The first thousand three hundred and ninety-five chapters

"Reincarnation Shrine, Lin Yuan." Lin Hao said the identity that the second senior sister Nie Ru had prepared for him.

Suddenly, the four of them looked relieved, and Samsara Shrine was the number one in the thirty-six shrines of the Void God Realm, and it was not so strange to be able to show such a arrogance.

And these four people came from the same shrine, Moon Shrine, as Qi Jingchun, whom Lin Hao had met in the chaotic battlefield.

They were killed in a very chaotic battlefield passage, following the people from the Sword Shrine and the War Shrine.

After arriving at the God Realm, they were immediately besieged by a large number of God Race warriors from the God Realm. Therefore, their human race warriors who came together from the Void God Realm made the decision to fight separately.

If all are gathered together, the goal is too obvious, and what you want to do will be discovered by the warriors of the Protoss.

Lin Hao also learned from these people that it was Huo Yuanzhan who took the lead in the Palace of War.

Huo Yuanzhan is a descendant of his big brother Huo Cang. Lin Hao has seen it once and has some impressions.

The leader of the Sword God Palace was named Zhang Mu.

Huo Yuanzhan, Zhang Mu, and Zhou Chengyun, who also has a reincarnation temple, are the three most famous among the younger generation in the Void God Realm!

In this battle, Huo Yuanzhan and Zhang Mu are here... Lin Hao felt that Zhou Chengyun of the Reincarnation Shrine might also be here soon.

This time the Void God Realm obviously really pushed all the younger generations up!

Lin Hao felt the heavy burden on his shoulders again!

The situation has evolved into this way, and a large part of it is due to his reasons.

Even if Nie Ru said to Lin Hao before, the collection of the crystal fruit is the matter of the entire Void God Realm human race. In this battle, all parties made their own decisions after weighing the situation.

These words are because Nie Ru wants to relieve some of Lin Hao’s pressure, but Lin Hao’s pressure can’t really reduce much. If this battle, the Void God Realm is defeated, the younger generation’s death and injury will be against the Void God Realm. Cause an extremely significant impact.

"You guys adjust your injury here first, and I will find someone else." Lin Hao said.

"Brother Lin, you take away this breath-concealing treasure. Together, the safety of the four of us is far less important than you alone." A person from the Moon God Palace said.

Such treasures can conceal all their auras, and they naturally know the preciousness of this thing. If Lin Hao leaves the treasure to them, then Lin Hao may be discovered by the warriors of the Protoss at any time.

Lin Hao shook his head and said, "If I want to hide my breath, there are other ways. Even if the Protoss warrior finds me, it will not be so easy to leave me.

To me, every warrior in the human race who dares to fight is equally important!

You should take care of your injury first, everything is waiting for my news. "

With that said, Lin Hao took out all the storage rings harvested in the war, and said: "There should be a lot of healing medicine in the storage rings of the warriors of the Protoss. I will recover as soon as possible. I will look for opportunities. Launch a counterattack against the warriors of the Protoss!"

Lin Hao had said so, the four of the Moon God Palace stopped saying anything, and immediately followed Lin Hao's instructions to choose the magical medicine to restore themselves.

But Lin Hao flashed his figure and left the area sealed by the rolling sky curtain.

After rushing out of this area, Lin Hao did not conceal his aura, and even directly shook the divine aura circulating in the flesh and blood, and flew towards the distance.

The reason for doing this is also for the safety of the four-month temple warriors in the scroll sky.

In this area, the Protoss is still observing the rules for the time being, and there is no strong person in the Divine Fire Realm to intervene, and the sky curtain will cover the breath, and it will not be discovered.

But Lin Hao knew that now there is a temple warrior with extremely sensitive mental power, who has been searching for his whereabouts nearby. If he does not lead that guy away, it is very likely that the guy will be able to detect the atmosphere of the curtain of rolling sky.

Therefore, Lin Hao now deliberately leads the opponent away, and then looks for an opportunity to take action to solve this person, otherwise, a guy with such a keen perception will have a great influence on everything Lin Hao will do next. .

Not long after Lin Hao deliberately exposed his breath, he discovered that Yu'er had already taken the bait, with a faint mental power that locked his breath, and was coming quickly.


In an area extremely far away from Lin Hao, the group of people in the temple are quickly rushing away according to the breath of the man surnamed Yang.

"Brother Yang, this guy doesn't hide in hiding this time, will there be fraud?" Another man named Li said as he drove on the road.

"Hmph, no matter what conspiracy he has, in the face of absolute strength, he is a castle in the air. Brother Li, you and me, plus the elites of the temple, even if they are the three strongest talents in the young generation of the virtual gods. Get together, you can fight!" said the man surnamed Yang.

The man surnamed Li smiled and said: "To be honest, I am looking forward to the three guys gathering together and catching them all at once. I have always heard how powerful these three guys can kill them, you and me. In the temple, it can be regarded as a big show, and the reward will definitely not be small."

After the two talked a few words, they stopped talking and rushed towards the locked breath at full speed.

After a while, a protoss warrior covered in blood appeared in front of them and flew towards their location.

"That guy's breath disappeared, be careful of fraud!" The man surnamed Yang reminded him.

The man surnamed Li nodded, and the next moment, a palm was suddenly shot, and the protoss warrior who flew toward them was imprisoned in midair.

The man surnamed Yang carefully checked with mental power and found that there was no problem. The man surnamed Li removed his power to imprison the protoss warrior and shouted: "I am the temple Li Wenguang, this one next to me is the temple. Yang Chao."

The blood-covered protoss warrior, when he heard the identity of the two, a look of excitement appeared on his face, and he immediately saluted: "Enlighten the two divine envoys, who are from the Tianqi Divine Tribe in Xia, and they were searching nearby with a group of companions. Void God Realm Protoss warrior, met a powerful guy who used a sword, and all my companions died under his sword, but I escaped...

That guy mustn't be far away..."

Yang Chao nodded, and immediately said: "The breath of that guy has appeared again, chase it!"

After that, these temple warriors did not pay attention to this guy from the Tianqi Divine Tribe, and continued to follow Yang Chao to pursue Lin Hao's breath!

Along the way, Yang Chao sensed the movement of Lin Hao's several shots, and several of them were all annihilated by a team of warriors from the Protoss.

There were also several times when one or two protoss warriors escaped.

"This guy is so anxious now that he didn't have time to kill all the waste and left. Maybe he was rushing to support the other warriors of their Void God Realm Human Race." Li Wenguang said.

Yang Chao said: "Well, when he meets our protoss warriors, he will always take action. Although his speed is very fast, we are getting closer and closer to him.

When I meet someone who has escaped later, I will first use my mental power to perceive it. If there is no problem, we should not stay, so as not to delay time, we will catch up with that guy as soon as possible! "

"Okay, this guy has already killed so many people from our Protoss. I, Li Wenguang, want to see, which one of the three great arrogances of the Void God Realm is he? Look at the so-called three great arrogances of the Void God Realm. A few kilos!" Li Wenguang's eyes were fierce.

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