Rebirth: Ancient Sword God

Chapter 1064: Secret method promotion

The first thousand and sixty-four chapters of mystery promotion

Lin Hao's real small world manifested, but it did not show all its power.

After just maintaining it for a while, it exploded.

Of course, the explosion of the small world was also done deliberately by Lin Hao, and it was not really the explosion of the small world.

After Lin Hao's power exploded, the power in this area became more chaotic. Even the strong in the holy realm could not perceive everything here.

The expressions of all the aliens were shaken. They saw Lin Hao's small world explode, thinking that Lin Hao must have fallen into it.

When the chaotic power calmed down a bit, it was true that there was no trace of Lin Hao in that area.


Most of the Yuanzun realm peak martial artists of foreign races showed a touch of excitement. It was of great significance to kill Lin Hao. After all, Lin Hao was the top talent of the Human race, and it was countless times more important than the other talents of the Human race.

But at this moment, Cang Feng's expression condensed, and he thought of Lin Hao's mysterious scene at the beginning of the battle.

"Don't be careless, he hides it!" Cang Feng shouted.

However, as soon as his words fell, Lin Hao had already appeared next to a Cang Clan's Yuanzun realm peak powerhouse, and a sword pierced out suddenly.


This sword pierced directly into the body of this Cang Clan’s Yuanzun realm peak martial artist, and then, the terrifying Jian Yuan broke out, directly destroying the flesh and blood of this guy, and even left indelible in his soul. trauma!

In the first battle, the human race had killed seven aliens, and now there are only three people left to kill.

Cang Feng, the prince of the Cang clan, has a recommended quota and cannot be killed.

However, it does not mean that Lin Hao will arbitrarily waste the remaining three killable quotas. Lin Hao will leave these three quotas to the Yu Clan, Bone Clan, and Fire Clan's three-dimensional Supreme Realm. By.

Those three guys did not appear here this time.

Therefore, Lin Hao's sword only abolished the Yuanzun realm Tianjiao of the Cang Clan.

The strongest must be killed!

Because the strongest ones, even if their cultivation bases are abolished, the aliens are willing to spend a great price to help them restore their strength.

Abolish those who can't get better, and the aliens are not willing to pay a huge price to help them restore their strength.

At the level of Yuanzun realm, the abolished warrior wants to recover, and the cost is quite terrifying!


Cang Feng yelled and rushed towards Lin Hao first. At this time, he did not dare to let his subordinates burst into a remote attack with violent power as before. In that case, it would cause power chaos, and maybe it would give Lin Hao again. Amidst the chaotic power, an opportunity was found to hide the hidden breath.

In close combat, under everyone's eyes, Lin Hao had no chance to hide his breath and hide!

Cang Feng, who rushed towards Lin Hao, burst into an extremely flaming white light, his strength, constantly increasing, and the richness of his aura, in the blink of an eye, had surpassed the average strong person who had entered the Holy Realm.

He used the secret method to temporarily increase his cultivation strength.

Regardless of the peak of the Yuanzun realm, it is only one step away from the holy realm, but the gap between them is a big difference. It can temporarily raise the peak of the Yuanzun realm to the level of the first stage of the holy realm. Cang Feng here The secret method that is displayed at the time, the rank is quite high!

Cang Feng shouted violently at this time, wearing a pair of imperial soldiers' fists, and slammed it at Lin Hao!

The power of the strong sacred law emerges.

The power of this blow has been able to directly suppress the vast majority of powerhouses who have just entered the Holy Realm!

Lin Hao snorted coldly, swung his sword across, and the sword aura was vertical and horizontal, pushing back the other strong aliens who rushed towards him, and then the Jian Yuan in his body instantly reversed.

Nine turns against the sky, sixth turn!

At this level of cultivation, Lin Hao used the secret technique of Nine Turns Against the Heavens, and he could no longer do what he had done before.

With the explosion of the power of Rank 6 against the sky, Lin Hao's cultivation level temporarily increased the triple realm, directly reaching the power of the triple holy realm!

Perish, return to the ruins!

Lin Hao pierced out with a sword, and at the tip of the sword, the power of the law exuded palpitating fluctuations.

A thick horror flashed across Cang Feng's pupils. His feelings were extremely strong. Lin Hao, like himself, possessed the incomparably powerful secret method, and within a short time, he also possessed the cultivation of the Holy Realm!

The main reason that frightened Cang Feng was the improvement brought by Lin Hao's secret method, which was much stronger than his improvement.

The power of the law pervading the position of the sword tip is like a river, and the power of the law from his fists is just a stream!


At the tip of the Tianhen Sword, the power of law that burst out instantly broke the power of law carried in Cang Feng's fists.


Lin Hao changed his sword skills and used the God of War sword technique. The power of the mantra of the word'column' and the mantra of the word'Jie' broke out at the same time. The power of the law contained in the Tianshen sword also carried the special power of these two mantras. .

The power of the nine-character mantra of the battle body, even if it is as powerful as Huo Cang in the God of War Palace, the realm of the gods still has infinite magical effects, and can produce blessings to the power of the world's origin!

The mantra of the word ‘Column’ tears everything apart.

The mantra of the word ‘all’ relieves everything.

The power of these two words of mantra, combined with the burst of law and the sharpness of the **** soldier Tianhen, ignored the broken light that Cang Feng hurriedly condensed on the surface of his body, and then he sneered and drew from his shoulder. abdomen!

Immediately afterwards, another violent explosion sounded, and the armor of the rank nine imperial soldier that Cang Feng was wearing was torn!

Cang Feng's face was extremely pale, if it weren't for the armor of the emperor's armor, he would have been split in half by Lin Hao just now!

Even if Lin Hao didn't kill him, he would lose all his fighting power!

This scene directly shocked the martial artists Cang Feng had brought. Only the six Cang Clan's Yuanzun realm peak martial artists rushed forward desperately, and the other four martial artists hesitated.

Lin Hao yelled coldly, his sword moves changed.

Nirvana swordsmanship, slaughter!

Lin Hao exploded with a group of sword attacks, the force of the law turned into countless swords, and shot out.

This area was immediately overwhelmed by the sword of law.

"Give it all to me!" Cang Feng roared, and suddenly, those four race martial artists who hesitated didn't dare not go up at this time and rushed towards Lin Hao.


Every warrior of a foreign race needs to face several swords of law at the same time, and cannot get close to Lin Hao at all.

And Lin Hao shuttled in the ocean where the sword of law turned into, and within a short time, there were three foreign Yuanzun realm peak martial artists, who were abolished by Lin Hao.

Cang Feng hid away, not daring to approach.

He was really scared.

He now needs to wait for the opportunity. He doesn't believe that Lin Hao can maintain such a strong power with the secret method for a long time. Once Lin Hao becomes weak, he will shoot again!

At this moment, Kuilei, who was hiding in the dark, had already quietly approached this area. His gaze retracted from Lin Hao, suppressing the shock in his heart, and staring at this time, all his attention was focused on Lin Hao. On his body, Cang Feng, the Cang clan prince who lost the armor of the emperor!

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