Rebirth: Ancient Sword God

Chapter 1259: The battle for places

The first thousand two hundred and fifty-nine chapters

In the ninth district, No.1 Island, after Su Yu and Lin Hao said goodbyes, they came to the edge of No.1 Island near the sea.

On the Thousand Island Sect, no matter which island it is, its location by the sea is the worst.

Whether it's the cultivation environment or the simple geographical location.

After all, the endless sea is full of sea areas, and the location by the sea, listening to the turbulent waves and the roaring sea breeze all day long, are not liked by the warriors in the endless sea.

At this place Su Yu came, there were no other warriors around. There was only a simple wooden house. The roof of the wooden house was covered with some broad leaves on the island.

Su Yu came to the small wooden house, her expression showed deep respect, and she bent down and bowed her head in salute, "Su Yute is here to visit Huang Lao."

As the voice fell, the door of the wooden house opened. Huang San, the old man who had gone with him to the open sea before, walked out slowly and bowed to Su Yu, saying: "I have seen the holy son."

A look of helplessness flashed across Su Yu's face, saying: "Old Huang, don't do this..."

Old Huang Wubo said: "The rules are so insurmountable."

Su Yu didn't say anything any more, it has been like this all these years.

"Old Huang, Su Yu is here this time, there are some things, I want to ask Old Huang for advice." Su Yu said respectfully.

"If the saint son doesn't think my old guy's residence is simple, please ask me inside, sit down and talk." Huang Lao said.

Hearing this, Su Yu's face showed a touch of joy that could not be concealed.

He has been in charge of the ninth district for several years. He will visit Mr. Huang every once in a while, but he has never entered Mr. Huang’s house. Every time he is outside the house. A simple greeting, please. left.

This is the first time ever.

Moreover, in this Thousand Island Sect, there are not many people who can get this kind of treatment.

Even if the overlord of the Thousand Island Sect is here, he may not be invited by Huang Laoxiang to enter the house, and there are even a number of Qiandao Sect's great figures who come here, and they can't even see Huang Lao!

Su Yu entered the place where Huang Lao lived for the first time. The whole house was the same inside and outside, and the inside could not be simpler. A square wooden table, four benches, and some small wooden furniture.

"It's a bit simpler. I can't show you anything to entertain the Son. I hope the Son will forgive me." Huang Lao said, pouring a glass of water for Su Yu.

Su Yu hurriedly took it with both hands.

To drink a sip of water from Huang Lao, he Su Yu is definitely the first person in the Thousand Island Sect in the past 100 years!

"The Saint Son is here this time, but because of Situ Yuan in the sea?" Huang Lao said slowly.

Su Yu nodded hurriedly and said: "I have already told Master Huang and Situ Yuan. Master hopes that Huang can come forward. No matter what Huang does, Master will never ask again."

Huang Lao smiled and shook his head, and said: "Sect Master Ren has been worrying too much. The old guy has sealed his sword for more than two thousand years. He has already asked nothing about Thousand Island Sect. Sect Master Ren's majestic talents must have the best solution ."

Su Yu said: "Old Huang, Situ Yuan returned with a terrible hatred, the Thousand Island Sect might be bloody, Master him..."

Huang Lao waved his hand and said: "I will not bother about this matter, and I also ask the Saint Son to tell Sect Master Ren. I have made a decision about the things that year, so I won't have any remorse."

Su Yu's face turned pale and nervously said: "Old Huang, Master didn't mean that..."

Old Huang smiled and said, "You don't need to talk about this anymore, let's talk about Jian Wushuang."

"Lao Huang is also optimistic about Jian Wushuang?" A light of thought flashed in Su Yu's eyes.

"It's just interesting." Huang Lao said.

"Jian Wushuang has settled in the ninth district. Like other warriors in the outer sea who have just entered the inner sea, he has developed a strong interest in the Emperor Island of the Thousand Island Sect. If I expected it, he should already be on the 31st. Emperor Island, waiting for the place dispute." Su Yu said.

"From island 31?" Huang Lao glanced at Su Yu.

Su Yu explained: "I asked him to start on Island 31, wanting to see where he can go."

For the great saints of the Thousand Island Sect, it is the same from which island to start.

However, for Su Yu and Huang Lao, they know more. Starting from Island 31, it means a special way.

"It seems that Shengzi has great expectations for Jian Wushuang." Huang Lao smiled faintly.

"Try it. Jian Wushuang's talent can actually be regarded as the top in the Inland Sea. If you really successfully complete the 31 Emperor Islands in the ninth area, then the Thousand Island Sect will continue One more peerless powerhouse." Su Yu said.

"Holy Son has to think about it clearly. Even if Jian Wushuang really takes this road to the end, he may not be able to use it for you." Huang Lao said.

"It doesn't matter whether it is used by me or not." When he said this, Su Yu revealed a very special temperament, as wide as the endless sea.

Huang Lao paused, then said: "If you have time in the future, Saint Son can come and sit here often."

Su Yu got up immediately, bowed to Old Huang, and said, "Thank you, Old Huang!"

This time, Huang Lao didn't pay the gift again, he still sat on the bench and said, "When it's about time, bring Jian Wushuang over."

"Yes, Huang Lao!"

"Then Su Yu won't bother Huang Lao, so let's say goodbye." Huang Lao asked Su Yu to come often in the future. In fact, he told Su Yu that he was almost ready to leave today.

With excitement in his heart, Su Yu, after leaving Huang Lao’s residence, did not immediately return to the Saint Child Hall in the ninth district, but came to another place and endless on the first island in the ninth district. The area bordered by the sea.

"Meet the Son!"

"Meet the Son!"


Wherever he went, all the warriors saluted one after another.

Su Yu carried his hands on his back, looking at the boundless vast sea, a general trend, spontaneously, a vast breath suddenly burst, and his cultivation base rose!

At this time, Mr. Huang sat in the room and fell into contemplation. After a while, he whispered to himself: "It's a masterpiece, but it needs to be sharpened."

Later, another name appeared in Huang Lao's mind.

"Jian Wushuang, on the road to the 31 emperor islands in the ninth district, can you become the second warrior to follow the old man? Can you walk better than the old man...Who are you? "

Old Huang muttered to himself for a moment, then shook his head, smiled, and then stopped thinking about it.


In the core area of ​​Island 31 in District 9, Lin Hao, who was sitting cross-legged, suddenly opened his eyes.

The stone stele in front of him, guarded by a burly man in armor, shuddered slightly, and an old man appeared next to the stone out of thin air.

On this old man, the power of heaven and earth fluctuated violently, and he was obviously at the critical moment of breaking through to the Emperor Realm.

The guardian of Emperor Island glanced at the old man and said, "Quickly leave!"

The old man saluted the guardian, then his figure flashed and left the place.

The guard looked at the people on the square in front of him, and said, "One day later, the Origin Mark will be opened again, and now the battle for places will begin!"

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