Rebirth: Ancient Sword God

Chapter 1243: Wushuangdao

Thousandth 243 chapters Wushuang Island

Lin Hao was in this sea of ​​blood, his expression as usual.

The swordsmanship in this underground palace has a cultivation base of the seventh level of the holy realm. Even if the swordsmanship is a bit weird, it can't pose a threat to Lin Hao.

When a sharp sword hidden in a sea of ​​blood was about to pierce Lin Hao's eyebrows, Lin Hao let out a cold snort, a huge storm of mental power swept away, the sea of ​​blood shattered, all illusions disappeared, and a sword was transformed. The big sword he made appeared before him.


The big sword made by Lin Hao's Jian Yuan blocked the sword that the opponent pierced, and the big sword slashed down. How could this seven-layered swordsman in the holy realm be able to stop Lin Hao's power, without the power to resist, he was caught Spreading on the ground.

"The adult is forgiving, the little one has eyes but doesn't know Mount Tai. He offended and smashed the adult, and asked the adult Haihan. From now on, I will be the Sword Master of Blood Fiend.

This guy immediately begged for mercy, without the strength of a great saint.

Lin Hao didn't respond, stood with his hand held down, and turned to look at the surrounding arrangements.

And the Blood Fiend Sword Saint lying on the ground, seeing Lin Hao ignore him, a cold light flashed in his eyes, suddenly broke out again, a sword pierced Lin Hao's heart.


Lin Hao yelled, Jian Yuan turned into countless sword auras, and every sword aura contained the power of his law. As soon as he acted, Lin Hao controlled the sword aura. The body was shattered, leaving only a ball of soul.

The reason why this Blood Fiend Sword Saint still has a trace of soul remains, is also Lin Hao deliberately.

Lu Yi, a line of buried sky, in this endless sea, Lin Hao wants to investigate the truth, so naturally he can’t use his real name, otherwise, once Lu Yi learns about his whereabouts in the endless sea, he can easily control his whereabouts. I lost the opportunity and fell into passiveness everywhere.

Therefore, he has to arrange an identity for himself, so he must know everything about this Blood Fiend Sword Saint.

Lin Hao's majestic mental power suppressed this group of spirits, and then directly used the most powerful means to extract the memories from the spirits!

After a while, Lin Hao learned about the Blood Fiend Sword Saint, and the spirit of the Blood Fiend Sword Saint was forcibly extracted by Lin Hao and disappeared.


It took a long time to scan the life experience of the Blood Fiend Sword Saint.

This guy has no sect family background. He is just a casual cultivator. When he was young, by chance, he obtained a blood evil sword art and embarked on the road of martial arts practice.

The Blood Fiend Sword Art is an extremely vicious technique. This person has practiced for hundreds of years and killed an unknown number of people for cultivation.

About 30 years ago, he destroyed several family forces, selected three young warriors with extremely outstanding talents, erased their memories, accepted them as disciples, and cultivated on this island. Those three disciples In the end, they all became the stepping stones for him to improve his cultivation, and it was precisely those three disciples with outstanding talents that he was able to step into the realm of the Great Sage.

Originally, Lin Hao's plan was to borrow the name of the Blood Fiend Swordmaster to gain a foothold in this North Sea.

In the name of the Blood Fiend Sword Saint, there is still a relatively large risk of piercing the help. Although the Blood Fiend Sword Saint has been on this island for more than 30 years and has been repaired, he has not much contact with outsiders, but someone will always know some of his secrets. .

Now, he has a better choice.

The three disciples of the Blood Fiend Sword Saint were all found by him in extremely remote places, and they were all wiped out by the Blood Fiend Sword Saint. Therefore, borrowing the identity of the Blood Fiend Sword Saint disciple is better than that of the Blood Fiend Sword Saint. More appropriate!

Lin Hao retracted the curtain, raised his hand with a wave of sword energy, piercing the ground, and shooting towards the sky.

His figure flew out and stood over the island, shouting loudly: "Old **** thief, slaughter my door, erase my memory, let me treat him as a master, and treat me as his cultivation furnace. Fortunately, God opened his eyes, and the old blood evil dog swallowed my cultivation base and died after suffering a backlash. I also recovered my memory. From now on, I Jian Wushuang will use this island as the foundation. Don’t enter my training ground at will, otherwise, there will be no mercy!"

When the voice fell, a large rock in the island was lifted by Lin Hao's power and stood in the center of the island.

Several sword air lasses, split the big stone into a huge stone sword, and carved the three characters Wushuangdao on the stone sword!

Then, Lin Hao took out all the life-long collections of the Blood Fiend Sword Saint, and arranged an eighth-order formation on Wushuang Island. Suddenly, in this desolate island, the vitality began to become abundant, and the sword energy began to rise. .

After completing all this, Lin Hao returned to the island. He could perceive that at this moment, no less than ten spiritual powers flashed above Wushuang Island.

The reason for such a high profile is naturally to attract the attention of the Thousand Island Sect. Only by being noticed by them can we go further, get their recognition, and then gain a deeper understanding of everything in the endless sea.

Lin Hao didn't care about how the forces around Wushuang Island would react.

Some time ago, I had been on the road, but now I finally have a little time to prepare some methods.

Lin Hao did not choose to refine the sacred fire he obtained by killing the ancestors of the Purple Blood in the Southern Territory to increase his strength. Compressed, used as a hole card.

Before this, the sacred fire of the Kong tribe ancestor was refined by Lin Hao a lot of energy, compressed and detonated, killing the powerful eight great masters of the overlord tribe. Now, the sacred fire of the purple blood ancestor has no energy loss. , Even if the existence of the Undead God Fire Realm can kill several powerful emperor realms!

This time when he came to the endless sea, Lin Hao had to face a lot of danger. Although Long Cang, the patriarch of the Tianlong line, promised to help, he could not stay here all the time. Moreover, in some critical times, Lin Hao Even if Hao notified Long Cang and Long Cang arrived, it would take time, so he must have a strong hole card in his hand to ensure safety!

Lin Hao was busy compressing the sacred fire. After a long time, this matter was only completed a little, and he stopped.

Because, Wushuang Island, someone is coming!

At this moment, there are three figures standing in the sky above Wushuang Island.

A great saint man with seven layers of holy realm, with a haughty expression, looked at the great formation of Wushuang Island below, and his gaze showed deep disdain.

The other two, both saint martial artists, were old in appearance, standing behind the younger big saint man.

"Jian Wushuang, Wushuang Island, they are arrogant enough, but they don't have enough strength to be worthy of the word Wushuang!" The young Great Sage said contemptuously, then raised his volume and shouted, "Jian Wushuang, I am destiny. The young island owner He Wei, now he orders you to immediately open the formation and get out to meet the young island owner. If not, the young island owner will break your island guardian formation and take your life!"

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