Rebirth: Ancient Sword God

Chapter 1331: Mark of Zhenwu

Chapter 1331 Zhenwu Seal

These pictures are everything that the true martial world has experienced since the fall of the divine emperor, the power of the divine emperor completely sealed the real martial arts world.

Zhenwu Realm was banned, and countless Protoss remained here.

The number and strength are many times that of the strong human races who follow the **** emperor.

The battle was fierce, blood flowed into rivers, and the sky fell apart.

Every strong human race who followed the **** emperor, even if he knew that it was a battle with a mortal ending, was brazen, and no one chose to retreat.

Countless sacrifices, in the end, the human race powerhouse who followed the **** emperor created a miracle, and finally completely wiped out the **** race powerhouse who remained in the true martial world.

Among them, Lin Hao saw the fall of five of the six heavenly monarchs in these pictures.

Seeing the severely injured and dying strong man, he laughed and rushed to the enemy, desperate to fight.

These pictures are countless times more tragic than the battle between the True Martial Realm Human Race and the foreign race some time ago!

These pictures are still flashing quickly, before Lin Hao finished watching, Qing Tianjun waved to end it all.

Obviously, for Lin Hao to see these pictures, it was also a painful memory for her. A sad look appeared on the face of this powerful Qingtianjun.

Lin Hao was silent for a moment, and said: "Mr. Qingtian, Lin Hao apologizes for the words just now, but I still stand firm. Lu Yi opens the gate of heaven and leads the gods to come. Sooner or later, it will happen. Avoidance is not a way, only to fight. This is the only way.

If Tianjun is willing to make a move at this time, perhaps, he can take this opportunity to kill Lu Yi directly! "

Qing Tianjun shook his head and said: "I can't kill Lu Yi now. The name of Tianjun is nothing more than once."

Lin Hao suddenly understood.

It seems that a powerful person at the level of gods such as Qingtianjun also left indelible scars in the first battle, and his strength plummeted...

"Mr Qingtian, the strong man in the Sea of ​​Chaos, is there really no way to recover?" Lin Hao asked.

Perhaps this is the solution to the problem.

Only by allowing these strong men to recover, Chaos Shenhai will be free of those worries and can go to war!

Qing Tianjun looked at Lin Hao and said, "Yes!"

"What is the solution? Please let Qing Tianjun inform that Lin Hao is willing to try!"

"You're just a mere emperor."

"Even if Lin Hao can't do it, I still have to do it. Besides, this is not a matter for Lin Hao alone. I believe that even the strong human races in the virtual **** realm and the **** realm are willing to do this!"

"Jing Shen Guo."

"Please also Qing Tianjun to elaborate."

"Only at the junction of the Void God Realm and the God Realm, which belongs to the God Realm, is there. At present, there are 73 people left in the Chaos God Sea, of which 65 people have left indelible injuries, that is, Sixty-five crystal fruit is needed."

Lin Hao frowned.

Lin Hao naturally knew where the boundary between the **** realm and the virtual **** realm was.

The chaotic battlefield of the Void God Realm!

The chaotic battlefield is a vital barrier of the Void God Realm. Whether it is a strong human race in the Void God Realm or a strong **** race in the God Realm, they all attach great importance to the chaotic battlefield.

Once the barrier of the chaotic battlefield is completely broken, the protoss army will no longer be obstructed and can drive straight into the virtual **** realm!

Wanting to restore those indelible injuries on the human race powerhouse on the side of the Sea of ​​Chaos, the crystal **** fruit needed is actually at the end of the chaotic battlefield that belongs to the gods. It is indeed very difficult!

"Mr. Qingtian, I, Lin Hao, will definitely do this!" Lin Hao said solemnly, no matter how difficult it is, he will do it!

"In addition to the crystal divine fruit, you also need the mark of true martial arts left by the **** emperor, that is, the power mark attached to your sword. After the **** emperor fell, the road has not been dissipated, and there are still many residues. If you get the Shenguo, you will smooth out the demons and get a lot of true martial marks."

"Lu Yi also wants to get the mark of true martial arts and open the tomb of the **** emperor...Dangping the demons can obtain the mark of true martial arts, isn't it..." Lin Hao looked worried.

"After the fall of the **** emperor, the avenue was broken, but a lot of marks of true martial arts were left to suppress the demons. This, let alone Lu Yi, even those who undermined the **** emperor don't know."

"Good!" Lin Hao responded.

The Demon Race has always been a huge threat to the True Martial Realm Human Race.

In his previous life, Lin Hao had been busy suppressing the demons.

In this life, the Demon Race only appeared during the time when the alien race had just arrived, and then disappeared, but Lin Hao has never forgotten the hidden danger of Demon Race, but there has always been no time to deal with it.

Now that the Mozu was mentioned, Lin Hao had another question in his mind.

For a long time, no one knew where the demons came from.

Now, maybe you can get the answer.

After the fall of the **** emperor, since there are a large number of true martial marks suppressing the demon clan, it is obvious that the demon clan may be related to the **** emperor...

"Qing Tianjun, the demons are extremely mysterious..."

Before Lin Hao finished speaking, Qing Tianjun interrupted Lin Hao and said, "The demons are not the life of the True Martial Realm. You don't need to know much about this for now.

The hidden place of the demons is indeed hidden, but you already have some of the true martial seals. If you are proficient in understanding some of the secrets of the true martial seals, you can use the true martial seals to find the part of the true martial seals that suppress the demons. Also found the hiding place of the demons. "

"How to understand the mark of Zhenwu, please enlighten me from the Lord Qingtian."

"The Mark of Zhenwu is the result of the collapse of the Great Dao after the Emperor's fall. If you want to understand, you have to contact the past of the Divine Emperor. However, there is a huge risk in it. Even if the Great Dao remains, it will be overbearing. If you fall into it, you will completely backfire yourself.

Of course, if you can really comprehend the mark of Zhenwu, even if you can't reach the height of the **** emperor, even if it is only one or two, placed on the nine-day gods for three days, it is already a peerless power!

How to choose, you choose, if you are willing to try, I will let you contact the past of the **** emperor. "

Lin Hao didn't hesitate at all, nodded and said: "Then please Qingtianjun to lead the way."

Qing Tianjun no longer said more, as soon as he pointed it out, the next moment Lin Hao's surroundings changed, he appeared in a closed hall.

"This peerless powerhouse who has stepped out of the real martial arts world and created countless legends, what will his fragments of the past be like?" At this time, Lin Hao's heart was born with infinite longing, and he couldn't wait to see the real martial **** emperor. Peerless style!

What Lin Hao didn't know at this time was that outside the closed hall where he was, Qing Tianjun was standing outside the door, facing the main entrance of the hall.

Above the main entrance, there are three big characters.

Zhenwu Temple!

"Divine Emperor, will it be him that the variable you mentioned back then?"

"I put all my hopes on him, and put all the pressure on him, can it be wrong?"

"The five old ghosts stopped me one by one, and then they rushed to die one by one, forcing me to live to take care of all this, God Emperor, what should I do?"

"And that **** Lu Zhan... actually died..."

Speaking of this, Qing Tianjun was silent...

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