Rebirth: Ancient Sword God

Chapter 1298: Emergency

Thousandth 298 chapters are urgent

Lin Hao saw the Guangming Avenue on No.15 Emperor Island in District 9, the length of 1,500 miles!

This is already comparable to the limit of the imperial realm that he walked out of during the peak of his previous life!

It is a normal level to be able to take the road to the emperor realm for a thousand miles at the peak stage of the emperor realm, but beyond a thousand li, it is extremely difficult to go a little bit forward.

Above the emperor realm is the divine fire realm, and those who are strong in the divine fire realm are called gods, which means that the emperor realm is the strongest state that a mundane body under the **** can achieve.

And the strongest state of the mundane body has reached the point where it should be the limit. In the normal sense, if you don't become a god, there is no way forward.

Therefore, the road to the imperial realm, after reaching a thousand miles, without igniting the divine fire to become a divine, and want to continue to move forward, it can only rely on supreme perseverance and transcendent talent to forcibly open up a path.

The road to the imperial realm reached 1,500 miles, and it was also a stage where Lin Hao could no longer move forward in his previous life. Therefore, in his previous life, he chose to ignite the divine fire on the road to the emperor realm for 1,500 miles!

This life is the magnificent world of Zhenwu world.

Jiang Huanyu took the road to the emperor and walked two thousand miles away!

In the endless waters, Lin Hao also saw Huang Lao's Wuwei Di Road that had not reached the limit even after three thousand miles.

In addition, the strength of his accumulation in this life is far beyond the previous life. He is also determined to take the road of the imperial emperor, and also to push the imperial path of the imperfect to a limit, with the real strongest mundane body State, ignite the fire, and become a god!

He suppressed the turbulent mood and began to comprehend this 1,500-mile-long road to the imperial realm. The framework of the road to the imperial realm he built was constantly corroborating everything he had felt at this time.

Originally, according to Lin Hao's estimation, the framework of the road to the imperial realm he built could at least open up a road up to two thousand five hundred miles long, but now this framework is changing, towards the road of imperial imperialism.

On the fifteenth Emperor Island, Lin Hao stayed for three days!

The harvest has been quite fruitful, and Wuquedi Road has already gained a lot of attention.

Leaving from Emperor Island on the 15th, Lin Hao was about to go to Emperor Island on the 14th. Suddenly, a familiar spirit came into his mind.

"Brother Wushuang, Saint Child Hall, come here!"

Su Yu's sound transmission seemed extremely urgent. Based on Lin Hao's understanding of Su Yu, this man had a calm temperament, and it was definitely something very serious that happened.

Immediately, Lin Hao changed his route and stopped heading to Emperor Island No. 14. He flew into the Saint Child Hall on Island No. 1 in District 9 at the fastest speed.

"Brother Wushuang, the person I sent to Hongmei Island has something wrong!" Seeing Lin Hao arrived, Su Yu didn't talk nonsense, and immediately said the matter.

Lin Hao said, "Brother Su, I will go to Hongmei Island immediately!"

Lin Hao's heart was also tight. The person Su Yu sent to Hongmei Island had an accident, which meant that Hongmei Island was no longer safe. Hongmei Island was Lin Hao’s only hope that he could find the clues of Kuhai Shenni. Once this line It's broken, I want to find the whereabouts of Kuhai God Ni, and bring my mother Qin Yun back to the True Martial Realm mainland. I don't know how long it will take!

"Brother Wushuang, I have arranged for someone to come and support. Now that the Thousand Island Sect is in a stormy situation, I can't leave..." Su Yu explained.

Lin Hao naturally understood Su Yu's concerns. As the son of the Thousand Island Sect, once Su Yu left the Thousand Island Sect, he would definitely be attacked and killed. Neither Zhou Yuan nor the son of the tenth district He Xiao would miss this opportunity.

"Brother Su, I understand your difficulty, I will solve this matter myself!" Lin Hao said.

Su Yu was still a little worried, and said: "The person I sent out was attacked and killed, but the matter about Hongmei Island has not yet been exposed. In my opinion, Brother Wushuang, you should not leave the Thousand Island Sect for the time being."

The reason why Su Yu immediately notified Lin Hao about this matter was mainly because he knew how much Lin Hao attached to Hongmei Island, so he didn't want to hide it, but Su Yu didn't want Lin Hao to leave the Thousand Island Sect because it was indeed extremely dangerous.

"Bet on whether the other party will know about Hongmei Island and whether they will take action. I can't take this risk!" Lin Hao said in a very serious tone.

Su Yu saw this, and stopped persuading, saying: "Brother Wushuang, if something cannot be done, you must ensure your own safety, and you can think of another way for the suffering of the sea god."

"Okay, Brother Su, time is urgent, I'll set off now!" Lin Hao said.

Su Yu nodded and said: "Brother Wushuang, after leaving the Thousand Island Sect, try to join the person I sent out and don't act alone.

Now that these people have begun to feel restless, then I have to do it too. I am here and putting pressure on them can also reduce the risk on your side, Brother Wushuang. "

Immediately afterwards, Lin Hao immediately left through the teleportation formation on the Thousand Island Sect.

This one end of the teleportation formation is only a thousand miles away from Hongmei Island.

Lin Hao was in the teleportation formation, about a quarter of an hour later, a light appeared in front of him!

The exit is right here!

At this moment, a cold light flashed in Lin Hao's eyes, and the power in his body had already begun to surge.

Just at the moment when Lin Hao was about to rush out of this teleportation formation, a sword aura was slashed out of his hand!


Outside the teleportation formation, the sword energy that Lin Hao slashed out collided with the power of several tyrannical laws, and a terrifying storm erupted.

Lin Hao burst out with a radiant glow of blood, rushing out like a round of scorching sun.

"Swish swish!"

The sound of breaking through the air caused by several rapid movements sounded, and the three sacred realm peak powerhouses, with violent aura, surrounded Lin Hao.

Originally, the entrances and exits of this transmission channel were guarded by people from the Thousand Island Sect. However, since someone attacked the people sent by Su Yu this time, they would definitely take this transmission channel. Lin Hao had already had this point. Expected.

However, what he did not expect was that the Qiandao Sect warrior guarding this passage was not killed by someone, but rebelled. At this time, one of the three peak powers of the holy realm surrounding him was one of them. When Lin Hao came to Hongmei Island last time, he met a guy here!

These people had already predicted that under the current situation of the Thousand Island Sect, Su Yu would not be able to bring in the top powerhouses, so arranging to intercept the reinforcements sent by Su Yu here was just three holy realm peaks.

"Jian Wushuang, I didn't expect that Su Yu was willing to send you out, which is surprising!"

"Huh, it is said that you have the strength to be in the top ten of the holy list, but I want to see if you can save your life from the three of us!"

"Jian Wushuang, today is your death date!"

In the next moment, these three sacred realm pinnacle powerhouses, the power of the law origin in their bodies, burst out, killing Lin Hao!

"All have to die!" Lin Hao suddenly shouted, stabbing with a sword.

Mystery, the Kingdom of Mizusawa!

Even if the three sacred realm pinnacle powerhouses were prepared, they were of no avail and were directly involved in Lin Hao's secret world!

Even if Lin Hao didn't use his real power to deal with three warriors of the same rank, it would be easy!

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