Rebirth: Ancient Sword God

Chapter 1329: Qingtianjun

The first thousand and 329 chapters Qingtianjun

Lin Hao followed behind, flexing his speed and hurried to the chaotic sea.

The man leading the way in front had blood dripping from the wound on his body.

His immortal power can't suppress the injury at all.

This person's speed is not fast, but even if it is not fast, it is only relatively speaking, it needs Lin Hao's fastest outburst to keep up.

The area they flew over gave Lin Hao a very special feeling, like an independent space, but also as if it was in the endless sea of ​​Zhenwu Realm. He didn't know where it was.

No wonder there is a sea of ​​chaos. Although someone in the endless sea has heard of it, no one knows its specific location.

According to his own speed and the time on the road, Lin Hao calculated it, probably after traveling thousands of miles, then stopped.

But he can be sure that if he hadn't traveled from the eternal land of Emperor Qiandaozong's island, he would definitely not find the Sea of ​​Chaos, even if he ran through the thousands of miles around Qiandaozong.

Because the space and time here should also have problems, completely different from the outside world.

At this time, in front of the two of them, a huge palace appeared.

Lin Hao has never seen the magnificence of the palace.

The sum of the Luoying Shrine, the Pantheon, and the God of War Palace in the Void God Realm is definitely less than one or two of the palaces in front of you.

"This is the tomb of the **** emperor?" Lin Hao secretly said in his heart, but didn't ask aloud, he would know everything later.

"Xun, please see Tianjun!"

The man who led the way Lin Hao knelt on one knee and shouted.

Lin Hao finally knew the man's name, called Xun.

Perhaps this is his surname, but it is also possible that this is his name.

Moreover, at this time, Lin Hao's heart was even more shocked.


In the sea of ​​chaos, it is not the **** king, but the heavenly king!

Lin Hao had learned many things when he was in the War God Palace of the Void God Realm.

Tianjun is a title that can only be used by supernatural powers at the level of gods.

The God Realm in the next three days, as well as the Void God Realm, the strongest, are only the God King Realm.

The Divine King Realm is far from the Divine Sovereign Realm, and there are three great realms of Divine Emperor, Divine Venerable, and Divine Ancestor.

There are no gods in the three-day God Realm!

This is a transcendent existence that only the God Realm of the last three days has!


In the palace, there was a shock, and the next moment, a woman walked out slowly.

The woman was wearing a long dress in Tsing Yi, although she did not reveal a trace of breath, Lin Hao felt an invisible pressure at the first glance when she saw the woman. This pressure is so great that it can be called the greatest in her life. !

If the other party really wants to explode in momentum, Lin Hao has no doubt that he will die under this momentum.

Is this a strong man at the level of gods?

Divine King Realm, in the face of this kind of existence, absolutely cannot withstand a move!

Since Chaoshenhai has such an invincible existence, why should he stay here?

Moreover, with such existence, wouldn't it be possible to solve the injuries of Xun and people like Xun?

Could it be that there are other unspeakable secrets?

Many thoughts flashed through Lin Hao's mind.

The woman in Tsing Yi had already walked in front of the two.

"Xun, did you do it again?" The woman in Tsing Yi frowned. In her tone, she did not blame, but was deeply worried!

"Lu Yi came to commit a crime, refining a magic weapon that can open the sky, so he had to make a move. Tianjun don't have to worry, Xun can still keep to the end of this cycle."

The woman in Tsing Yi sighed and said, "Go back."

Xun got up immediately, turned around and left without explaining Lin Hao.

The woman's gaze fell on Lin Hao, with no change in expression on her face, she also turned and left.

Lin Hao hurriedly shouted: "Tianjun!"

The woman continued to walk towards the palace and said lightly: "Lu Zhan, you should not interfere."

As soon as he said this, Lin Hao frowned. He knew who Lu Zhan was, the man who created the supreme practice of the war body, the ancestor of the God of War Palace!

Why did this heavenly monarch say such a thing?

Could it be that Lu Zhan, the patriarch of the God of War, is still alive? Also in the dark, participating in this big game of heaven and earth?

But at this moment, a figure suddenly rushed out of Lin Hao's body.

Lin Hao was shocked again.

what happened?

Why does the second elder sister have the manifestation of spiritual power in her body?

Could it be that the last time I went back to the God of War and mentioned that I was coming to the endless sea, the second senior sister Nie Ru left a manifestation of spiritual power on me?

After Nie Ru's manifestation of spiritual power appeared, he immediately moved forward, bent over and bowed his hands in salute, saying: "Junior Nie Ru, third-generation heir of the war body, pay respect to Qing Tianjun."

The woman in Tsing Yi finally stopped, turned around, looked at Nie Ru, and there was a flash of ice in her expression.

Nie Ru's manifestation of spiritual power immediately said: "Please forgive Qingtianjun. The younger generation did not intend to offend, but was concerned about the safety of the younger brother, so he left a manifestation of spiritual power.

Qing Tianjun has misunderstood the Patriarch, and I hope Qing Tianjun can listen to Nie Ru's explanation..."

Although Nie Ru didn't have time to explain to Lin Hao, Lin Hao finally knew the reason why Nie Ru quietly arranged a spiritual manifestation on himself.

He believed in the people of the Palace of Wars.

And as soon as Nie Ru appeared, he immediately identified his identity, but it could be said that it was the third-generation heir of the War Body, not the third-generation heir of the God of War. This is a bit subtle.

Qingtian Jundao: "There is no need for you to explain about Lu Zhan."

Nie Ru still maintained a bowing and saluting posture, and said: "Qing Tianjun, Patriarch Master, on the occasion of the fifth reincarnation of the True Martial Realm, single-handedly faced the thirteen top **** kings in the God Realm and has fallen.

My little brother Lin Hao’s affairs were not arranged by the ancestor, everything is a coincidence..."

Jun Qingtian frowned and said, "Lu Zhan...fallen?"

Although Qing Tianjun's expression did not change at all, Lin Hao could hear a trace of sadness in his tone.

"Before the ancestor master fell, there was one thing left. I hope that one day, it will be handed over to Qingtianjun. This time, the juniors did not expect to encounter Qingtianjun, so I did not take the ancestral master's relics out. I waited for my younger brother to return. After the Void God Realm, the younger generation will definitely let me, the younger brother, send the relics of the ancestor master to Qingtianjun." Nie Ru said.

Qing Tianjun was silent for a moment, and then said: "You go."

Nie Ru got up and then glanced at Lin Hao.

Lin Hao knew that the second senior sister Nie Ru wanted to explain to himself, he nodded, indicating that there was no need to explain.

This is just the manifestation of Nie Ru's spiritual power, so Nie Ru directly controlled the dissipation of this spiritual power and disappeared.

Qing Tianjun looked at Lin Hao and said, "Unexpectedly, the person who was most optimistic about the **** emperor back then did not follow the path of the **** emperor. Instead, he was his descendant and took the path of the **** emperor."

Lin Hao now had a cloud of doubts in his heart. Like chaos, he had no knowledge of these things, so he didn't know how to say it.

"You not only took the road of Lu Zhan's battle body, but also a part of the road of the **** emperor, and you also took the road of that guy's impeccable emperor. Obviously, everything is God's will. Come with me." Qing Tianjun said. Turning around again, walked towards the palace.

Lin Hao followed.

This time I came to Endless Sea to investigate Lu Yi’s affairs and Qin Yun’s news. There have been results. And the secrets of Chaoshenhai, I also wanted to learn about it, but only incidentally, but now it seems, I was about to touch the core of this secret.

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