Rebirth: Ancient Sword God

Chapter 1379: This battle will win

Chapter 1379: This battle will win

When Lin Hao was about to report, several people nodded.

Indeed, once this channel is really to be completely laid down, this will be the first channel occupied by one side since the battle between the two sides. Maybe it will affect the whole body and cause the turbulence of more than 100 channels in the entire chaotic battlefield. .

Although Zhuo Feng's status is not low in their respective shrines, they can't contact the powerful in the chaotic battlefield.

But Lin Hao was different. He carried a manifestation of Nie Ru's spiritual power, which he could contact at any time.

Regarding this, Zhuo Feng and the others were not surprised. In their opinion, it was reasonable for Lin Hao's strength to be so valued by the Reincarnation Shrine.

Lin Hao entered a fork in the road, waved his hand to place a barrier for restraint, and then took out the jade slip containing Nie Ru's mental power differentiation body in the storage ring.

After opening the restriction, Nie Ru's figure appeared in front of Lin Hao.

"Little Junior Brother, if you don't contact me anymore, I will send someone to find you." Nie Ru's spiritual manifestation said anxiously.

"Senior Sister, I am going to completely lay down this channel, and then rush into the gods in the chaos, looking for the crystal **** fruit." Lin Hao said his thoughts.

Nie Ru nodded and said, "I want to find you because of this!

Now, in the confrontation between the Protoss and the younger generation of our Void God Realm, no one has created a channel. If you want to do something, it will be the first channel to be taken down.

The Protoss will definitely mobilize a large number of imperial warriors from other channels to rush to support.

Therefore, I have just passed through thirty-five divine powers and chose several important passages to launch a strong attack on the protoss warriors!

In this way, the pressure on your side will be much less. "

Hearing Nie Ru's arrangement, Lin Hao said, "Senior Sister...In this way... the younger generation of the Void God Realm..."

Before Lin Hao finished speaking, Nie Ru interrupted Lin Hao's words and said, "Little Junior Brother, it is not your job to search for the Crystal God Fruit. The pressure cannot fall on your shoulders.

This is a matter of the human race!

If you can't find enough crystal **** fruit, the True Martial Realm will not be able to keep it. Once the True Martial Realm can't keep it, the Void God Realm is also at risk!

Besides, this decision was not made by me, but made by people in other shrines after discussion.

If you can break through the line of defense of the Protoss, there are other people who will help collect the crystal fruit.

Of course, the people in other shrines don't know that you have entered the battlefield. Therefore, your identity is still a secret. If you can not reveal it, try not to reveal it.

This time, the younger generation of warriors from the Void God Realm launched a storm in several important passages, and it was also an opportunity to train themselves.

Over the years, the younger generation of warriors in the Void God Realm have lacked a lot of blood, and it is time for them to truly face the pressure and grow up under pressure. "

Nie Ru said a lot, in fact, to relieve Lin Hao's heart burden, worried that Lin Hao would feel guilty for involving many people in the life and death fight with the gods.

Lin Hao understood what Nie Ru meant, nodded, and said, "Senior Sister, I have already hit the warriors of the Protoss to the last line of defense. I must hurry up and not give them time to breathe. Otherwise, the deaths and injuries will be severe. ."

"Don't worry, there will be at most half a day before the storm will begin. At that time, I will arrange for someone to go through the passage where you are.

Little Junior Brother, remember, when you arrive at the God Realm, if you are in danger, you can directly use my mental power to manifest your body. Then, regardless of his **** rules, I will bring you back as quickly as possible. .

Also, Big Brother and Junior Brother Yang already know about this, and they should come back soon. We have the entire God of War Palace to support you. As long as you can ensure your safety and decide what you want to make, be bold. To do it, even if the whole situation is turned upside down, our God of War Palace can afford it! "

After communicating with Nie Ru, Nie Ru's spiritual power split body returned to the jade slip again, and was put into the storage ring by Lin Hao.

The confidence in Lin Hao's heart is also a lot.

He is not fighting alone.

Here, there are Zhuo Feng, Tan Ming, and Di Lie.

In the other passages of the chaotic battlefield, there are countless younger generations of the Virtual God Realm who he has never met.

And, behind him, there is a Palace of War God!

"Brother Lin, how?" Tan Ming and several people asked immediately after Lin Hao returned.

"Brother Tan, Brother Zhuo, Brother Di, there is good news. We have discussed the powerhouses of the 36th Shrine of the Void God Realm together, and we are about to launch an aggressive attack on several important channels in the chaotic battlefield!

As soon as they do, we will do it immediately. When the time comes, the warriors of the Protoss will not be able to support everywhere at will, and our pressure will be greatly reduced. "

Hearing what Lin Hao said, the three of them were agitated.

This is great news.

In fact, when they made the decision to completely drive a group of protoss warriors out of the channel in Qichuan, they were all ready to fight to the death.

But with the news brought by Lin Hao, they all breathed a sigh of relief.

As long as they can kill more protoss warriors, they are not afraid of death.

But if you can kill a few more protoss warriors, you can still survive, that is the best, but only if you are alive, you have the opportunity to continue fighting for the human race in the future!

Several hours later.

Three warriors from the Emperor Realm of the God of War entered this passage.

The warriors of the God of War, how powerful the fighting power is, the warriors of the Void God Realm are very clear, and there are not many people in the War God Palace. Otherwise, among the 36 Shrines of the Void God Realm, the first one must be the God of War. palace.

The strength of these three people is stronger than Tan Ming Di Lie and Zhuo Feng, and everyone's confidence in the upcoming battle has skyrocketed again.

And the ten martial artists of the emperor realm in these three war gods all knew the identity of Lin Hao, but they didn't know the identity of Lin Hao.

The Protoss is the enemy of the Human Race, but the warriors on the side of the virtual gods have to guard against it.

At this critical moment, if Lin Hao's identity is revealed, I am afraid that even if a battle breaks out in other channels, most of the imperial martial artists of the Void God Realm will also rush here.

Two more hours passed.

A person in the God of Wars signaled that everyone was ready to go to war.

At this moment, the audience fell silent.

Everyone is holding back their energy.

When it comes to fighting against the warriors of the Protoss, this energy will break out completely.

Counting the people who were originally on the rear line of defense, there were more than three hundred imperial martial artists on the Void God Realm's side, and even those with injuries on their bodies were all present.

Because Lin Hao had shown great strength before, everyone was led by Lin Hao.

Facing everyone, Lin Hao took a deep breath, waved the Tianhen Sword, and shouted: "This battle will win!"

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