Rebirth: Ancient Sword God

Chapter 1050: Return to the East

The first thousand and fifty chapters return to the Eastern Region

After Huo Cang confessed to Lin Hao, he continued to enter a state of retreat.

Jiang Chen was still comprehending his own martial arts road, and Lin Hao directly entered the God of War Millstone and continued to refine his own combat body.

Although Huo Cang and Yang Guang are in retreat, Nie Ru also has to deal with the affairs of the God of War Palace, but this time, the God of War Palace has recalled a pseudo-god realm powerhouse who guards the passage outside, and this person opened the God of War for Lin Hao. .

This time he used the God of War mill to refine the battle body, and he had clearly noticed the bottleneck. This bottleneck did not exist in himself, but came from the inheritance of the battle body.

The limit of the inheritance of the battle body is comparable to that of the fifth-order divine body. Under normal circumstances, it is only when the divine fire is ignited and the divine realm cultivation base is achieved before this bottleneck will be encountered. However, his situation is too special after all.

After persisting for two days, Lin Hao left the God of War mill.

Lin Hao’s breakthrough was temporarily put aside by Lin Hao. After a while, he will return to the Eastern Region of the True Martial Realm. There is a prerequisite, that is, the cultivation base below the holy realm can participate in the competition for this place.

The battle body has encountered a bottleneck, and the cultivation level is temporarily not suitable for improvement, but it does not mean that Lin Hao has nothing to do.

This time, I entered the God Realm and watched the battle of the big brother entering the Invincible God King. The combination of the nine-character mantra used by Huo Cang and his own boxing method gave Lin Hao a lot of inspiration. Moreover, the God King powerhouse on the side of the Protoss played Lin Hao also had an impression of a sacred technique, especially the point of Cang Shenzhi, he already mastered it.

Therefore, Lin Hao went directly to the place where he practiced martial arts in the God of War, recalling Huo Cang’s fighting style, combining his own characteristics of swordsmanship, and integrating the power of the nine-character mantra of the battle body into the swordsmanship, and then he was already in the spirit of cooperation. The ranks of Heavenly Mark Swords, the swordsmanship of the God of War, are accumulating bit by bit, and their sharpness and sharpness are becoming more and more terrifying.

In addition to the God of War sword technique evolved by combining the nine-character mantra of the battle body, Lin Hao also incorporated these insights into the sword technique of dying in the Heaven-against Sword Classic, and his power skyrocketed.

As for the secret technique of Rank Nine Against the Sky, Lin Hao can now use the power of Rank Six at will, and his body will not be overwhelmed.

Of course, at this level, the cultivation technique of Nine Turns Against the Heavens can no longer achieve a level of cultivation that crosses one layer in one turn. After the Nine Turns Against the Heavens broke out with six turns, he estimated that his strength was already equivalent to the triple level of the Holy Realm. , That is, reversing Jian Yuan twice, the strength skyrocketed!

The secret technique of Nine Turns Against the Heavens broke out, and the power of the nine-character mantra of the battle body was attached to the swordsmanship. In the face of the three-tier powerhouse in the holy realm, Lin Hao had absolute confidence to kill directly.

Whether it is the explosion of divine power or the use of true **** war puppets, although they have very strong power, they have great limitations. After the divine power is used up, they will have no combat power at all. True **** war puppets can use it. The time is only that short, and the explosion of the secret technique of Nine Turns Against the Sky can give Lin Hao a lasting combat power.

Regrettably, the secret technique of the Nine Turns Against Heaven will conflict with the explosion of divine power. After all, after Jian Yuan is reversed, it will no longer be able to merge with Qi and blood.

After practicing the swordsmanship for several days, Lin Hao shifted his focus to the practice of Dian Cang God Finger.

This is the one hundred and eight divine methods of the God Realm, the one that ranks first, and the three-day temple, based on divine methods, created one hundred and eight alien races, the strength of the Cang race in this alien race , Ranked in the top ten.

As for the Cang Clan’s innate magical powers, the Cang God Finger is far from the one displayed by the God King of the God Clan. Lin Hao is now using his original grasp to increase the power of this Cang God Finger. Can reach the true power of this divine law.

At that time, fighting against the Cang clan, caught off guard, used a Cang clan's point finger, and it was stronger than the Cang clan's display, it would definitely surprise them!

The divine cultivation of the Protoss also has a lot to do with physique. Lin Hao has a strong physique and can stand shoulder to shoulder with the fifth-order divine body, so the process of comprehending this point of the blue god's finger is quite smooth.

Unconsciously, several more days passed. For the past few days, Lin Hao has been evolving the use of the power of the Blue God Finger in his mind. Now, these thoughts are extremely clear and clear, and he suddenly let out a soft drink. A finger pointed out suddenly.

The domineering Jian Yuan, as well as the majestic strength of Qi and blood, condensed into a strand, turned into a divine power, and then followed Lin Hao's fingertips and shot out.


A beam of light is fleeting.

A finger-deep pit appeared on the wall of this training room made of obsidian gold!

You know, this obsidian gold is extremely hard, and even strong in the emperor realm can't destroy it. Lin Hao exploded with divine power, and the power of the point blue **** finger on display was also evident!


When Lin Hao finished his martial arts training and walked out of the training room, he learned that Jiang Chen had also left.

Jiang Chen’s road of martial arts was a road to the **** king. It was just a rudiment before, but after Huo Cang used the power of the world to deduced him once, he next went on this road of martial arts. It will be a lot smoother, without a lot of bottlenecks that warriors need to face, and you can advance all the way, and finally prove to be the king of God!

Moreover, in the temple where the Pantheon moved back, Jiang Chen has also been baptized by the temple, and his physique can also compete with the third-order gods. It can be said that now the entire Zhenwu world has the potential to exceed Jiang Chen, and only Lin Hao is alone!

After all, Lin Hao's physique is already able to compete with the Tier 5 divine body, and the road to the **** king has already taken a big step!

Jiang Chen's potential has grown, and Lin Hao is happy for him. Moreover, Lin Hao already knows that on the side of the God of War Palace, he has also saved a world seed for the Jiang family, and can help the Jiang family to set foot on the way of the king.

This quota is very likely to fall on Jiang Huanyu. Once the Jiang family has two strong **** kings, then the pattern of the thirty-sixth palace of the Void God Realm will be broken, and the Void God Realm Void that was destroyed in the previous life The shrine will reappear!


Lin Hao and Jiang Chen found Nie Ru together.

"Senior Sister, I have discussed with Brother Jiang and decided to return to Zhenwu Realm now!" Lin Hao said.

Jiang Chen also bowed to Nie Ru, saying: "The Palace of the Gods of War is kind to my Jiang family, and the Jiang family will never forget it. After Palace Master Huo leaves the customs, he will have to trouble Palace Master Nie to speak to Palace Master Huo again on my behalf. Thanks."

Nie Ru nodded and said, "Little Junior Brother, Jiang Chen, the real martial arts world is turbulent and dangerous. You both have the great potential to prove that you are the king of gods. Therefore, in the real martial arts world, when you encounter danger, don’t be arrogant. , Our human warriors in the Void God Realm, for some special reasons, cannot go to the True Martial Realm at will and cannot help you.

After you reach the Divine King Realm, you can do more for our human race.

Let's go, I will send you to the passage point connecting the Void God Realm and the Eastern Region. "

Subsequently, Nie Ru took Lin Hao and Jiang Chen and left the Temple of War.

Same as last time, Nie Ru greeted, and the virtual **** realm powerhouse guarding the passage opened the passage. Then Lin Hao and Jiang Chen entered the passage and returned to the Eastern Region!

Eastern Region, there are many things waiting for them!

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