Rebirth: Ancient Sword God

Chapter 1348: Nine Nether Sparrows Burning Divine Fire

The first thousand three hundred and forty-eight chapters of the nine ghosts burning the fire

After communicating with Tao Yuan, Lin Hao had a relatively comprehensive understanding of the current situation in the Eastern Region.

Now, there is only one Jiang Huanyu who walks out of the avenue of the Void God Thunder among the strong of the Eastern Divine Fire Realm.

The Jiang family's strong man who ignited the divine fire for thousands of years, because of the continuous battles, could no longer continue to resist the attraction of the gods, and had entered the virtual gods through the passage of the virtual gods in the southern region.

Under the Divine Fire Realm, the Emperor Realm powerhouse has reached 18 people. Among them, the Wolf Emperor of the Demon Emperor Mansion, the Pavilion Master Qi Huan of the Danbao Pavilion, and the Xia Jiuyou whose body is the Nine Nether Sparrow, are all already Divine Fire soon.

You know, when the Eastern Region and the alien race were in a decisive battle at that time, all the emperor realms on the Eastern Region came out, and there were only 13 people, and during the battle, one person fell, and only twelve were left.

In more than half a year since the end of the war, there have been six more powerful emperors!

At that time, after the end of the war, the number of strong Saints in the entire Eastern Region barely reached two hundred, and now there are more than 300 people. Among the more than 300 strong Saints, there are more than 50 strong Saints!

There are many warriors at the peak of Yuanzun realm.

Yuanzun realm peak martial artist broke into the sacred state, holy realm peak martial artist stepped into the emperor realm, and the emperor peak strong man ignited the divine fire. In a short time, the strength of the Eastern Region will have an explosive growth.

The young generation of the Eastern Region, Lin Hao is the first person who deserves to be, and has entered the emperor realm.

In addition, Jiang Chen of the Jiang family has reached the peak of the Holy Realm and has now left the Eastern Region. Three months ago, someone found Jiang Chen’s whereabouts in the Southern Region. Another news came from the North half a month ago. Jiang Chen's trace also appeared in the battlefield of the domain!

Like Lin Hao, the Jade Jianxin who came out of the Heavenly Han Sect has become the leader of the young generation of Tianji Pavilion. He has merged the destiny book with his own kendo, and has taken a special path, and has also possessed the realm of the great sage. !

Feng Dongyu's strength has also improved by leaps and bounds, even surpassing Kuilei, the first direct disciple of the Wolf Emperor of the Demon Emperor Mansion, and is already the eighth layer of the Holy Realm!

Wei Dongtian, Mu Bai, Wei Liang, and Zhang Polu of Danbao Pavilion have all stepped into the Great Sage level, and they have great fame in the Eastern Region.

Liu Ting, Wuya Villa, and Qin Xinyao from the Wuxiang Qin Family, are the leaders among the young women in the Eastern Region!

In this magnificent world, Tianjiao has come forth in large numbers. They are now the most dazzling Tianjiao of the young generation. It will not be long before these people will be the pillars of the sky in the Eastern Region.

After them, there will be more Tianjiao appear, inheritance will continue, and the strong will emerge in endlessly.

The news that Lin Hao, who had been away from the Eastern Regions for a while, returned to Cangxing Martial Academy soon spread.

Feng Wuya, the nearest to Cangxing Martial Academy, rushed over first.

Feng Wuya, Tao Yuan, and Qin Wentian of the Wuxiang Qin family, the three of them, originally known as the Three Masters of Tianhuo, are now the Three Emperors of Tianhuo, and Feng Wuya's cultivation base is comparable to Tao Yuan. The four layers of the emperor realm.

"Lin Hao, Master contacted me with a secret method some time ago." When Feng Wuya saw Lin Hao, he immediately announced this important news.

Feng Wuya, Master Wood Camel, was worried that the old man Tianji had an accident on the eve of the war with the alien race in the Eastern Region. Since then, he disappeared with the old man Tianji.

After the Eastern Territory War was settled, the Wuxiang Qin Family, Cangxing Martial Academy, Tianji Pavilion, and Jiang Family secretly searched for the whereabouts of the two of them, but there was no progress.

Now that the old wooden camel had contacted Feng Wuya, Tao Yuan's eyes widened, staring at Feng Wuya.

Feng Wuya said nonchalantly: "Master asked me to see Lin Hao to say, it's useless to stare at me."

Lin Hao immediately said, "Where is Senior Mu now? Are you with Senior Man Tianji?"

The old man of Tianji is the inheritor of the nine channels of reincarnation measuring the sky. Now, Lu Yi alone controls the power of the six channels. Lin Hao wants to fight against Lu Yi. Measuring the sky and one channel is very important. If Lu Yi gets to test the sky again A line of inheritance, with the power to measure fortune-telling, will be even more difficult to deal with.

Feng Wuya shook his head and said, "Master is indeed with the old man Tianji, but he didn't tell them where they are. Moreover, the old man Tianji is not in good condition and cannot appear for the time being."

Lin Hao nodded. He has been guessing that the old man Tianji is still alive, but there is no definite news. Now he is finally certain of this matter.

"I thought there was an important secret." Tao Yuan glared at Feng Wuya with an angry look.

"Okay, you old boy, stare at me again, right? I'm already enough to give you face, otherwise I'll just let you go before talking!" Feng Wuya glared at Tao Yuan back.

Lin Hao has long been accustomed to Feng Wuya, Tao Yuan and Qin Wentian's way of getting along, and he didn't care. After the two guys stopped quarreling a few words, Lin Hao left Cangxing Wuyuan and returned to Wuya. Xiang Qin's family land.

Qin Wentian of the Qin Clan, at this time, his cultivation base was stronger than Tao Yuan and Feng Wuya. He was already the fifth level of the Emperor Realm, and Qin Cang, the contemporary Patriarch of the Qin Clan, had reached the peak of the Holy Realm.

Compared with Lin Hao's departure from the Eastern Region, the number of holy realm experts has increased by more than ten, and the total number of holy realms has reached more than 50!

According to Qin Wentian, during the time Lin Hao was away, Qin Xinyao, the fat man Chen Hui of the sky-swallowing line, and Wu Hanfei of the sky-swallowing line had been in retreat and had never left the Qin clan.

Qin Xinyao and Wu Hanfei were able to bear their tempers, but they were quite normal, but the fat man who stole the blood was so peaceful recently, which surprised Lin Hao.

I want to come to this fat man and know how dangerous his situation is. Lu Yi has obtained the inheritance of the six channels. Now he can gather the three channels of defying the sky, measuring the sky, and stealing the sky. Missing, Lin Hao, who is against the sky, has extremely strong strength, and stealing the line is Lu Yi's best target...

Lin Hao was listening to Qin Wentian's report on what happened during the time he was not in the Eastern Region. Suddenly, Lin Hao's gaze turned to a certain position outside the hall.

Immediately afterwards, Qin Wentian also looked surprised, a look of yearning appeared on his face.

It didn't take long for the vast and powerful force to permeate the entire land of the intangible Qin family.

But after Lin Hao and Qin Wentian sensed that aura appeared, they already appeared above a forbidden ground in Wuxiang Qin's house.

Behind them, Qin Cang at the pinnacle of the holy realm, and more than fifty experts in the holy realm, appeared one after another.

Even Qin Xinyao, Fatty Chen Hui, and Wu Hanfei, who had been in retreat, all left.

Because, at this moment, in the Qin family land, a strong man is about to ignite the fire!

Before long, a magnificent momentum rose into the sky in the forbidden area of ​​the Wuxiang Qin family in front of everyone.

Nine Nether Sparrows, transformed into a huge body, surrounded by terrifying and endless Nether Leng Yan, appeared in the eyes of everyone.

Under this power, even Qin Wentian, the fifth-tier emperor realm, felt tremendous pressure at this time.

Those holy realm powerhouses of the Wuxiang Qin Family were even more swaying, and they retreated extremely far before they felt better.

Lin Hao calmly faced the pressure emitted by the Jiu Nether Sparrow lighting the divine fire, with a smile on his face.

The strength of Nine Nether Sparrow is undoubtedly, after lighting the divine fire, although it is not as good as Jiang Huanyu, it will not be much worse.

In the Eastern Region, once again possesses two great powerhouses in the Divine Fire Realm!

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