Rebirth: Ancient Sword God

Chapter 1274: Agency calculation

The first thousand two hundred and seventy-four chapters

Thousand Island Sect, the eighth district.

Zhang Xian'er was waiting for someone with anticipation in an extremely exquisite and elegant courtyard.

After a while, a handsome man appeared in the courtyard and walked towards Zhang Xian'er. He was wearing white clothes, his figure was a little thin and his face was a little pale.


Zhang Xian'er hurriedly greeted her.

The man nodded and said, "Xian'er, thank you for your help this time. If it succeeds, I will not treat you badly."

Zhang Xian'er said: "My son, this is all Xian'er's willingness. The son knows Xian'er's intentions and is not greedy for others."

"Xian'er, you specially sent someone to pass a letter to me, saying that there is an excellent deployment, and I am also a little curious." As the man said, he and Zhang Xian'er walked to a pavilion in the lake and sat opposite each other.

"The son is at the border between the inner and outer seas. Under such an arrangement, there must be an extremely important thing..." Zhang Xian'er said, but found that the man in front of him suddenly frowned. Zhang Xian'er hurriedly said: "The son, forgive me, Xian'er shouldn't speculate about the son. Things."

The man shook his head and said, "Xian'er misunderstood. I just thought of another thing suddenly, so let's go on."

Zhang Xian'er did not dare to talk about the man in front of him anymore, and turned to his own arrangements, saying: "My ancestor, who is in charge of the law enforcement hall, is personally supported by the ancestor, but in the past few years, the ancestors have taken some actions towards the sovereign. , And quite a bit of criticism.

But the ancestor has been reluctant to help the son complete his great cause, this time, perhaps the ancestor can completely stand on the son's side. "

Hearing this, the white-clothed man showed great interest on his face. Zhang Xian'er's ancestor, but the third elder of the Thousand Island Sect, is in charge of the law enforcement hall and is of high authority. If the third elder is on his side, many things will be handled. , It is more convenient.

"I wonder how Xian'er plans to do this?"

"My brother wanted to fight against the two Saints. This time, I let him rush ahead to create some trouble for Su Yu and make Su Yu make mistakes. This gave the Saint He Xiao a hand to Su Yu. Pull down the chance.

The battle between Su Yu and He Xiao will inevitably cause a great chaos in the Thousand Island Sect, and in the chaos, you will have more space and opportunities. "

The white-clothed man nodded and said: "The dispute between the saint son will indeed cause turmoil, but Su Yu should not be underestimated. It is not that simple to make him make mistakes. Moreover, this and the three elders are willing to stand by me. It’s okay to the side."

Zhang Xian'er smiled and said, "My son, it's really hard for Su Yu to make mistakes, but what about Jian Wushuang? If Jian Wushuang clashed with those island owners in the Inland Sea, or even killed some island owners in the Inland Sea, what do you think?"

"Although the island owners of the various inland seas respect the Thousand Island Sect, they have always been united and have some confrontations with the Thousand Island Sect. If Jian Wushuang kills their people, then they will definitely turn their faces and must eradicate Jian Wushuang.

Jian Wushuang has an unusual relationship with Su Yu, and he is extremely talented. Su Yu has high hopes for him and will come forward to protect Jian Wushuang. When that happens, Su Yu will have a great conflict with those inner island owners.

The Thousand Island Sect's attitude towards the island owners of the various inland seas has always been based on stability. Even if Su Yu, as a holy son, causes such troubles, it will inevitably be troublesome.

If at this time, someone secretly promotes the situation and expands the situation so that more inland island owners can take this opportunity to attack Su Yu, Su Yu’s status will be greatly impacted, and those who do this will not have to. Let's consider that He Xiao, the son of the tenth district, will definitely not miss such an excellent opportunity. "

Zhang Xian'er only gave a general idea, and the man in white explained all the reactions that this incident would cause.

"The son's fame, in this way, the chaos of the son has already erupted, and we want our ancestors of the Zhang family to stand on the side of the son, so it seems that there is really no connection, but the son, do you think that if my brother, Also died in this turmoil?

My elder brother is the descendant of the younger generation of Zhang family most valued by his ancestors. If he died in this incident, he would definitely have trouble with Su Yu. It can be said that Su Yu’s importance is attached to the suzerain. In the end, Su Yu was deprived of his holy son status, and the suzerain will save Su Yu's life!

And at this time, it's your chance to persuade our ancestors of the Zhang family to stand by your side! "

The white-clothed man looked at Zhang Xian'er with a strange look on his face, and said, "Xian'er, Zhang Yuntu, but your brother with the same father and mother."

"For the great cause of the son, even if Xian'er is to die, Xian'er will not frown, let alone other things." Zhang Xian'er said.

"Xian'er, you treat me like this, if my Zhou Yuan's great cause is successful, I will definitely not take you down!" the white man said solemnly.

"As long as I can help the son to untie his happy knot and stay with him, Xian'er will be satisfied." Zhang Xian'er said, and then added: "My son, I shouldn't stay in the eighth district for too long to avoid suspicion. Let's go first."

Zhou Yuan, the man in white, nodded.

After Zhang Xian'er left, Zhou Yuan thought for a moment, and then said: "What do you think of this Xian'er?"

In the next moment, a figure slowly emerged from Zhou Yuan's side. It was Mengtian, the prince of the Beihai Saint Ranking who had been defeated by Lin Hao before.

The current Mengtian's aura is much stronger than before. Obviously, he has entered the emperor realm level.

"This Xian'er has been fond of the son for a long time, and this time he has planned so much for the son..."

Before Mengtian finished speaking, Zhou Yuan smiled coldly and said: "A descendant who was insignificant in the Zhang family, but guessed all my plans, not only calculated her brother Zhang Yuntu, but also the third elder of the Zhang family. It's all in her calculations. Do you really think that such a woman will be deeply involved in the so-called affair between men and women?"

Hearing Zhou Yuan's words, Mengtian suddenly realized, "Master, what are we going to do?"

"According to Zhang Xian'er's plan, he will definitely let Jian Wushuang live, so that Su Yu will anger those island owners in the Inland Sea to protect Jian Wushuang.

Since she wanted Jian Wushuang to live, then we killed Jian Wushuang!

Although I don’t know what Zhang Xianer’s purpose is to cause the dispute over the saint child, as long as Jian Wushuang is dead, Su Yu will not go against the inner island masters for a dead person, and will not give He Xiao a chance in the tenth district. , The turmoil of the battle of the saint son will be gone, and Zhang Xian'er's plan will also be disrupted!

Our goal this time was originally only one, and that was to let that person enter the inner sea in the chaos.

But now, there are two more goals. With Zhang Yuntu's death, he can win over the three elders and break Zhang Xian'er's plan! "

"My son, but I think that the chaos caused by the dispute over the saint child will indeed help us with our next plans..." Mengtian said.

Zhou Yuan sneered and said, "The battle between Su Yu and He Xiao will break out sooner or later. I have my own way, but I can't let Zhang Xianer control the overall situation. The situation must be in my own hands, understand?"

Mengtian nodded and said, "Young Master, since Jian Wushuang is going to die, then let me go!"

The previous defeat in Jian Wu's hands caused Meng Tian's heart to be devilish, but Zhou Yuan later awakened, but Meng Tian also broke the way to continue to accumulate the foundation at the peak of the Holy Realm, and had to step into the Emperor Realm.

Although he had just stepped into the emperor realm, when Mengtian was at the peak of the holy realm, he also accumulated a very strong foundation and had a very strong combat effectiveness.

"Okay, kill Jian Wushuang, I'll leave it to you, but remember, don't show any clues, and don't come into contact with the thirteen insurgents of the Chaos Sea and the people on the Tianmen side. Leave immediately after killing Jian Wushuang!" Zhou Yuan warned. Tao.

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