Rebirth: Ancient Sword God

Chapter 1300: Relief

The first thousand three hundred chapters

Rao was from Hongmei Island and had the courage to fight, but the difference in strength between the two sides was still too big.

The five-tiered emperor who attacked Hongmei Island coldly shouted: "Ruan Hongmei, since you want to die, today, you will be fulfilled!"

The next moment, this five-tiered emperor realm rushed towards the Lord of Hongmei Island instantly.

Although the strength of the Hongmei Island Master is only the third level of the Emperor Realm, she has once received the guidance of the Kuhai God Ni, and her combat power is not weak. A whisk in her hand sweeps away a large amount of power from the sky and the earth, pushing the opponent back, and then, With the dust in his hand, it exploded suddenly, and countless white silk threads, under the blessing of the power of heaven and earth, shot at other enemies!

A strong man who had just entered the emperor realm did not react at all. He was wrapped around his body by a few white silk threads, and a white silk thread was shot at the center of his eyebrows. At the critical moment, the person gave a violent shout and surrounded his body. , The power of heaven and earth exploded suddenly, avoiding it in a way that hurts itself.

Of the more than ten saint martial artists who attacked Hongmei Island, three of them were pierced by the white silk thread, and their spirits disappeared.

There are also several people, all bound by white silk threads, and their bodies are cut into segments!

When an attack of such intensity erupted, Hongmei Island Master's face instantly turned pale, and blood overflowed in his mouth and nose.

"Ruan Hongmei, it seems that I underestimated you before, but using that kind of power just now, your imperial origins are beginning to collapse. Next, what will you use to fight us!" The five-tiered imperial expert has a look on his face. It's ugly. The situation that was originally absolutely crushed was turned into this way. On my own side, a strong man who had just entered the emperor realm was injured. There were twelve strong men in the holy realm, three fell, and six wounded!

Moreover, of the six injured, four are warriors of the Great Sage level!

Hongmei Island Master, the decisive force on his body, became stronger and stronger, and said: "It’s not up to you to decide whether to continue the battle. I, Ruan Hongmei, once received the guidance of the God of Kuhai. Will fall into the reputation of the gods!"

"Huh, don't use the **** of bitterness to scare people here, even if the **** of bitterness of the sea really pointed you, so what? The **** of bitterness, but there is no thought to care about such small things!" The five-tiered imperial realm expert He shouted, and once again killed Hongmei Island Master.

The Red Plum Island Master took a deep breath, and the power of the emperor realm in his body began to become more violent.

And at this moment, a very special force fell on Hongmei Island Master.

The power of the imperial realm that had begun to become violent in the main body of Hongmei Island suddenly subsided.

As for the five-tiered emperor who attacked the Lord of Hongmei, I saw that the Lord of Hongmei seemed to have a tendency to explode just now. He wanted to avoid it for a while, but this thought just came up and he discovered that the Lord of Hongmei was on him. His breath became calm, a smirk appeared at the corner of his mouth, and the speed of his shot was a little faster, and he shot it out with one palm. The power of the world in a radius of five hundred miles was under his control, in his opinion , This blow could definitely kill Hongmei Island Master!


But at this moment, a figure appeared in front of Hongmei Island Master, and suddenly cut out an extremely powerful sword energy.

This sword aura broke through the power of heaven and earth controlled by the five-layered imperial realm, and then the figure of the sword-out person flashed and took the initiative to launch a fierce attack.

"Jian Wushuang..." The Hongmei Island Master looked at the figure suddenly appearing here, fighting against the five-tiered emperor realm, and was taken aback.

She was full of shock. Jian Wushuang was able to confront a five-tiered imperial realm powerhouse. It was incredible. Moreover, the power that suppressed the imperial realm that was about to explode in her body just now came from Jian Wushuang?

"Island Lord Hongmei, I will solve this person, you should hold the other person for a while!" Lin Hao shouted.

The Hongmei Island Lord did not hesitate anymore, with one person's power, alone entangled the three powerful emperors.

On the other hand, Hongmei Island’s first-level imperial realm powerhouse fought against the newly-entered imperial realm powerhouse who had just been blown up and injured by the Hongmei Island master, and he had spare capacity to help the holy realm warrior. .


"Jian Wushuang, you are brave enough to leave Thousand Island Sect and show up in front of me. Since you are in a hurry to die, I will fulfill you!" The five-tiered imperial realm expert shouted angrily and was beaten just now. He was caught off guard and was entangled for a while by a guy like Jian Wushuang who hadn't even reached the Emperor Realm cultivation level. This made him feel very angry!

As he reacted, the power of heaven and earth that can be mobilized by the five-tier imperial realm was completely exploded, intending to crush this bold Jian Wushuang with an absolute realm advantage!

Lin Hao snorted coldly, and said, "Who is dead is not certain!"

When the voice fell, Lin Hao waved his arm and rolled the sky curtain to completely cover up the breath of the two of them, as if there was no such sea area.

The five-tiered powerhouse of the Emperor Realm who was blocked by the curtain of the sky from all contact with the outside world had a panic in his expression, but he quickly calmed down.

"It's a good baby, but there is no way to block me from mobilizing the power of heaven and earth, Jian Wushuang, you are dead!" This person sneered and shouted.

Lin Hao didn't talk nonsense, cut out with a sword.

God of War swordsmanship, nine to one sword!

At the moment when this sword was cut, the sword essence in Lin Hao's body had vitality and blood, and the fusion was completed in an instant, and the divine power bloomed without any worries, and the sword light cut by this sword became extremely bright!

Even if the divine power that Lin Hao exploded was not as pure as the divine power controlled by a real God-Fire Realm powerhouse, his advantage over the power of heaven and earth was extremely huge.

Before that, with the cooperation of Liu Xiao, he suppressed Xu Han in the fifth level of the Emperor Realm.

Although there is no help from Liu Xiao now, the strength of this guy in front of him is far less than Xu Han, who has the line of crossing the sky. The realm is the same, but the combat effectiveness is worlds apart.

Just now, the five-fold powerhouse of the Emperor Realm who was arrogant and proud, his face was full of fear and uneasiness. Facing the incomparable sword light, the power of heaven and earth he mobilized was like thin paper, which was easily torn. crack.


The sword light fell, and the man retreated violently, but still had a terrible wound on his body, and his body was almost split in half!

At the wound, there is a surging of divine power, and it is difficult for him to recover from the injury.

"How is it can you explode so much divine power..." Apart from the pain caused by the injury, the incredible look in his eyes on this person's face is also extremely rich.

Lin Hao would not respond to this person, with one sword hitting his opponent severely, and the second sword, followed by one after another, still being the strongest one.

The divine power remaining in the body also came out with this sword, and it was instantly exhausted.

Under this sword, the body of the five-tiered powerhouse of the Emperor Realm was completely exploded, and then it was crushed and turned into powder, and his soul could not escape.

Solving a powerful enemy of the five-tier emperor realm, Lin Hao's power was also exhausted.

When Lin Hao came out of the teleportation formation, the corpses of the three sacred peak warriors who had been killed had been refined into pure energy on the way to Hongmei Island. At this time, they could be used for recovery. power.

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