the Divine Fire Realm, the stronger the battle body, and after lighting the Divine Fire to reach the Divine Realm, some peculiarities of the battle body technique will also explode. At that time, you can spend less time and effort.

For example, Lin Hao's battle body is only initially on par with the Tier 5 divine body. If it has been maintained like this, it will definitely help him overcome this hurdle when the divine fire is lit.

And if he raises the battle body to a level comparable to the Tier 6 Divine Body before igniting the Divine Fire, after igniting the Divine Fire, this special power of inheritance erupts, helping him to cross the hurdle, which is to surpass the Tier 6 Divine Body!

The limit of the battle body is to compete with the fifth-order divine body.

However, he is completely sure of one thing, that is, to reach the level of competing with the sixth-order divine body, the resources it needs to consume are more terrifying than all the previous accumulations, and besides, the difficulty is more The accumulation of all the difficulties in the process of tempering the battle body is countless times more difficult!

After all, in the later stages of combat body training, the degree of difficulty is almost a hundredfold and a thousandfold increase. The farther you go on the road ahead, the better. The improvement after lighting the fire can also maximize its effect!

After a day of warming up his body with qi and blood, Lin Hao spent another day to cultivate the sword canon!

The improvement of the battle body has also increased the speed of absorbing the power of the heavens and the earth a lot, and the number of swords that can be accommodated has also been greatly improved, even if it is still the 9th level of the Yuanzun realm, but the overall combat power is more A lot stronger.

With the combination of qi and blood and Jian Yuan, urged in accordance with the qi and blood circulation route of ancient martial arts, the erupted divine power can be used for a longer time!

With the divine power he can now explode, Lin Hao also has a clearer understanding in his heart after going through the previous events in the Pantheon and Yang Guang's explanation.

The powers of the gods and the real gods use divine power.

The strong of the gods and the strong of the false gods use the power of immortality.

When it comes to the Divine King Realm, this is based on the power of the world.

The divine power that Lin Hao exploded now was similar to the divine power used by the monks in the Divine Fire Realm, and his divine power quality seemed very weak to the strong in the True Divine Realm.

In other words, if Lin Hao encounters some powerful players who are new to the Divine Fire Realm, Lin Hao can fight one or two moves with his explosive power. It is completely impossible to kill the opponent. After one or two fights, he will also lose all the opponents. The strength of the enemy.

If it's against the true gods, you don't have to think about fighting at all, you can flee as far as you can.

If the opponent is only the cultivation base of the emperor realm, all the divine powers will explode at once, and the probability of killing the emperor realm is very high. However, the timing must be very accurate. After all, the strong of the emperor realm, not a fool, will stand there and let you attack , And it’s easy for a **** realm powerhouse to defeat the emperor realm. It takes a lot of energy to kill the emperor realm powerhouse.

Fighting against the holy realm, with the might of divine power, under the great sage, it is not difficult to kill the opponent in seconds, but it is slightly more difficult to reach the great sage.

Of course, Lin Hao was not so arrogant that he felt that he could be unimpeded among the Saint Realm powerhouses in the True Martial Realm. The explosion of divine power was a great consumption after all. Once the divine power was consumed, he would become weak. A few, I am afraid that my divine power has already bottomed out before the killing is finished!

Constantly thinking about these things, Lin Hao's understanding of his martial arts path became clearer.

One day passed, and the condensed Jian Yuan in his body had reached a limit, and a strong force washed away in every inch of flesh and blood!

The realm of cultivation will also break through!

Lin Hao greeted the second senior sister Nie Ru with divine thoughts, and rushed directly to the place where the rules of heaven and earth are perfect in the God of War Palace, leading to the disaster of heaven and earth!


A huge thunder blasted, and a terrifying purple electric light descended. Lin Hao waved his sword. The powerful battle body, pure sword essence, combined with the God of War Sword, used the God of War sword technique, and it was broken with one sword. The first thunder robbery.

Then, his entire body, like an invincible god, rushed directly into the thundercloud!

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