Rebirth: Ancient Sword God

Chapter 1271: Clues

Chapter 1271 Clue of God and Ni

One of Lin Hao's two main purposes for entering the endless waters was to find the traces of Kuhai Shenni, and to bring his mother Qin Yun back to the mainland of Zhenwu to reunite with his family.

Now that he finally has eyebrows, the tension he showed was not intentional, but from the heart.

"The whereabouts of Kuhai God Ni is erratic. Even some of the great figures of our Thousand Island Sect have no clues. However, I have investigated these ancient books about Kuhai Shenni for nearly a thousand years, and found that Kuhai Shenni was 150 years old. Previously, I spent some time on an unnamed island in the inner sea.

A hundred years ago, in our inner sea, a strong emperor appeared, and then established a force named Hongmei Island.

And the island owner of Hongmei was originally from the area where the **** of bitterness had appeared. Since the **** of bitterness left, the owner of the island of Hongmei grew up at an extremely fast rate from an unknown inland sea monk. stand up.

Therefore, I think the owner of Hongmei Island should have something to do with Kuhai God Ni.

A few days ago, I had sent someone to Hongmei Island to contact the owner of Hongmei Island, and information has been sent back that the owner of Hongmei Island did get advice from the God of Kuhai. "

"Where is Hongmei Island?" Lin Hao asked.

Su Yu said: "Hongmei Island is located more than three million miles south of our Qiandaozong. Brother Wushuang, I will accompany you on a trip. As the son of my Qiandaozong, Hongmei Island Master will be more cooperative."

"Thank you Brother Su!" Lin Hao said.

"Let's go, you can go now." Su Yu said.

It took a long time for Lin Hao's speed to drive with all his strength for more than three million miles.

However, Su Yu took Lin Hao and walked through the teleportation formation of the Thousand Island Sect, and within a quarter of an hour, he arrived at a distance of only a thousand miles from Hongmei Island.

The distance of thousands of miles, for their level of power, half an hour is not needed.

On the way to Hongmei Island, Lin Hao looked at the Thousand Island Sect sage Su Yu again.

From introducing myself into the inner sea, and then guiding myself to all the islands of the ninth district, and helping to investigate the matter of Kuhai Shenni, now I personally accompany myself to Hongmei Island, unknowingly, I have already owed myself He has no small favor.

From the beginning to the end, Su Yu never mentioned a word to win him to do something for him.

In this situation, even if Su Yu didn't say anything, if he really got into trouble, Lin Hao would take the initiative to help.

This is a good way to gather people's hearts.

He was really helping with things, and it seemed that he didn't ask for anything in return, but those who received his favor would take the initiative to return.

I'm afraid this is why Su Yu is so sure that he doesn't worry about going to the side with those who oppose him.


After a while, the two arrived in the sky above Hongmei Island.

"Farewell to the Saint Son." The female Saint Realm peak powerhouse who had passed on to Lin Hao for Su Yu before appeared beside them.

"Brother Wushuang, this is Ou Ruolan, one of my most trusted friends." Su Yu introduced Lin Hao.

Lin Hao also knew that the person Su Yu arranged to contact the Red Plum Islander was this Ou Ruolan.

"Thank you Miss Ruolan." Lin Hao said.

"This is all the Saint Son's account, and it is something I should do." Ou Ruolan said.


They were talking here, the large forbidden formation in Hongmei Island had already been voluntarily opened. A middle-aged woman wearing white clothes with many red plum blossom patterns engraved on her clothes flew out of Hongmei Island.

This vitality is not weak, he is a strong emperor, obviously, this should be the Hongmei Island owner who has been in contact with the Kuhai God Ni.

"The son of Thousand Island Sect is coming here, Ruan Hongmei has missed a long way to welcome him, and I hope that the son will forgive me." The Lord Hongmei said respectfully, and also bowed to Su Yu.

The Beihai Inner Sea is controlled by the Thousand Island Sect. Although there are still many forces, they are all respected by the Thousand Island Sect. As the son of the Thousand Island Sect, Su Yu's position is respected no matter where in the Beihai Inner Sea.

Su Yu waved his hand and said: "It's the saint son who took the liberty to visit, please forgive me for that."

Su Yu has no arrogance and is calm and close to people, but he will not lose the face of his Thousand Island Sect Saint Son, which is just right.

"Please from the Saint Child." Hongmei Island Master said.

Su Yu nodded, and her figure flashed before entering Hongmei Island. The owner of Hongmei Island followed closely, followed by Lin Hao and Ou Ruolan.

Lin Hao didn't mind these little details. As long as he could get the information about the whereabouts of Kuhai Shenni from Hongmei Island Master, it was already the biggest gain.

Entering the main hall of Hongmei Island, the owner of Hongmei Island directly said: "The Holy Son is here, I probably know it, but it is about the suffering of the sea god, it is indeed inconvenient to disclose too much, I believe that the Holy Son can also understand my difficulties. ."

Su Yu nodded and said: "The Bitter Sea God Ni is an expert outside of the endless seas. Our Thousand Island Sect does not have the slightest intention of offending. The reason for inquiring about the Shen Ni news is really for a reason. My friend, tell me in detail with the owner of Hongmei Island, what's the idea for Hongmei Island?"

The Lord Hongmei Island looked at Lin Hao, hesitated, and then nodded.

"I have long heard that the red plum cake on Hongmei Island is a must in our Beihai Inland Sea. I have never had a chance to try it. I wonder if Su Yu has a good taste today?" Su Yu said.

This is obviously to leave room for the two to talk about the Kuhai God Ni.

Hongmei Island's main said: "Red plum cakes are naturally there, but they are not comparable to the delicacies in the Thousand Island Sect. As long as the son is not disgusted, it is good."

"Okay, Ruolan, go and try the red plum cake."

With that, Su Yu left the hall with Ou Ruolan.

Lin Hao looked at the owner of Hongmei Island and immediately said, "Islander Hongmei, at Xia Jian Wushuang, you really don’t conceal each other. The reason why you want to get news about the whereabouts of Kuhai Shenni is because at the time I belonged to my family, the family suffered annihilation. The disaster, the **** of bitter sea just passed by, and my mother was rescued and taken away by the god.

Over the years, I have worked hard in martial arts, just to wait for my strength to become stronger, and to have the power to protect my mother, I went to take her back to reunite, Jian Wushuang begged Hongmei Island Master to inform the whereabouts of the gods. "

After hearing Lin Hao tell the whole story, the owner of Hongmei Island pondered for a moment, and said: "Since there is such a reason, I can tell you everything I know.

The divine nuns of the sea of ​​bitterness have been traveling around the sea for a long time, and their whereabouts are erratic, but under the seat of the divine nuns, there are three true disciples. They are in a very special place in the endless waters. No one can find them unless they are answered.

In fact, my identity is a registered disciple of Shenni, so I was able to contact a senior sister. I will contact the senior sister about your matter, but it will take some time. Once there is news, I will personally send someone there. Thousand Island Sect informed Master Sword. "

The reply from the owner of Hongmei Island is not certain, but Lin Hao now has no other choice but to say: "Then please ask the owner of Hongmei Island!"

"Don't worry, what I have promised Ruan Hongmei will definitely be done. As for what kind of reply the senior sister will have, I can't guarantee." Hongmei Island Master said.

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