Rebirth: Ancient Sword God

Chapter 1399: Protoss power distribution

The first thousand and ninety-nine chapters of the power distribution of the gods

Qi Fang's body of soul, staring at Lin Hao, said: "You remove the seal on my soul and let me restore my body, I will tell you immediately."

"You are not qualified to negotiate terms with me." Lin Hao said lightly. The next moment, Qi Fang's Soul Body was torn once again.

"If you want to know, you have to agree to my terms!" Qi Fang's Soul Body reunited again, shouting.

Immediately afterwards, his body of divine soul shattered again. This time, Lin Hao did not give him the opportunity to reunite immediately, and continued to crush it!

It's been a quarter of an hour.

Lin Hao then withdrew his strength.

Qi Fang's broken souls reunited very slowly. After reuniting, they were extremely illusory and thin, as if they would be scattered by the wind.

"If you still want to negotiate terms with me, then you will immediately disappear." Lin Hao said.

Qi Fang’s body of spirit and soul showed obvious vibration, and he was obviously really scared. He immediately said: "Since you want to know, then I will tell you that my fifth brother and I have a special means of mutual induction. However, I can only take you there. Even if I tell you this kind of interrelational induction method, you will not be able to use it. This is the secret method that we can use between the descendants of the Qi family!"

"If you dare to play any tricks, you should be very clear. If I think about it, you will die!" Lin Hao said.

"I know what the consequences will be, so you can rest assured." Qi Fang said.

Lin Hao didn’t worry about Qi Fang’s deception. For one thing, this guy was very afraid of death, so he didn’t dare to gamble on his last weak soul; secondly, Lin Hao also knew Qi Fang’s careful thoughts. He had no hope of fleeing, so he could only take Only by going to see his fifth brother Qi Chuan can he have a chance to survive.

"Lead the way!" Lin Hao said.

"Brother Lin..." Tan Ming hesitated to speak.

Lin Hao knew what he wanted to say, and said, "Qi Chuan is just a defeated man. Before letting him escape, this time, I have to kill this person!"

Qi Fang's Soul Body was listening, sneering at what Lin Hao said, but at this time, it was obvious that he should not provoke the killing god. It was important to save his life first.

Tan Ming said: "Brother Lin, why don't we find a group of people to join together, and then go to deal with Qichuan."

Lin Hao shook his head and said: "I met a group of temple warriors before, and their strength is not weak. Maybe those guys will also prepare to join Qichuan. We have to deal with Qichuan. Now is the best opportunity. After the warriors of China merged with Qichuan, it was even more troublesome."

Next, Lin Hao took a trip in person, took the seven Void God Realm human race warriors who had just joined, entered the hidden breath in the scrolling sky curtain, and recovered and adjusted his own state.

But Lin Hao still took Tan Ming to act together.

Qi Fang's body of soul, using secret methods, has a mutual induction connection with Qi Chuan.

Lin Hao was observing that this secret technique was developed based on a kind of psychic resonance. Indeed, even if others knew how to use this secret technique, they couldn't use it.

In addition, Lin Hao also perceives this inductive connection between Qi Fang and Qi Chuan. It can only determine the approximate location of the other party, and cannot communicate other information, which means that Qi Fang cannot Tell Qichuan something in advance.

Of course, Lin Hao did not relax his vigilance either. He guessed that this was because the distance was too far away. If they were closer, they might be able to communicate information to each other.

On the way towards Qi Chuan's location, Lin Hao once again forced out a lot of useful information from Qi Fang's Soul Body.

This time, the Tianqi God Ministry dispatched a total of 20,000 imperial warriors to participate in the battle.

The Heavenly Sui Divine Tribe and the Heavenly Cloud Divine Tribe were both fewer, but each sent more than 10,000 emperor realm powerhouses to fight.

The three major gods, the imperial realm warriors gathered on the chaotic battlefield, have reached more than 40,000.

In the chaotic battlefield of the Void God Realm, there are a total of more than 100 passages, some of the less important passages only have more than 100 people, and some more important passages. The number of the gods imperial realm warriors is as many as 1,000.

As far as Qi Fang currently has the information, the Emperor Realm martial artist of their Tian Qi Divine Tribe has fallen, with more than 3,000 people, and more than 2,000 people who have also entered the Void God Realm.

For the rest, more than 10,000 people are still fighting in the passages of the chaotic battlefield with the imperial warriors of the Void God Realm Human Race, and more than 5,000 people are drawn out and searched and attacked along the chaotic battlefield barrier. Whereabouts of the human warriors in the world.

As for their Tianqi Divine Tribe, there were three divine children participating in the battle this time.

Qi Fang, ranked sixth in their line, Qi Chuan ranked fifth, and there was also Qi Xiao who ranked first.

According to the arrangement of the Tianqi God Department, originally only planned to arrange Qi Xiao to join the battle, Qi Chuan and Qi Fang ran over by himself!

Therefore, Qi Chuan appeared in a chaotic battlefield channel that was not very important.

The temple **** envoy Bei Gongliu who was with Qi Chuan was Qi Chuan's friend, a friend of Hupengou, and after getting together, he had the things that Lin Hao had encountered in the chaotic battlefield passage.

Regarding what Qi Fang confessed, neither Lin Hao nor Tan Ming had too much doubt.

Because Qi Fang is only a weak soul body, if he lied, the soul body would fluctuate very obviously, which is easy to detect.

"No, you contact the secret method, will it take us to the place where Qi Xiao is?" Tan Ming suddenly thought of this and shouted sharply.

Qi Xiao is the leader of the Heavenly Qi Divine Tribe, and the power in his hands must be extremely terrifying. If Qi Fang takes them to meet Qi Xiao, the trouble will be great.

"My eldest brother is still sitting in a chaotic battlefield in person." Qi Fang explained.

"How many people are gathered around Qi Chuan now?" Lin Hao asked.

"More than thirty..." When he said this, Qi Fang's spirit showed a clear fluctuation.

"Be honest, or I will kill your soul now!" Tan Ming yelled coldly.

"More than fifty people..." Qi Fangdao.

"Then what are the three warriors of the God of War that they chased before?"

"I don't know this."

Lin Hao said, "How many people are in the temple?"

"I don't know this. In fact, there were not many people in the temple. But because the Beigongliu and Beigongyun brothers died, people from the temple continued to come over."

Regarding the current comparison of the strength of the two sides, Lin Hao had a clear understanding in his mind.

From the chaotic battlefield channel, the God Tribe Tianqi sent five thousand people back to the God Realm to search for the whereabouts of the human warriors of the Void God Realm.

According to the human race warriors who had joined before, Lin Hao also probably understood that there were about a thousand virtual **** realm human race warriors in the area guarded by the Tianqi Divine Department.

Almost a five to one strength gap.

Fortunately, the human warriors of the Void God Realm scattered their actions, otherwise, if they fight head-on, there will probably not be much left.

And the more than 5,000 people selected by the Tianqi Divine Buddhism had a large scope to search.

If a war broke out with Qichuan, the more than fifty protoss warriors gathered around Qichuan would be quite difficult.

Moreover, in addition to this, once you fight, you must fight quickly, otherwise, more protoss warriors will come to support...

In the current situation, one can only take a step forward and see one step at a time. Any plan is useless. The strength gap between the two sides is too large, and they can only be adjusted accordingly.

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