Rebirth: Ancient Sword God

Chapter 1440: False gods join forces

The first thousand and forty chapters false gods join forces

"Stop!" The false **** powerhouse who acted on Lin Hao yelled angrily, no longer caring about Lin Hao, but rushed to the false **** powerhouse who smashed the sword against Yunyi.


Yun Yi was exploded by the sword light carrying a lot of divine power, and his flesh and blood fragments splashed.

If it hadn't been for the false **** powerhouse who first attacked Lin Hao in time, as long as one more strike, Yun Yi would only end up in smoke.

The two false **** powerhouses that suddenly appeared, and what they did to Lin Hao was obviously the arrangement of Qi Xiao from the Tianqi God Division.

The one that shot Yun Yi from the Tianyun Divine Department was the arrangement of the temple Beigongxiu.

Lin Hao just now, after killing Sui Chang of the Heavenly Sui Divine Tribe, Qi Xiao arranged for the false **** powerhouse to immediately deal with Lin Hao, apparently thinking that the virtual **** realm human race warrior has no use value.

The false **** powerhouse arranged by Beigongxiu of the temple naturally did not have time to take action to save the life of the **** son Sui Chang of the Tiansui God Ministry, so he acted according to the opportunity. The person arranged by Qi Xiao has already taken action against Lin Yuan headed by the Void God Realm Human Race. He wanted to take the opportunity to kill Yun Yi.

Now, the two false gods confronted each other, and they fought fiercely in an instant.

"It turns out that this is the arrangement of Qi Xiao and Bei Gongxiu!" Lin Hao sneered in his heart.

Their Protoss, it seems that they are not ready to break the agreement. Perhaps, it is indeed because the Protoss also has many important young generation warriors who have been blocked in the Void God Realm. The Protoss powerhouse is very jealous of this.

The false **** powerhouse only ignited the divine fire and gave birth to divine power, but has not yet completed the sublimation of the overall life level. Between the emperor realm and the divine fire realm, the **** race is taking advantage of the rules agreed with the virtual **** realm!

But it is not easy to make a false **** strong.

Because, every warrior who ignites the fire, his life level, will complete the sublimation at the moment the fire is ignited, and there is never the so-called half-step divine fire state.

Ignite the divine fire, and the divine fire instantly refines itself and obtains a supreme sublimation. This is an irreversible and unstoppable rule and order between heaven and earth!

If there is an external force to forcibly stop this process, the risk is extremely high, and it will suffer from the backlash of the divine fire, causing the backlash of the rules and order of the world. It may be difficult for one hundred warriors who ignite the divine fire to survive.

Lin Hao knew all these things.

In other words, the false **** powerhouse arranged by Qi Xiao, as well as the false **** powerhouse arranged by the temple Beigongxiu, may have been born at the expense of the lives of many warriors who had just ignited the fire!

Moreover, the martial artist who stayed at the false **** level, because of forcibly interrupting the process of Shenhuo's traction of life level sublimation, in the future, there will be no chance to continue on the road of martial arts!

For the warriors of the imaginary **** realm human race, even if they know the means to create the fake **** real warriors, they will never do it!

However, in the eyes of the Protoss, the warriors who have just ignited the divine fire are nothing more than a lot of them, and they don't care at all. If a group of warriors who ignite the divine fire are killed, as long as they can be replaced by a fake divine realm, it is worth it!

Because this time the confrontation on the chaotic battlefield, the Divine Fire Realm and the stronger ones, are not allowed to participate in the war.

A warrior of the false **** level is here, almost invincible!


At this time, the two protoss false **** realm powerhouses were already at war, and under the explosion of their divine power, they were extremely powerful.

The warriors of the Void God Realm human race showed worry on their faces.

Huo Yuanzhan and several people had already recovered some strength and came to Lin Hao.

"Uncle Shi, the situation has changed, let's take the opportunity to withdraw!" Huo Yuanzhan transmitted Lin Hao.

None of them thought that there would be strong false gods here, and there would still be two!

Even the warriors of the Void God Realm Human Race still have a group of power hidden in the dark, but it is difficult to deal with this kind of scene. Even if the two false **** powerhouses can be killed in the end, the gain will not be worth the loss, which will cause great casualties.

Moreover, it is certain that once the Void God Realm Human Race warriors make full use of their hands, the false **** powerhouse of the Protoss will definitely attack the top tianjiao of the Void God Realm human race first.

Lin Hao, bear the brunt!

Lin Hao shook his head. If he retreats now, maybe these two false gods will immediately stop fighting and move on to his side together.

Moreover, if you retreat now, the previous efforts will be wasted!

Lin Hao planned to let the two false gods decide the winners and losers first. In this way, he could also pick up a bargain.

"Kill the people of the Heavenly Cloud God Ministry!" Lin Hao observed the battlefield situation.

The people of the Tiansui Divine Ministry were about to be killed.

Now, it's time to consume the power of the Tianyun Divine Ministry!

The Void God Realm warrior who received Lin Hao's order rushed into the battlefield again.

The people of the Tianyun Divine Department did not expect that the Void God Realm Human Race warriors would actually attack them at this time. Without preparation, the members of the Tianyun Divine Department would be killed by dozens of them in the blink of an eye. A.


"If you continue to fight, it will only be cheaper for the Void God Realm Human Race guys. We will fight again later. We will destroy the Void God Realm Human Race warriors first!"

One of the two false gods who were fighting against each other yelled loudly.

"it is good!"

Another strong false **** responded immediately.

The people arranged by Qi Xiao had two purposes, one was to destroy the people of the Tiansui God Ministry, and the other was to destroy these people of the Void God Realm Human Race.

The people arranged by Bei Gongxiu also had two goals, one was to destroy the people of the Tianyun Divine Tribe, and the other was to destroy the warriors of the Void God Realm Human Race.

They have a purpose that overlaps, and they have the possibility of cooperation.

The two false gods who were fighting fiercely just now turned their heads and attacked Lin Hao.

They all knew that Lin Hao was the core of this group of human warriors in the Void God Realm, and killing Lin Hao was the most important thing.


This time, the situation of the whole process can be said to be quite complicated.

Among the Protoss, the relationship between the temple and the Tianqi Divine Tribe and the Tianyun Divine Tribe is quite bad, with mutual suspicion and fierce internal fighting.

Lin Hao first cooperated with the Beigong show of the temple.

Then he cooperated with Zhu Yun of the temple, and took this opportunity to cooperate with Qi Xiao of the Tianqi Divine Tribe.

After the start of the war, he teamed up with Beigongxiu of the temple and consumed a large amount of Qi Xiao's power.

Immediately afterwards, moving the battlefield, Lin Hao cooperated with the Heavenly Cloud God Ministry who obeyed Qi Xiao's orders to kill the people of the Heavenly Sui God Ministry.

Up to now, the warriors of the Human Race of the Void God Realm have begun to deal with the people of the Tianyun Divine Tribe.

However, Qi Xiao and Bei Gongxiu, the two opponents arranged by the opponents, also began to join forces to deal with the warriors of the virtual gods.

This is the risk that the Void God Realm Human Race needs to bear in cooperation with the Protoss.

Whether it's an enemy or a friend, it's all by chance.

Because, whether it is a hostile Protoss or a temporarily cooperative Protoss, in fact, they are all uneasy and kind to the Void God Realm Human Race.

Fortunately, so far, except for the appearance of two false gods from the Protoss, which exceeded Lin Hao's expectation, Lin Hao caught every opportunity.

Facing the two false **** powerhouses who joined forces to attack his side, Lin Hao filled with a high fighting spirit.


Lin Hao shouted, his boundless killing intent bloomed, and he took the initiative to attack the two false gods.

At the same time, the warriors of the Void God Realm Human Race who were hiding nearby and concealing their energy with a rolling sky curtain finally received a signal from Lin Hao to let them take action!

Finally, it's time to do it!

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