Rebirth: Ancient Sword God

Chapter 1392: Active approach

Chapter 1392 Active Approach

In the sky above the area where Lin Hao is, there have always been the imperial warriors of the Protoss.

These protoss warriors did not notice Lin Hao.

Some of the warriors of the Protoss came and went in a hurry, and did not find anyone below.

Even if I found out most of the protoss warriors who existed in Lin Hao, I didn't think much about it. Time is urgent now, and no one will waste time here.

As for a small part, they think that Lin Hao, a guy who is alone, may have been withdrawn from the battlefield to heal his wounds. What is the concern of a wounded guy?

Lin Hao closed his eyes and meditated to adjust his breath. It did seem to be healing. In fact, he was comprehending Wuwei's road at the moment.

This time we entered the chaotic battlefield, fought against the Protoss, and after several fierce battles, Wuquedi Road finally broke through thousands of miles, reaching the level of about one thousand and one hundred miles!

Combining Lin Hao's battle body with the sixth-order divine body and the Heaven-defying Sword Tome, this strength, even the top Tianjiao among the next three heavenly gods of the fifth-order divine body, Lin Hao can win!

But this is not enough!

He is now in the realm of the gods. Once he fights against the warriors of the **** race, then he will face not an opponent, but an opponent.

In Lin Hao's mind, scenes of scenes from the course of these battles constantly appeared. These scenes are all his accumulation, helping him to go farther and farther on the road of Emperor Wuwei!


Just one day has passed.

Suddenly, three protoss warriors swooped down from the air.

Lin Hao immediately stopped practicing and looked at the visitor with a vigilant expression.

"Ranxiu?" The imperial peak protoss warrior headed by the trio looked at Lin Hao and asked.

Lin Hao nodded.

In the God Realm, the temple controls the overall situation, and in the next three days in the God Realm, it is the twelve gods who dominate. Other than that, they are all classified as casual cultivators.

Hearing Lin Hao's words, the person in charge yelled coldly, and said: "I see your breath is stable, not like you are injured, now immediately follow me to suppress the daring trash in the Void God Realm!"

"This..." Lin Hao pretended to be puzzled.

Before he could finish speaking, another protoss warrior coldly snorted: "We are members of the Tianqi Divine Tribe. There are many guys in the Void God Realm who have broken into our God Realm. Don’t talk nonsense and wait with me. Go find those guys and destroy them!"

The Tianqi Divine Tribe was the Divine Tribe that Lin Hao's meeting senior brother Huo Cang used to sharpen himself when he walked on the road of the invincible God King, that is, the Divine Tribe of Qichuan who almost died in the hands of Lin Hao not long ago.

"People from the Void God Realm broke through?" Lin Hao's face showed a look of shock.

"Stop talking nonsense, follow us right away!" shouted one person.

Lin Hao nodded, and then set off with the three of them.

On the way, the three imperial martial artists of the Tianqi Divine Tribe saw Lin Hao's performance fairly well, but one of them was a little bit more patient and told Lin Hao about the situation.

It turned out that not long after Lin Hao came to the God Realm through that chaotic battlefield channel, Zhuo Feng and Di Lie all came here too!

Not only Zhuo Feng and the others, there are also several passages in the chaotic battlefield, and they were also taken down by the warriors of the virtual **** realm. Now a large number of warriors of the virtual **** realm tenth level have broken into the area of ​​the gods.

Of course, the God Realm has also laid down several chaotic battlefield channels, and many people have also killed the Void God Realm.

Although this battle, one thing that is useful to both parties is the ownership of the chaotic battlefield channel. If it is not for collecting the crystal divine fruit on the side of the gods, the warriors of the virtual gods entering the gods are completely meaningless.

Because, even if the tenth martial artist of the Emperor Realm came, what could it do? It can only be confined to activities near the barriers of the chaotic battlefield, and in areas farther away from the barriers of the gods, there are still a large number of strong guards guarded by the gods.

There are not many warriors in the Void God Realm who know that they want to collect the crystal **** fruit. In this matter, the Thirty-Six Jingong Zou is only an account of the core disciples. If everyone knows, the gods will know soon. , Once there is a real crystal fruit, the difficulty will increase countless times if you want to get it.

In other words, most of the warriors killed by the Void God Realm were all for the sake of being suppressed by the Protoss. The anger accumulated over the countless years of the Void God Realm was suppressed by the Protoss. Courage!

As for the warriors of the Protoss, they had no purpose to reach the Void God Realm through the passage. Obviously, it was because the people of the Void God Realm came to the God Realm that they would make this kind of decision as the response of the Protoss!

Even Lin Hao felt that this matter might be strange.

The Void God Realm suddenly broke out a powerful attack this time, the Protoss did not expect it, and it was reasonable to be laid down by the Void God Realm several channels.

But since the Void God Realm launched a strong attack, it must be fully prepared, even if the God Realm counterattacked, it would never be possible to take down a few passages so quickly, and then go through the passage to the Void God Realm.

Could it be that the imperial martial artist of the virtual **** realm was deliberately allowed to pass, so that the strong man of the virtual **** realm could use this handle to contain the strong man of the **** race...

"Is anyone planning it?" Lin Hao thought of his second senior sister Nie Ru at this time.

Many thoughts flashed in Lin Hao's mind.

"Boy, what are you thinking? Give me a bit of concentration. The trash of the Void God Realm is not very powerful, but it is very cunning. It may be hidden in a certain corner, so I can check it out with my energy!" The warrior sneered coldly. Just now he thought Lin Hao was good, but now he feels unpleasant.

Lin Hao smiled faintly and said, "It's nothing."

The voice fell, a sword aura, instantly cut out!


The protoss warrior who had just been scolding Lin Hao was wiped out under this sword.

The reason why I didn't do anything just now was because I didn't want to expose myself, but I also needed to inquire about the situation from them.

Now, he has learned the general situation, and in the surrounding area, there is no other warrior of the **** race, it is very suitable to start!

The other two protoss warriors looked on their faces with anger in shock.

Lin Hao let out a cold snort and slashed with a sword.

Wuquedi Road, walking more than a thousand miles, his strength has been greatly improved compared with the previous battle with Qi Chuan and Bei Gongyun.

The two remaining Protoss warriors in front of them were both Tier 2 divine bodies. Although they were the tenth level of the Emperor Realm, the road to the Emperor Realm did not break the limit. Lin Hao solved them with one sword.

The whole process is just a blink of an eye.

After killing the three protoss warriors, Lin Hao displayed extremely fast speed and immediately left the area.

It didn't take long before Lin Hao encountered a seven-member Protoss squad, all with ten levels of emperor realm.

Immediately, Lin Hao rushed over, but didn't do anything, and actively shouted: "You guys are going to encircle and suppress the Void God Realm? If so, count me!"

In this area, there are many warriors from the Void God Realm, which is not suitable for hands-on, and Lin Hao wants to continue to inquire about some news.

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