Rebirth: Ancient Sword God

Chapter 1245: Show up

Chapter 1245 Appearance

"Please protect your lord and help me break this formation!"

He Wei looked respectful, and bowed to the serrated monster shark.

The reason why Tianming Island has a very high status in this sea area is only because the strength of the holy realm peak of the island owner He Jie is not enough!

In this sea area, there are several strong people at the peak of the holy realm!

Mainly because of this Sawtooth Demon Shark. Although the Sawtooth Demon Shark is only a cultivation base of the ninth level of the holy realm, its combat power is strong enough to be comparable to the peak of the holy realm. In other words, the Destiny Island is able to rely on the combat power of the two great holy realm peaks. Rule the roost in this sea area.

The serrated monster shark uttered something, and said, "Only this time!"

"Thank you Master Guard!" He Wei bowed and saluted again.

Obviously, he couldn't really call the Sawtooth Demon Shark. Of course, this was not important anymore. The Sawtooth Demon Shark was willing to take action, and Wushuang Island's Great Formation would be destroyed immediately, and the arrogant Jian Wushuang inside would soon fall.

Amidst the formation, a cold arc appeared at the corner of Lin Hao's mouth.

Finally attracted a big one!

He covered his breath before, and flew in and out of this sea area, and he has a general understanding of the strength of this sea area.

There is no emperor!

The existence equivalent to the peak combat power of the holy realm is already the strongest in this sea area.

This time, killing a monster with the highest combat power in the holy realm will immediately raise the momentum of his own Wushuang Island.


Around Wushuang Island.

There are still many strong people secretly watching everything here.

"Father, do you think this Wushuang Island can hold it?" a young woman asked curiously, looking at the middle-aged man next to her.

The middle-aged man shook his head and said: "It should be impossible to hold it. The fighting power of this serrated monster shark is only one point weaker than the island owner of Destiny Island. Even if he is a father, he will fight this serrated monster shark. I'm not sure of winning either."

"Then Jian Wushuang, it seems that he is inevitable..." the girl said.


"Master, the serrated demon shark is about to reach the peak of the holy realm, right?" In another void, a young man showed a shocked expression.

His master was an old man with white hair. The old man nodded and said: "Come on, Destiny Island will definitely find a way to help the serrated monster shark break through the peak of the holy realm before the messenger of the Thousand Island Sect arrives. , This should be why He Wei, this kid, can let the Sawtooth Fairy Shark help out.

This Wushuang Island was born, and Tianming Island took the opportunity of destroying Wushuang Island to show it to us on purpose. They are standing up.

Once they get the canonization and accumulate momentum, maybe He Jie can use this as an opportunity to step into the emperor realm.

Destiny Island is ambitious, and when the time comes, they will definitely launch tough measures against our seas. "

After the old man finished speaking, he sighed and frowned.

"Master, then we might as well leave this sea area..." the young man said.

The old man said: "The Thousand Island Sect has sealed off the inner area of ​​the North Sea. We cannot do without the North Sea. In the North Sea, it is very difficult to find a suitable place for cultivation."


In other areas, the powerful warriors who paid attention to the situation on Wushuang Island were all in a state of boredom and struggle.

Destiny Island is arrogant and domineering. Once approved by the canonization, it will act more unscrupulously. At that time, the warriors who survive and practice in this sea area will be in dire straits. This is a disaster.

But the Destiny Island is now so powerful that for now, they simply cannot compete.


Next to Wushuang Island, the sawtooth demon shark promised He Wei to break the formation, his momentum soared to the extreme, his body became even bigger, and he fell into the sea again, swimming towards Wushuang Island. The speed was so fast and the strength was so strong. Where, the sea separates, and waves are set off!


The sawtooth demon shark hit the barrier of Wushuang Island's large array of island guards, causing violent vibrations. In the surrounding area, the seawater was completely evaporated by this force, and the space collapsed.

But Wushuang Island still exists in its original location, and the large array barrier is also shaking, but there is no trace of broken.

The serrated demon shark was unable to make a single blow, and an angry mood was born in his heart, and he suddenly opened his mouth, wanting to swallow this Wushuang island with a diameter of about twenty miles, together with the large array!

It was also at this time that the island guardian formation in Wushuang Island burst out again with countless sword auras.

"Clang clang!"

A part of the sword aura hit the two rows of sharp teeth shining with a frightening cold light on the serrated monster shark, and a large number of sparks erupted, forcing the serrated monster shark to give up this plan.

The serrated monster shark flicked its tail and lashed towards Wushuang Island.


A cold shout came from inside the big formation, and immediately after that, Lin Hao's figure flashed and appeared outside the big formation.

Now, this area is being paid attention to by many powerful people. Therefore, Lin Hao changed his appearance a bit, and with his means of covering up his breath, he didn't have to worry about being seen.

After all, it is necessary to guard against Lu Yi. If he does not change his appearance, it is easy to be exposed. In addition to changing his appearance, some of Lin Hao’s methods must also be hidden. Therefore, what he is holding now is not the sky-scarred sword, but After killing the Blood Fiend Sword Saint, I got the Emperor Blood Fiend Sword.

Facing the tail that the serrated monster shark lashed over, Lin Hao swung his sword out, using the Blood Fiend Sword Master Blood Fiend Sword Art too!

Lin Hao extracted the memory of the Sword Saint of Blood Fiend, based on his understanding of kendo, and the special aura of the chaotic law evolving this sword art, not to mention that the strongest in this sea area is only the peak of the holy realm, even if it is the strongest of the divine fire realm. , It is difficult to see any flaws.

The Blood Fiend Sword Art is not weak, and it is unfolded by Lin Haoshi, more powerful than in the hands of the Blood Fiend Sword Master.

The incomparable blood evil air filled out.


Lin Hao’s sword slashed at the giant tail of the serrated demon shark. Under the impact of power, his figure flew backwards, and the giant tail of the serrated demon shark was also split by Lin Hao with a deep visible bone. Wounds.

"Holy Land Eightfold!"

He Wei on the side, his pupils shrank. He originally thought that Jian Wushuang on this Wushuang Island would be the first to enter the realm of the Great Sage at best, but he did not expect to reach the eighth level of the Holy Realm!

For the Blood Fiend Sword Saint who has been hiding here, Destiny Island actually knows some information, no wonder Jian Wushuang can kill his master Blood Fiend Sword Saint. It turns out that the strength of this guy has surpassed the Blood Fiend Sword Saint.

He Wei Nao added some information.

"What about Saint Realm Eightfold, it has angered Master Guardian, Jian Wushuang, you will definitely die today!" He Wei growled in his heart.

And the powerhouses who watched the battle in the dark were shocked when they saw Lin Hao's true face and cultivation level.

What a young guy!

At such a young age, he has reached the eighth level of the holy realm, especially the power of the sword just now, is no longer weaker than the power of the ordinary nine-fold holy realm.

Give him a little more time, the future is boundless.

It's just a pity... Jian Wushuang didn't choose to forbear... Today is doomed to die...

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