Rebirth: Ancient Sword God

Chapter 1257: Details

The first thousand two hundred and fifty-seven chapters in detail

After entering the Beihai Inner Sea, everyone no longer flew in the air, and there was a teleportation formation, leading to the Inland Sea Qiandao Sect.

What Lin Hao saw just now was just the tip of the iceberg in the Beihai Inland Sea, and the strength of the Beihai Inland Sea that was inferred from this was already extremely large.

The shock in his heart has long since calmed down, but on the surface, he still maintains a compelling appearance.

After all, Lin Hao's current identity is from an ordinary background, and seeing this kind of scene, if there is nothing unusual, it would be too abnormal.

After passing the teleportation circle, about half an hour later, they finally returned to the Thousand Island Sect.

"The power of the law?" Lin Hao exclaimed the moment he left the transmission channel.

Here, the rich heaven and earth power has reached an incredible level, and more importantly, Lin Hao can feel the power of the law.

In the True Martial Realm Continent, the power of the law is illusory. Yuanzun realm warriors, who want to break through the holy realm, need to comprehend by themselves, to refine the laws between heaven and earth, and finally turn them into imprints and introduce them into the body. .

But here, the power of the law has already manifested.

If you stay in this environment for a long time and reach the peak of the Yuanzun realm, your body and soul will have adapted to the law long ago. If you want to introduce the law in your body, it can be said that there is almost no difficulty.

This is equivalent to Lin Hao's method of making a holy.

He made the holy, also based on the law in the corpses of the holy realm enemies he killed.

Of course, in this area, the power of the pervasive law is far less powerful than the power of the law used by Lin Hao when he made the sacred.

But for Lin Hao to create a holy, he needed to kill enemies in the holy realm, and it was a one-time consumption method.

But here, the law of the holy realm permeates the entire area, everywhere...

No wonder, the Beihai Inland Sea has so many Holy Realm powerhouses.

"Brother Wushuang, how do you feel?" Su Yu smiled.

Lin Haozhen showed a shocked expression, and said, "No wonder the martial artist from the outer sea, everyone yearns for the inner sea, I finally understand the real reason."

Su Yu nodded and said, "The inner sea is better than the outer sea. It is indeed a sacred place for cultivation, but what Wushuang brother now feels is not normal.

The entire Thousand Island Sect has ten geographical divisions. Brother Wushuang is now in the ninth district.

Among the ten areas, each area will have ten days a year, being covered by this holy realm law, and now it is the seventh day when the ninth district is covered by the holy realm law.

Brother Wushuang has entered the Ninth Level of the Holy Realm, and the main direction is to complete the law originating from the complete integration of himself. The power of the law in the ninth zone will not benefit you much. "

Su Yu explained to Lin Hao, but even so, ten areas are covered by the law of the holy realm for ten days each year, and the total duration has reached 100 days. These methods are still shocking.

"Brother Wushuang, I have some important things to deal with later. I will order someone to arrange a training place for you and give you a copy of the information about the Thousand Island Sect for you to understand first. When I finish, Brother Wushuang will have more Questions, I will answer them face to face." Su Yu said.

"Thank you Brother Su," Lin Hao nodded. As for what Su Yu was going to do, Lin Hao could guess that it was nothing more than what happened on Destiny Island in the outer sea.


A six-tiered martial artist in the holy realm, with Lin Hao, arranged a place to live in the ninth district of the Thousand Island Sect, and then gave Lin Hao a piece of jade slip. The jade slip contained a lot of information about the Thousand Island Sect.

After Lin Hao read the information in the jade slip, he finally got a lot of understanding of this mysterious endless sea.

Endless seas, there are four seas, east, west, south and north.

The East China Sea, the South China Sea, and the West China Sea are the same as the North Sea.

The power that controls the Inland Sea of ​​the East China Sea is called Shenhaimen.

The power that controls the inner sea of ​​the South China Sea is called Fukong Mountain.

The power that controls the Inland Sea of ​​the West Sea is called the West Sea Sword Sect.

Among them, the Xihai Sword Sect, Lin Hao has heard of it many times, and the Nine Reincarnation Lines are against the heavens. In this lifetime, two people appear in the Line against the Heavens.

Lu Yi has worked on the Beihai side, and definitely deployed in the West Sea. It seems that the power he controls has unknowingly developed to a fairly powerful level.

He has conspired nine times of reincarnation, and now he has chosen to set the fundamentals in the endless waters, and he is definitely well prepared. Maybe, the East China Sea and the South China Sea have his deployment.

Regarding the forces that control the inner seas of the other three sea areas, there is not much introduction in this jade slip, and the rest is all about the situation of the Qiandaozong in the northern sea.

The Inner Sea of ​​the North Sea has a total of more than 100,000 islands, while the Thousand Island Sect is located in the deepest part of the inner sea, with 1,000 of the largest islands as the root of the sect.

These thousand islands, the smallest, are more than a hundred miles in diameter, and the largest island is also where the sect hall of the Thousand Island Sect is located, and the diameter has reached a thousand miles.

This can already be called a continent...

One thousand islands, every one hundred islands, is an area. Among them, the first area is under the personal control of the sovereign of the Thousand Island Sect, and the main hall of the Thousand Island Sect is located in the first area.

The second area to the eighth area are under the jurisdiction of the two deputy suzerains of the Thousand Island Sect.

The ninth and tenth districts are governed by the two sons of the Thousand Island Sect.

The ninth district where Lin Hao is now belongs to an area under the jurisdiction of the Holy Son.

The information recorded in the jade slip in his hand basically didn't introduce much to the other nine districts, but only focused on the ninth district with a more detailed introduction.

The 100 islands in the ninth district do not have names, but are directly distinguished from islands 1 to 100. Among them, islands 1 to 31 are also called Emperor islands, and the third Island No. 12 to Island No. 100 is called the Holy Island.

The difference between Emperor Island and Holy Island lies in the insights of the strong in the emperor realm, and the insights of the strong in the holy island.

And in these islands, there are areas where the strong feel that they are not distributed at all, and they are about competition and chance!

For example, if you want to obtain the qualifications for cultivation in the region that possesses the perception of a strong imperial realm in the emperor island, you need to compete with others, and then be recognized before you can enter.

Every time you enter those areas with strong perceptions, there are also time and number restrictions. Each warrior has only one chance to enter the same area, and the time for each perception is only three days!


It took Lin Hao three hours to digest the information in this jade slip, and finally had a more detailed understanding of the situation on the Thousand Island Sect.

The next thing to do is to stand out in this ninth district and prove yourself, so that you can get in touch with more core things and investigate what he wants to know.

This is not too difficult for Lin Hao!

"What's the identity of this Su Yu? Could it be that he is the son of the ninth district?" Lin Hao whispered to himself with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

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