Rebirth: Ancient Sword God

Chapter 1285: Undercurrent

Thousandth 285 chapters undercurrent surging

The chaos in this sea area has been calmed down, but the barrier at the junction of the North Sea inside and outside the sea is broken. Su Yu cannot leave for the time being. He must lead the strong and guard this place, waiting for the top strong in the Thousand Island Sect to come and repair this barrier. .


"Old Huang, your injury?"

Huang Lao came back and saw Su Yu alone.

Su Yu was very nervous after seeing Huang Lao's injury.

The young people in the Inland Sea may not know Huang Lao, but the older generations all respect Huang Lao!

This is a character who has changed the fate of Thousand Island Sect.

Even after that incident, Huang Lao's state of mind has been broken, and he no longer has the edge, but his reputation can still hold up half the sky of the Thousand Island Sect!

Old Huang shook his head, and said, "It's not a problem, the master of the Tianmen, Lu Yi, once again came here with a spiritual power, but he has been repelled by me.

This time, the thirteen invaders of the Sea of ​​Rebellion and the people of Tianmen appeared, and even the master of Tianmen Lu Yi used a spiritual power division, which was definitely a plot. "

"Old Huang, the last time he was outside the sea, the Tianmen sect master took away Situ Yuan. This time it should be related to Situ Yuan. I suspect that Situ Yuan has already sneaked into the inner sea under the chaotic situation."

"Lu Yi is very ambitious. Now he has control of the West China Sea, and the East China Sea is about to fall into his hands. Now he is watching our Beihai closely. He wants to control the North Sea through Situ Yuan. This is not difficult to guess.

But if it was only for arranging Situ Yuan to enter the inner sea, then Lu Yi didn't need to separate out a spiritual power differentiation body. There must be other reasons for this. "

"Old Huang, I immediately arrange for someone to investigate this matter secretly!" Su Yu said.

"No need to check, if we find Jian Wushuang, we may have the answer." Huang Lao said.

"Old Huang, did you go to the Zhenwu Realm mainland this time because of Jian Wushuang?" Su Yu asked.

Old Huang nodded, but did not say clearly.

"Jian Wushuang..." Su Yu sighed and told what had happened here.

After listening, Huang Lao smiled faintly and said, "How can such a character disappear like this."

"Lao Huang, what is the identity of Jian Wushuang?" Su Yu was really curious. Although Huang Lao also attached great importance to Jian Wushuang before, this time after returning from Zhenwu Realm mainland, Huang Lao attached importance to Jian Wushuang. , Has improved too much.

"If the time comes, he will take the initiative to tell you." Huang Lao said.


Thousand Island Sect, the eighth district.

"My son, when I arrived on the battlefield, Jian Wushuang had already fallen!" With a trace of loss on Mengtian's face, killing Jian Wushuang had become his obsession, but it was not his turn to take action. Wushuang died.

Wearing a white coat, Zhou Yuan's face was a little pale, and the delicate features said, "Jian Wushuang may not be really dead."

"My mean..."

"It's useless for us to guess, what about Zhang Yuntu? Is he dead?" Zhou Yuan asked.

"Zhang Yuntu was still alive and was almost killed by the guards of the Emperor Realm beside him. It is said that a mysterious person saved his life." Mengtian said.

Zhou Yuan fell into contemplation. After a while, he smiled and said, "Interesting, Zhang Xian'er calculated it, but in her plan, the people who should have died are dead, and the people who should have died are still alive.

Is this game of chess controlled by Su Yu himself, or is there someone else?

How will Zhang Xian'er deal with this situation this time?

This woman, dare to calculate this way, who is supporting her behind her? Is Tianmen Lu Yi? "

Zhou Yuan muttered to himself.

"My son, isn't Tianmen working with us..." Mengtian was puzzled.

"Tianmen Lu Yi, it's not that simple. Who knows his thoughts? But it doesn't matter. Zhang Xian'er is currently not hostile to us. Now, that person has returned, and we can immediately sound revenge. The horn of it!

Mengtian, during this period, don't pay attention to everything, and do everything possible to improve the cultivation level. "Zhou Yuan said.

A touch of excitement appeared on Mengtian's face, and said, "Don't worry, my son, Mengtian will live up to his son's high hopes and will not shame my Meng family ancestor's fame!"


In the ninth district, Zhang's family and Zhang Xian'er were alone, sitting in the backyard pavilion, playing the piano.

In the piano sound, there are many noises.

After a long time, calm finally returned.

"My plan will benefit Zhou Yuan without any harm. He can't calculate it against me!"

"My brother, although arrogant and ignorant, after this time, he will inevitably develop a guard against me."

"Su Yu's strength is finally revealed. Could it be that Su Yu is the one who messed up my plan?"

Zhang Xian'er whispered to herself, and then shook her head again to deny this speculation. This is unlikely. Su Yu had to face the chaotic battlefield situation at the time, so there was no energy to deal with other things.

"Jian Wushuang, is that you?" Zhang Xian'er thought of Jian Wushuang!

Her plan started around Jian Wushuang, but as Jian Wushuang died, his next arrangements were completely disrupted.

After thinking for a long time, Zhang Xian'er left, left the Zhang family mansion, and went to the tenth district.

Zhou Yuanxin However, Su Yu is destined to be a hostile relationship. He Xiao, the son of the tenth district, has always had some ideas about himself. This person can use it!


At the junction of the North Sea inside and outside the sea, Su Yu led people to guard the area where the barrier collapsed. Two days later, a majestic figure appeared.

Su Yu immediately flew out of the camp and bowed his hand to this person: "Su Yu, see Deputy Sect Master Luo!"

This person is one of the deputy masters of the Thousand Island Sect, Roque!

Following this, the surrounding powerhouses rushed to visit the Deputy Sect Master Luo Ke.

Several inner island owners are also on the sidelines. In addition to the first few inner island owners, in the past few days, several inner island owners have arrived.

Their hearts were filled with great anger. Since Su Yu didn't give them an explanation, he would ask for justice from Deputy Sect Master Luo of the Qiandao Sect!

However, these inner island owners also know that when it is not about this matter for the time being, they need to wait for Deputy Sovereign Roque to repair the inner and outer sea barriers.

Zhang Yuntu was also among the crowd. This time, he was very aggrieved and almost died in his own hands. These days he thought about it, but he had no idea.

He almost died in this sea area, and the guards beside him did it. Zhang Yuntu also knew that this matter could not be used to cause trouble for Su Yu. However, Su Yu's man Jian Wushuang killed the inner island owner, he must Blend one hand.

As long as a violent conflict between the inner island owner and Su Yu was created, although an unexpected accident occurred during his trip, the goal was achieved!

Rock nodded towards Su Yu, then looked at everyone, and said: "This time, I already know that after the internal and external sea barriers are repaired, the Thousand Island Sect will definitely give you an explanation."


With the Deputy Sovereign of the Thousand Island Sect, Roke, began to repair the inner and outer sea barriers, and the waiting people had their own thoughts.

And Lin Hao also personally took the Qingshan Island Master who should have died in his hands to the vicinity of this sea area.

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