Rebirth: Ancient Sword God

Chapter 1277: Links

The first thousand two hundred and seventy-seven chapters

Lin Hao's ability to cover his breath was obtained from the God Realm's top human race **** king Gu Mo, and those close to the God Fire Realm would hardly be discovered.

At this time, Zhang Yuntu and the others were naturally impossible to sense, only when he was dragged by the Inner Sea Qingshan Island owner and died together.

Now, he finally figured out the calculation of this Zhang Yuntu.

Obviously, Zhang Yuntu arranged for the man of the Thirteen Lords who described Qingshan Island Master as the thirteen invaders of the Chaos Sea.

When they arrived here, Zhang Yuntu's guards did nothing but act.

For a while, the owner of Qingshan Island regarded Lin Hao and the others as the thirteen bandits in the chaos or the people of Tianmen.

If you are surrounded by these people now, you must now face the siege of these inner island owners. With the strength of entering the holy list that you have revealed in the Thousand Island Sect, it will not be difficult to save your life even if it is invincible. At that time, Su Yu To protect yourself is to completely stand in opposition to the island owner in the inner sea!

And once Su Yu and the island owner in the inner sea are on the opposite side, the position of the holy son will be shaken. By then, the holy son He Xiao in the tenth district must not be able to sit still, and the two parties will benefit from the fight. Zhang Yuntu, the forces behind the Zhang family are extremely strong, and it is not difficult to elect him as the new son of the saint and replace Su Yu.

Now, regarding Zhang Yuntu's side, the whole situation has become clear and clear in Lin Hao's eyes.

It's just that this Zhang Yuntu organization is counted, but it is definitely not counted. He can fake death under their noses. Not only that, the owner of Qingshan Island is still alive.

By Lin Hao's side, the Qingshan Island owner, although he suffered some injuries, was fine.

With the power bestowed by God King Gu Mo, Lin Hao had no problem covering his breath himself, and the effect of helping others to cover his breath was extremely weak. Therefore, the owner of Qingshan Island was carrying a curtain of heaven on his body at this time, so he was not discovered.

At this time, the owner of Qingshan Island had an impulse, and immediately rushed out and broke Zhang Yuntu and their conspiracy. He was very clear. The first person who did it on himself was Zhang Yuntu's guard!

Lin Hao shook his head to the owner of Qingshan Island. Now that Zhang Yuntu's purpose is known, and now to expose him, Zhang Yuntu still has time to find a solution.

For example, killing people!

Lin Hao is not afraid of Zhang Yuntu killing people and killing people, but these inner island owners do not have this confidence. If Zhang Yuntu really got to the point of killing people and killing people, he would be extremely crazy. In this sea area, there must be power under his control, Lin Hao was not sure to save the lives of these island owners.

If these well-informed island owners died, what Lin Hao said would be useless and would not pose a threat to Zhang Yuntu.

Of course, Lin Hao could kill Zhang Yuntu.

It is not necessary.

This person is reserved for Su Yu.

Let Su Yu handle it, it makes more sense.

Su Yu helped herself find the traces of Kuhai God Ni, and Lin Hao also helped him this time!

Therefore, Lin Hao planned to change the time to expose Zhang Yuntu's conspiracy in the presence of more people, and Zhang Yuntu would be completely helpless.

Although Zhang Yuntu tried his best to persuade the several inner island owners present, these inner island owners were extremely angry, no matter where they could be heard, they were no longer ready to participate in the war. First, they had to find Su Yu and seek justice!


Following a group of Inner Island owners, filled with outrage, went to Su Yu to seek justice, and a smile appeared on Zhang Yuntu's face.

Although things have changed and I almost got out of control, everything now is finally going on according to his plan again. Even if Jian Wushuang is dead, Su Yu will not tear his face for a dead person and these inner island owners, but this Liangzi has already settled down, and any more thoughts in the future can also cause Su Yu to violently conflict with the inner island owner.

When the impact of this incident continues to expand, it is not necessary for all the inner island owners to come forward, as long as more than 20% of the inner island owners are dissatisfied with Su Yu, Su Yu will be unable to protect himself.

Zhang Yuntu was still smiling triumphantly. Suddenly, the imperial guard next to him suddenly shot his hand and slapped Zhang Yuntu's back.

Unsuspecting Zhang Yuntu was hit hard by this, and his body was blown out, cracking all over, splashing with blood.


Zhang Yuntu barely managed to stabilize his figure, but before he could finish his words, the emperor realm guard he had been carrying with him had already hit his head with a punch.

Zhang Yuntu’s souls are all in his heart. Although he has entered the sacred list and ranks high, the guard who suddenly kills him with him is a strong man in the second layer of the emperor realm. With the Emperor's Inner Armor sent by the ancestor of the Zhang family, he was dead long ago.

In a hurry, Zhang Yuntu crossed his hands and lay in front of him, protecting his head.


His arms exploded into blood mist, and his body flew out again.

In this scene, Lin Hao and the owner of Qingshan Island, who had been observing all this in secret, had shocked faces on their faces.

This is really unexpected.

Zhang Yuntu took this imperial realm powerhouse by his side. Obviously, this was the person he trusted the most, but this person was now killing Zhang Yuntu.

Lin Hao quickly suppressed the shock in his heart, he had already guessed some of the reasons.

Perhaps, this time, Zhang Yuntu was also regarded as a chess piece. After he completed the trouble to Su Yu, he was already an abandoned piece.

who is it? There is such a big handwriting to turn Zhang Yuntu around?

Moreover, the arrangement of this penman is meticulous and extremely terrifying.

This is a series of calculations, and the people targeted are all directed to Su Yu!

First, the inner island owner clashed with Su Yu.

Immediately afterwards, Zhang Yuntu, who knew about this incident, was killed, and Su Yu couldn't escape the suspicion again.

The consequences of Zhang Yuntu's death will be more serious than the inland island owner's attack on Su Yu!

You know, Zhang Yuntu is the descendant of the young generation of Zhang family who is most valued by the three elders of Qiandao Zong!

In Lin Hao's mind, his thoughts turned quickly.

And Zhang Yuntu, even if he had a lot of life-saving treasures given by their ancestors, he was dying at this time, and he would die soon.

"Who instigated you?" Zhang Yuntu roared.

The imperial realm powerhouse did not respond and continued to kill Zhang Yuntu.

"No matter who it is, you want to kill me. If Zhang Yuntu survives this time, I will pull it out and tear it into pieces!" Zhang Yuntu roared and cursed. Go down.

Lin Hao, who was observing all this secretly, was already ready to take action.


Another terrifying roar rang, and Zhang Yuntu's body, like a cannonball, fell to the bottom of the sea.

But at this moment, a shocking sword gas was cut out in an instant.

Now that someone has arranged this series of calculations to target Su Yu, Lin Hao has already decided to help Su Yu, so even if Zhang Yuntu is an idiot, he cannot die here!

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