Rebirth: Ancient Sword God

Chapter 1216: God of War Armor

Thousandth Chapter 216 Armor of God of War


In the distance, the Heavenly Mark Sword erupted with a crisp sound of sword ming, and flew back to Lin Hao's hand instantly.

God of War swordsmanship, nine to one sword.

Lin Hao exploded with the most powerful sword move, forcing back the overlord, the imperial powerhouse of the purple blood.

The strong emperor of the Yin Clan also flew over.

The three alien emperors were half-enclosed, staring at Lin Hao.

"Hmph, Lin Hao, you are already at the end of the crossbow, this time, you are dead!" The overlord cried loudly, his whole body of power, intertwined with flesh and blood, his tone arrogant and full of confidence.

Lin Hao raised his eyelids slightly, and the blood in his eyes faded. The force of the seventh turn of the Nine Turns Against the Heavens was against Yin and Yang. His tyrannical body was indeed able to support him, but his cultivation level was not enough. The use of these secret techniques would cause him The consumption is too large.

Seeing that the aura on Lin Hao's body had weakened a lot, the imperial realm powerhouse of the Purple Blood Race sneered and said: "Even the secret method can't be maintained. What are you going to use to fight? Just your sacred realm cultivation base, you can't use true gods. Fighting puppet, still wanting to protect this dragon robbery? It's just a dream!"

"Don't waste time!"

The powerful emperor of the Yin Clan is a little impatient and wants to kill Lin Hao. Now the entire True Martial Realm knows Lin Hao's multiple identities. Killing Lin Hao is a great achievement on the side of the Protoss. Now that no other powerhouse entered the Hualongchi space and destroyed the dragon vein transformation, then only the three of them would divide up the boundless luck.

"Ba Shi Shen Fist!"

The overlord imperial realm powerhouse blasted out with a punch, and the fist seemed to carry the mighty world.

The strong imperial realm of the Purple Blood Race, with countless purple auras gushing out of his body, it turned into an amethyst knife and cut it down at Lin Hao.

A strong man in the emperor realm of the hidden clan, pinching the seal art, a mark full of mystery and strangeness floated out, and everything he passed was turned into nothingness.

The powerful ultimate moves displayed by these three major alien imperial realm powerhouses are extremely terrifying.

Faced with this situation, Lin Hao's mouth swept across an icy arc, he didn't dodge, but instead rushed forward, taking the initiative to rush into the center of the power played by the three powerful alien emperors!

His figure was concealed, submerged, and swallowed by the light of destruction intertwined by three different heaven and earth forces!

And just in the next moment.

A more brilliant golden light emerged, directly suppressing the light of destruction.

"Boom boom boom!"

A huge roar spread, and the unique tricks displayed by the three major alien imperial realms were all destroyed!

Immediately afterwards, wearing a golden armor, Lin Hao rushed out of the core area where the power exploded. Compared to before, his momentum skyrocketed ten times.

God of War armor, finally used!

This was the second-generation descendant of the God of War, that is, the armor of the God of War left by the owner of the essence of the battle body that Lin Hao obtained.

That person, at first, also almost walked out of the powerful existence of the Invincible God King. After the failure, he was discouraged and returned to the True Martial Realm before finally passing away.

When Lin Hao got the armor of the God of War, on the surface, the armor of the God of War appeared to be business as usual. In fact, many of the core formations and special materials inside had been damaged.

Later, when Lin Hao entered the Void God Realm, Nie Ru, the second palace lord of the God of War Palace, took the armor of the God of War and repaired it.

Now, the armor of the God of War has been completely restored. It can be said that this is a treasure of the God King!

Yang Guang brought out the armor of the God of War this time and handed it to Lin Hao. He said that with Lin Hao's method, with the armor of the God of War in his hand, the threat to him would be very limited if he didn't attain the cultivation base of the God of Fire.

The reason why he didn't take out the armor of the God of War at the beginning was mainly because he also wanted to try how hard he could reach.

It’s probably already in my mind that the desperate outbreak is not difficult to kill the strong who first entered the Emperor Realm, but it’s already extremely difficult to suppress two strong ones who have just entered the Emperor Realm, as in the current situation. , Don’t look at it for a while, but it’s dragged on and there is no chance of winning.

At this time, Lin Hao didn't need to think about defense at all, just attacking with all his strength.

His whole person, like a shining golden sun, violently looted towards the nearest overlord imperial realm powerhouse.

In the sky-scarred sword, divine power surged and cut out with one sword.

"Ba Shi Shen Fist!"

The overlord's imperial realm powerhouse, frowned wildly, hitting the strongest attack.

But Lin Hao didn't care about the fist marks all over the sky. Although these fist marks fell on his body, through the armor of the God of War, although these powers were not completely blocked, with Lin Hao's physical strength, he didn't have to worry about getting injured.

Even Lin Hao's violent plundering speed did not stop even Lin Hao's violent plunder.


The Heavenly Mark Sword, which contained ample divine power, slashed at the shoulder of the powerful emperor of the overlord.

The Tyrant Clan, an emperor realm powerhouse, is not weak, and he suddenly grabbed the Skymark Sword with both hands, preventing it from splitting his body!

"kill him!"

The overlord imperial realm powerhouse roared, so that the emperor realm powerhouse of the hidden race and the purple blood race immediately started.

Lin Hao let out a cold snort, and a large amount of divine power surged in his body again and entered the sky-scarred sword.

The Tianhen Sword has become sharper!

Lin Hao cut off the power of the imperial realm of the Tyrant Clan, the palms of both hands and one shoulder.

The attacks of the purple blood tribe and the Yin tribe powerhouse fell on Lin Hao at this time.

His body shook a little, but he didn't suffer much damage. At this time, Lin Hao ignored the two guys at all, and with his sword, he slammed at the overlord emperor realm powerhouse.

This is the strongest, kill him, the other two are easy to solve!

In the next scene, if someone sees it here, his jaw will fall to the ground, absolutely shocked.

The powerful imperial realm of the overlord was chopped into pieces by Lin Hao like melons and vegetables!

As for the Hidden Race and the Purple Blood Race's imperial realm powerhouses, fear and panic were also in their hearts at this time. No matter what they do, they can't stop Lin Hao from attacking the Overlord Realm. They are already thinking about how Lin Hao solves the Overlord Realm. After the imperial realm powerhouse, use this method to deal with them, what should they do?

Apart from waiting to die, there seems to be no other way.


Lin Hao let out a violent shout, and another burst of divine power cut out, the Tyrant Clan, the emperor realm powerhouse, finally died in Lin Hao's hands.

"It's you guys!"

Lin Hao's gaze was like two peerless divine swords, looking at the hidden and purple blood imperial realm powerhouses who had been attacking him just now.

At this moment, the two powerhouses were uncontrollably showing a coldness, and their hearts trembled!

Thick fear, the shadow of death, enveloped them.

Lin Hao didn't care about so much, so he rushed forward with the sword and appeared in front of the purple blood clan powerhouse, a sword light that wanted to separate the world from the earth flickered.

Nirvana swordsmanship, heaven and earth line.


Countless purple crystals shattered into powder at this moment.

The purple blood tribe, the imperial realm powerhouse, also stepped into the footsteps of the overlord realm powerhouse. In the blink of an eye, I don’t know how many swords were cut by Lin Hao, the body and the soul, I don’t know how many pieces were broken into pieces. !

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