Rebirth: Ancient Sword God

Chapter 1374: Protoss storm

Thousandth 374 chapters gods storm

After killing Bei Gongliu, there was only one protoss warrior left.

Although this protoss warrior also has a second-tier top-level divine body and a tenth-tier cultivation base of the emperor realm, he is completely afraid.

Even the divine envoys are dead, and so many of their protoss warriors are dead, how dare he fight Lin Hao.

At this time, the green spar he was responsible for had also been completely activated, and a touch of determination appeared on his face.

The next moment, he directly detonated the green spar!

Lin Hao instantly evacuated towards the rear passage.

"Boom boom boom boom boom!"

There was a terrifying explosion.

The chaotic battlefield barriers in this area are shaking.

At the same time, the end of a fork in the battlefield on the side of the Protoss defense line also detonated five green spars.

A young protoss man rushed into the explosion area immediately after the power of the explosion subsided.

The original barrier had been blasted through a gap that lasted several miles, but the passage still had not been blasted through.

This young protoss man showed strong anger on his face!

"Trash, trash! As expected, Bei Gong Liu couldn't believe it, he must have failed to detonate the energy in the five spars!"

The young man vented his anger with a punch on the barrier.

"The Son of God..."

A group of protoss warriors have also followed in, seeing the situation in front of them, their expressions are full of regret.

This young protoss man is the descendant of the **** king Qilian Mountain, the **** son Qichuan.

"It is estimated that Beigongliu's waste has already been discovered, maybe it is dead!" Qi Chuan gritted his teeth.

"God, what are we going to do now?" a protoss warrior asked in a low voice.

Qi Chuan took a deep breath, stayed sensible, and said: "This road was forcibly opened by a large number of **** kings of our Protoss some time ago, and it is only about ten miles away from a fork in the Void God Realm.

I thought that this time, I could take advantage of the fact that there were no strong players in the Void God Realm to participate in the war, completely open this channel, and then unexpectedly outflank the Void God Realm warriors, but I did not expect that Bei Gongliu would be more than a failure!

However, even if Bei Gongliu was wasteful, he still had some strength, and brought a lot of people, the warriors of the Void God Realm must have a lot of consumption to deal with Bei Gongliu.

Now the Void God Realm warriors who are guarding the main channel, the strongest group should be transferred to deal with Beigongliu, taking this opportunity, immediately launch a storm! "

Qi Chuan analyzed the wave, and then issued the command to attack!

And in the main passage of this battlefield, the young generation of warriors in the virtual **** world who were always ready to resist the warriors of the **** race had just felt the horrible shock.

A strong breath, from the first line of defense, the second line of defense back to the last line of defense.

The last line of defense, the leader, is Liao Fan of the Rain God Palace.

Liao Fan had no position in front of these top talents who were guarding the first two lines of defense.

The Void God Realm warrior guarding the two lines of defense in front is the main combat power in this passage.

"Liao Fan, what happened just now? Why is there such a big movement from behind?" said a man holding a long sword. This man is the arrogant of the Sword God Palace, Zhuo Feng.

Liao Fan didn't dare to conceal it at this time, saying: "A newcomer from the Reincarnation Shrine seems to have found a large number of protoss lurking in a fork, and then suspected that those protoss had some special plans..."

"Then why don't you stop it?" The man who was speaking was the man who came back with Zhuo Feng. He was huge and exuded an extremely hot breath. This is the arrogant of the Flame God Palace, Di Lie!

"A newcomer's guess... we didn't take it seriously, and when the night fell, we were worried that the front line would fall, so we didn't leave the defense line." Liao Fan said truthfully.

"Huh, since I found something abnormal, but didn't investigate, if something goes wrong, who of you can afford this responsibility?" Di Lie shouted, very angry, the movement just now was really too big.

"Brother Liao can't be blamed for this!" a warrior from the Rain God Palace beside Liao Fan defended.

Di Lie snorted coldly, and said: "I, Di Lie, will never target anyone, but if something happens, you should face it!

We guard the first two lines of defense. Even if the Protoss wants to attack, they will not be able to attack for a while! But you are worried that the Protoss will be attacked by force as the reason, and you find that special circumstances are not dealt with. This is your fault!

Moreover, your task of guarding the last line of defense was originally responsible for clearing out some of the protoss warriors who were too late to stop our two lines of defense, but you are better off and stay here motionless..."

The people in the Yanshen Palace are also angry, and Di Lie is getting more and more angry, his body is already burning!

"Di Lie, the matter has already happened, just deal with it first." Another Void God Realm Tianjiao who rushed back together with Zhuo Feng and Di Lie spoke. This man was holding a huge long knife, but it was Tan Ming, the Tianjiao of the Sword God Palace. .

After listening to Tan Ming's words, Di Lie snorted and didn't bother to look at Liao Fan and the others.

Tan Ming looked at Liao Fan and said, "Where did they find the problematic road? Go now, maybe it's still too late."

Liao Fan's face was difficult...

They hadn't even paid attention to the news that Qi Jingchun had come back for help before. There were dozens of roads in the rear... They didn't know where they were.

Looking at the expressions of Liao Fan's group of people, Tan Ming knew what was going on, and he frowned.

"That... Ouyang Jing from the Sword God Palace went to support..." Someone whispered in the crowd.

"What?" Tan Ming, who had made Di Lie calm just now, shouted after hearing these words. The power in his body was uncontrollable and spilled out!

The same is the tenth level of the Emperor Realm's cultivation base, Liao Fan's face turned pale when Tan Ming's breath broke out!

"Junior Sister Ouyang was seriously injured, she went to support, and you were indifferent...If something happens to Junior Sister Ouyang, I want you to look good!" Tan Ming clenched his fist with one hand, and raised the sword with the other!

The group of Void God Realm warriors who stayed on the last line of defense were all silent at this time. Even Liao Fan frowned and didn't speak any more. They didn't expect that they were just a newcomer... they actually discovered the Protoss warrior. Big move.

Just as Tan Ming's temper was about to break out, suddenly, waves of battle came.

Sword God Palace Zhuo Feng's expression changed, and he said, "No, those Protoss guys have really started a storm. It seems that the movement just now must be a signal of their storm!"

"This group of king Ba Laozi, I will go and kill them!" Di Lie of the Yanshen Palace rushed to the front line of defense without saying a word.

Zhuo Feng looked at Tan Ming and said, "Brother Tan, there may be unforeseen changes in the rear. Stay here and lead them to find Ouyang Jing. If there is really trouble in the rear, you are here, so we can rest assured.

If it doesn't work, this time, we have to give up this passage and evacuate all to the entrance and exit! "

After admonishing Tan Ming, Zhuo Feng immediately led a group of people to the front line of defense to join the battle.

Tan Ming looked at Liao Fan and the others, suppressed his anger, and shouted: "Look for me to find out where the problem is. If this passage is lost, the strong man in the Void God Realm has been here for countless years. The blood shed in this passage is all in vain. You, including me, and every younger generation of the Virtual God Realm who fought in this passage are sinners of the Virtual God Realm!"

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