Rebirth: Ancient Sword God

Chapter 1312: Under control

The first thousand three hundred and twelve chapters are in control

Long Cang was notified that it would take a while for the true god-level patriarch of the Tianlong line to arrive.

Lin Hao withdrew the curtain of the sky. In the main hall, the shock caused by the war could still be felt. Obviously, the battle between Su Yu and He Xiao was not over yet.

Lin Hao's figure flashed and hurried to the battlefield.

"He Xiao, before Zhang Xian'er died, he had already explained clearly that you, together with Zhou Yuan, set up a calculation to entrap a large number of powerful people in the Qiandao Sect!"

Lin Hao rushed to the battlefield and shouted.

The fierce fighting between the two sides also stopped.

Lin Hao flew towards Su Yu.

Suddenly, an emperor realm powerhouse standing next to He Xiao who had just stopped, suddenly shot, and patted Lin Hao with a palm.

"Be careful!"

Su Yu yelled to remind that the imperial peak powerhouse beside Su Yu immediately rushed towards Lin Hao, wanting to help Lin Hao out of the siege.

Lin Hao let out a cold snort, and with a backhand sword, he split the palm prints that hit him, and the sword energy continued to move forward, falling on the second-tier emperor realm who shot, and cut off one of his arms.


Immediately afterwards, Su Yu rushed to the imperial realm peak powerhouse who rushed to relieve Lin Hao, punched out the pair of Lin Hao, and was blown away by the imperial realm double powerhouse who had been cut off by Lin Hao. !

"Uncle San!"

He Xiao's eyes were cracking, his eyes were red, and he roared!

Su Yu had also led people and rushed to Lin Hao's side.

"Brother Su, fortunately, Zhang Xian'er has explained everything clearly." Lin Hao smiled faintly.

"Su Yu, Jian Wushuang, don't you just want to take this opportunity to get rid of me? If you want to add to the crime, there is nothing wrong with it. Moreover, if you kill my third uncle, even if I, He Xiao, I don’t want to be the saint son. We must seek justice back!" He Xiao roared.

"He Xiao, don't pretend, the evidence is solid, your third uncle wants to kill someone, and he is responsible for his death!" Su Yu shouted coldly.

"Evidence? Okay, Su Yu, I want to see what your so-called evidence is. If you have the ability, I will show you the evidence you keep saying!" He Xiao laughed angrily.

Lin Hao waved his hand, and immediately, the two pieces of Zhang Xian'er's spirit that he had intercepted just now turned into two scenes and appeared in everyone's eyes.

One of the scenes is the scene of Zhang Xianer's contact with Zhou Yuan.

The second scene is the scene of Zhang Xian'er urging He Xiao to attack Situ Yuan.

As soon as these two scenes came out, He Xiao's expression changed drastically, staring at Lin Hao, his voice was cold, and he said, "Did you kill Zhang Xian'er?"

"Zhang Xian'er has a bad heart and deserves it." Su Yu helped Lin Hao answer this question.

"Su Yu, sure enough, everyone has always underestimated you before. This time you acted on me. The timing was really good. Taking advantage of the fall of my He family ancestor, my strength was greatly damaged, and I wanted to block you and become the one of the Thousand Island Sect. The stumbling block of the heir is completely resolved, but what can these two memories of the soul show?

This simply does not prove that I was in collusion with Zhang Xian'er and Zhou Yuan. I was also calculated by a **** like Zhang Xian'er. I am also a victim! "He Xiao stared at Su Yu, defending himself.

Su Yu looked indifferent and said: "Naturally, you can't make a decision on this matter lightly. Therefore, you immediately give up resistance and cooperate with the investigation. If it really has nothing to do with you, naturally you won't be wronged."

"Want to control me? Su Yu, don't think about it!" He Xiao said angrily.

"Since you are unwilling to cooperate, you can only use my method!" Su Yu yelled coldly, and the strong man who followed him shot again, preparing to capture He Xiao.

At this time, Lin Hao did not continue to participate in the war, and stood with Su Yu, and the two were transmitting their voices with spiritual power.

"Brother Lin, what happened to Zhang Xian'er?"

"Having destroyed her soul, Lu Yi puts a bigger bargaining chip on her than we thought. For Lu Yi, Zhang Xian'er is an extremely important chess piece. Now that this chess piece is gone, Lu Yi can no longer Controlling the situation of the Thousand Island Sect should come personally soon."

"Second elder, what do you think?"

"I found something from Zhang Xian'er's soul memory. He Xiao also seemed to really think that his ancestor who was the second elder of the Thousand Island Sect had fallen, but Zhang Xian'er was actually the same as we inferred. She also suspects that the second elder is still alive. Since that old guy is unwilling to show up until now, continue to force him."

"Once the second elder shows up, I am afraid that the third elder who is in charge of the law enforcement hall will also appear. After all, Zhang Xian'er is a descendant of the third elder. Zhang Xian'er has such a big problem, the third elder must also want to clear the relationship."

"The appearance of the three elders may not necessarily be to separate the relationship. When the time comes, act according to the situation."

The two ended the voice transmission dialogue, and Su Yu looked at the battlefield and shouted: "He Xiao, since you still want to fight against you, don't blame me for being merciless.

Everyone in the ninth district listened to the order, if He Xiao dared to resist, there would be no mercy! "

As soon as Su Yu said this, the powerhouse he brought with him burst out with even more tyrannical power. In the blink of an eye, he blasted and killed several imperial realm powerhouses and more than a dozen holy realm warriors on He Xiao's side.

Even He Xiao is at stake!

Seeing that He Xiao was about to be killed, a voice suddenly spread throughout the audience.


In this voice, with anger, the next moment, a figure suddenly appeared.


He Xiao looked at this figure with an extremely shocking expression on his face. He clearly saw the fall of his ancestor with his own eyes... But now...

However, He Xiao didn't have time to think about it so much, and immediately shouted: "Please also ancestors, call for Xiaoer, and seek justice."

Lin Hao and Su Yu looked at each other, and smiles appeared on their faces.

Finally forced out this old thing!

The second elder of the Thousand Island Sect was a half-step Divine Fire Realm cultivation base, with an extremely powerful aura. As soon as he appeared, the fighting stopped, Su Yu's people returned to Su Yu one after another to ensure Su Yu's safety.

Su Yu smiled faintly and said: "The second elder is still alive. It is the great fortune of the Thousand Island Sect. However, now the Thousand Island Sect has internal and external troubles and crises. I hope that the second elder can distinguish between public and private and consider the overall situation."

The second elder stared at Su Yu, snorted coldly, and said, "The old man has a big fate, and luckily saved his life. Because of the betrayal of the four elders, the old man had doubts in his heart and planned to investigate some things secretly, so he never showed up.

As for the collusion with Zhou Yuan by the younger generation of my He family, there was nothing in the skill of the master, and those two psychic memories could not represent anything at all.

If Shengzi Su Yu must conduct a thorough investigation, the old man, as the second elder of the Thousand Island Sect, will naturally cooperate. However, Zhang Xianer is a descendant of the third elder. Since you want to investigate the son of Su Yu, please also check the third elder. "

The second elder is putting pressure on Su Yu!

The three elders are in charge of the law enforcement hall. Once the three elders are moved, it will touch the core of the Thousand Island Sect, and the situation of the Thousand Island Sect will become more chaotic.

He expected that Su Yu would not dare to do anything to the Three Elders. If Su Yu did not dare, then their family could justifiably ignore Su Yu's investigation.

"Please don't worry about the second elder. Since you want to check, you will naturally check it thoroughly." Su Yu smiled faintly, admiring Lin Hao more and more in her heart.

Lin Hao had thought of these details a long time ago. He forced the second elder out, and then used Zhang Xian'er to involve the third elder, making the Thousand Island Sect a complete mess, allowing those who want to control the chess game behind the scenes. Everyone had to come out in person, and the people who originally controlled the game will all be in the game.

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