Rebirth: Ancient Sword God

Chapter 1326: Lu Yi retires

Chapter 1326: Lu Yi's defeat

That powerful sword shocked everyone's heart.

With this sword, Huang Lao seemed to have returned to the era of the first sword in the North Sea.

I really found out that if it wasn't right that day, I Huang San used the sword to be right.

The foundation of the Eight Thousand Mile Wuque Emperor Road, once lit, straight to the peak of the Divine Fire, this sword is not as strong as Long Cang and Lu Yi, but it has completely surpassed the true god-level Supreme Elder of the Qiandao Sect!

With the appearance of Lin Hao, with the help of the immortal divine power in the Tianshen Sword in the eternal land guarded by the Thousand Island Sect, he cut the manifestation of the spiritual power of the two great gods, and the sword slashed the Tianmen. Lu Yi suffered backlash, and then Long Cang violently smashed the corner of Tianmen with one claw. Lu Yi suffered a backlash again, and then Lin Hao detonated a compressed sacred fire, causing Lu Yi to be dizzy. Now, Lu Yi has no time to resist Huang Lao. This sword.


The sword was transformed into a sword with the sword, and the power of this sword slashed at the top of the gate of the day, setting off an extremely huge storm.

Lu Yi, who was in the heavenly gate, was splashed with blood and suffered a severe backlash again.

Moreover, that heavenly gate was already full of cracks at this time, as if it would shatter with the touch.

After Huang Lao Yijian passed, he was also very exhausted and his breath was heavy.

"Wait for me, Lu Yi will definitely make a comeback again, and I will wait for you!"

Lu Yibei roared angrily and waved his big hand. The cracked heavenly gate became bigger again. Megatron heaven and earth, and the heavenly gate projection, enveloped the powerful men brought by him. The next moment, Lu Yi brought the powerful men. It disappeared instantly.


Someone shouted, but Lu Yi had already left, and these people became abandoned children.


Among those who became abandoned, there are three gods and fire realm powerhouses, as well as more than 30 emperor realm top powerhouses, they dare not stay here anymore, they want to escape!

"Don't even try to escape!"

With a loud shout, erupted from the Thousand Island Sect, Ren Qianliu rushed out first, slashing at a strong man in the Divine Fire Realm who wanted to escape, exploding his body.


The top powerhouses of the Emperor Realm of the Thousand Island Sect were killed one after another.

Lao Huang, who consumed a lot of money, suddenly gave a soft drink, waved one hand, and a sharp sword aura shot out, wiping out the ashes of a powerful person in the Divine Fire Realm who wanted to escape!

The True God Supreme Elder of the Thousand Island Sect, the suppressed anger in his heart also broke out at this time, and he stopped a strong man in the Divine Fire Realm and attacked frantically. Within a moment, the opponent's fight was wiped out.

As Lu Yi evacuated, a group of strong men was taken away, and the remaining people could not bear the anger of the Qiandao Sect. The battle ended after half an hour.

In this battle, Lu Yi brought the powers of the Divine Fire Realm, five people fell, and the top powers of the Emperor Realm fell, more than fifty people!

On the Thousand Island Sect, one person from the Divine Fire Realm fell, and the top power from the Emperor Realm fell more than 30 people!

This kind of terrifying battle is in the endless sea, placed in the real martial world, even the most powerful middle domain can not afford this kind of loss!

The key to the victory of the Thousand Island Sect lies in Lin Hao.

Without Lin Hao's invitation to Long Cang, Qiandao Sect would have long been unable to hold it.

Long Cang restrained Lu Yi, opened the cracks in the real martial realm sky at Lu Yi's gate, using the power of the gods, Long Cang defeated the three spiritual manifestations.

Long Cang's power was exhausted, and the strong gods gathered two spiritual manifestations again. At that time, Long Cang was no longer able to fight anymore, and Elder Huang couldn't deal with it. Thousand Island Sect saw that it was at stake, but Lin Hao appeared at the last moment. Turn the tide!

After the battle, everyone returned to the Thousand Island Sect.

Ren Qianliu, Huang Lao, and the remaining three elders of the Thousand Island Sect, came to the main hall one after another and saluted Long Cang.

Although Lin Hao is the most important person in this battle, Long Cang's identity and strength are placed here, and naturally the first person to thank Long Cang.

Long Cang waved his hand and said: "This matter is over, Lu Yi's vitality is badly hurt, he must not dare to make any more actions in a short time, you can rest assured that the old man has urgent matters to deal with, so I will stay soon and leave."

When Long Cang left, Lin Hao used his spiritual energy to transmit his voice, saying: "You bastard, this time I caused such trouble to the old man. The favor I owe you has already been paid off. Let the old man help."

Lin Hao smiled dumbly.

He knew that Long Cang was a little depressed and casually said that as the dragon clan with the highest level of life in the world, especially the patriarch of the Tianlong clan, the most powerful clan among the dragon clan, although this battle showed strong enough, but Did not play a vital role, but suffered a serious injury. Naturally, I felt a little bit uncomfortable...

Long Cang is a heavenly dragon who wants face.

In the main hall, only Lin Hao, Huang Lao, Ren Qianliu, and the three elders of Qiandao Sect were left.

Ren Qianliu looked at Lin Hao and was silent.

The three elders did not speak either.

Mr. Huang broke the silence and said: "Lin Hao, this time, Thousand Island Sect has accepted your help and turned the danger to a breeze. This kindness will not be forgotten by the Thousand Island Sect."

Ren Qianliu is also a man of great ambition. At this time, he spoke calmly and said: "Lin Hao, in my life, Ren Qianliu has never owed favors. This time, I owe you a favor."

Lin Hao looked at Ren Qianliu and said: "Sect Master Ren, I can actually understand your decision, but the Eternal Land is a matter of safety for the entire True Martial Realm. I hope that Sect Master Ren can dispel this idea.

The existence of Eternal Land is not because it is unwilling to shoot, but because there are too many restrictions, so it cannot be shot. "

Although Lao Huang didn’t tell Lin Hao about Ren Qianliu’s plan, Lin Hao learned some secrets of the Eternal Land. He also sensed Ren Qianliu’s actions when he came out of No. 1 Emperor Island, and he was naturally able to guess his purpose.

Ren Qianliu nodded and said: "This matter seems to be that I am paranoid. The existence of Eternal Land is restricted and cannot be taken. But this time I still help in another way. In my heart, Ren Qianliu, The grievances have also been reduced a lot, and in the future, I will never make such a decision again.

When the Thousand Island Sect turmoil is settled, I will resign as the lord of the Thousand Island Sect, and the son of Su Yu has grown up. It is time for him to carry the burden of the Thousand Island Sect! "

His previous plan was to quell all hidden dangers, break taboos, and allow Thousand Island Sect to make all decisions on his own, and let Su Yu be in charge!

Now, the Thousand Island Sect chaos is almost over, and it is time for Su Yu to take charge of the Qiandao Sect.

Huang San, is now the veritable Qiandaozong No. 1 powerhouse, this Zhengtian Sword supports Su Yu.

Ren Qianliu has seen Lin Hao's potential, and this one also supports Su Yu!

In addition to the current Thousand Island Sect, the internal troubles that should be eliminated have been eliminated. The Thousand Island Sect that Su Yu is now in charge, although not the most powerful Thousand Island Sect, must be the most unified Thousand Island Sect!

Regarding the Thousand Island Sect, Ren Qianliu didn't explain too much to Lin Hao, nor was it necessary.

After he expressed his stance, he and the three elders left the hall to deal with matters left over after the war.

Lin Hao looked at Huang Lao.

Old Huang smiled faintly.

Immediately, the two of them flashed and left the main hall. The next moment, they appeared beside the simple wooden house on the edge of No. 1 Island in District 9.

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