Rebirth: Ancient Sword God

Chapter 1318: The last chance

Chapter 1318 The Last Chance

The Thousand Island Sect Guardian Array has been opened to its strongest state.

During this period of time, the Thousand Island Sect has been in chaos, and all the warriors are panicking.

But no matter how chaotic the Thousand Island Sect’s guardian formation is always in a calm state, those Qiandao Sect warriors who are disturbed still have a bottom in their hearts, knowing that the current chaos of the Thousand Island Sect has not yet threatened them. Foundation.

But now, the guardian formation is fully opened, which means that the Thousand Island Sect has encountered a trouble that can threaten the foundation, and this trouble obviously comes from the seven figures blocked by the big formation.

Within the Thousand Island Sect, bursts of formidable auras also began to erupt. A total of four super powers flew out of the formation and confronted the seven figures.

Thousand Island Sect shot these four people, it is the four super elders of Thousand Island Sect, three Divine Fire Realm, and one True Divine Realm.

As for the seven figures they faced, the auras on six of them were all at the level of the Divine Fire Realm. Lu Yi, who took the lead, had no aura and could not judge the true power.

"Lu Yi, if Tianmen wants to take control of Beihai, then we will pass the level of our four old guys first!" The true **** elder who is the most powerful among the four elders shouted angrily.

Lu Yi, with a shawl of hair, looked at the four great elders of Qiandao Sect, with a look of disdain flashing in his eyes, and said: "It's all this moment, and Ren Qianliu is still reluctant to come forward in person. It's quite tolerable.

After solving you, I want to see what other methods Ren Qianliu has to compete with Lu Yi! "


The True God-level Supreme Elder of the Thousand Island Sect screamed and slapped Lu Yi with a palm.


With a terrifying roar, a strong man behind Lu Yi made a move to block the blow of the true **** supreme elder.

Thousands of miles around the world, the sea, are all annihilated at this moment.

If it weren't for the Thousand Island Sect's guardian formation to be at its strongest state, I'm afraid that the Thousand Island Sect would no longer exist in the confrontation with that blow.

On Lu Yi's side, the person who made the shot was a powerhouse at the peak of the Divine Fire Realm. This person was also extremely struggling to block a blow from the Supreme Elder of the True God level of the Thousand Island Sect.

However, immediately there was another powerhouse from the peak of the Divine Fire Realm, and the two great peaks of the Divine Fire Realm, entangled the strongest of the Thousand Island Sect.

On Lu Yi’s side, a total of seven people came. In addition to Kai Lu Yi, there were six more. Now the two have fought fiercely with the strongest of the Thousand Island Sect, and the remaining four are against the three gods of the Qiandao Sect. Elder, launch an offensive.

With four to three, the cultivation level of the strong on both sides is not much different, and in an instant, the strong brought by Lu Yi occupied a considerable advantage.

The power possessed by every powerhouse in the Divine Fire Realm has surpassed the limit that the world of Zhenwu Realm can withstand.

At this time, a true **** and nine strong powers from the Divine Fire Realm clashed, causing a storm of power to destroy the world.

Even if the Thousand Island Sect's guardian formation did not directly face the impact of these powerful men, it was just some aftermath of force that washed away, and the entire formation was faltering.

Lu Yi still stood with his hand held in hand, did not watch the fight between the strongest of the two sides, and kept his eyes fixed on the Qiandaozong guardian formation.

"Zhengtian sword Huang San, even if you have already sealed the sword, since you have walked out of the road of the imperial emperor, you already have a relationship with those remnants. Today, I, Lu Yi, must get rid of you!

Ren Qianliu, you haven't come forward yet, what are you going to do?

Those remnants, will they be shot this time? "

Many thoughts flashed through Lu Yi's heart.

Regardless of his aggressive coming this time, in fact, his deployment has already been disrupted.

Originally, he wanted to use Zhang Xian'er and Zhou Yuan to disrupt the Thousand Island Sect and consume most of the Qiandao Sect before appearing in person.

But some things were beyond his control, Zhang Xian'er was destroyed, Zhou Yuan was caught off guard, and could no longer pose any threat to Qiandao Sect.

Some things that were not under his control appeared one after another, which also caused Lu Yi to make up his mind to attack the Qiandao Sect at the expense of some strength.

He doesn't like this kind of situation that is out of control!


Within the Thousand Islands Sect.

All the warriors looked pale.

They can all feel the Huzong Great Formation being shaken by the shock of the terrifying force.

Once the guardian formation is broken.

Even a strong imperial realm is not sure that he can save his life.

"What exactly happened here?"

"Where is Sect Master Ren? Why hasn't the Sect Master come forward yet!"

"Today, is the Thousand Island Sect really going to be destroyed? Where is our way out?"

In everyone's heart, pessimistic and desperate emotions erupted and roared unwillingly.

The ninth district, No. 1 Emperor Island.

Huang Lao held the rusty sword and stood still in front of the stele.

His gaze, through the guardian formation, focused on the fierce battle outside the formation, his expression was not a trace of nervousness, but extremely calm.

Suddenly, Huang Lao retracted his gaze and looked in front of him.

"Sect Master Ren, since you insist on doing this, I won't stop you, but not now." Huang Lao said lightly.

As his words fell, in front of Huang Lao, Ren Qianliu's figure appeared. He looked at Huang Lao with complicated eyes, and said: "Now is the best opportunity, otherwise, if Lu Yi comes in, there will be no Chance."

Old Huang shook his head and said, "Wait another day!"

"This Jian Wushuang is not worth waiting for another day." Ren Qianliu said.

"It's worth it." Huang Lao said firmly, "Sect Master Ren, you have been preparing for so many years, and you can afford to wait for this day. One day later, if you have no chance, I will create an opportunity for you!"

With such promise from Huang Lao, Ren Qianliu nodded and said, "Okay! Then I will give Jian Wushuang another day!"

After all, Ren Qianliu's figure faded away.

Huang Lao turned around, looked at the stone tablet, and said, "Lin Hao, Lin Hao, there is still one day left. There is only one day to go out of the Wuque Emperor Road...

One day later, Emperor Island disappeared, the taboo was broken, the creatures were burnt, and the North Sea was blood-stained.

Lin Hao, as the inheritor of the Nine Meridians of Reincarnation, if you walked out of this road of perfect emperor again, how would you collide with the existence in the taboo?

Can you create miracles and turn the tide as you did in the Eastern and Southern Regions?

Beihai, rely on you! "

At this time, in the Ninth District No. 1 Emperor Island.

Lin Hao will fill up this empty space with the world and the road to the imperial realm he has felt in every emperor island before.

Heaven and earth are natural, life is reincarnation, general ethics, etiquette and education, and thoughts collide.

Lin Hao walked in this world, and every step he took, everything around him changed drastically.

This is the world evolved by his Wuwei Dilu framework!

He walked in the framework of Wuwei Emperor Road to find a way to truly take the first step on Wuwei Emperor Road!

With the deepening of perception, Lin Hao's eyes became brighter, and the world evolved by the Wuwei Dilu framework he built began to merge.

"The Way of the People!"

"The way of everything!"

"The Way of All Dharma!"


Lin Hao slowly uttered his voice, and every word was deafening, like the great sound of a great road in the beginning of the world.

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