Rebirth: Ancient Sword God

Chapter 1451: The second elder sister breaks into the gods

The first thousand four hundred and fifty one chapter two senior sister breaks the boundary into the **** king

The powerhouse of the Tianyun Divine Department followed all the way.

Even if the human race of the Void God Realm is strong, the combat effectiveness is strong, but in terms of numbers, there is too much difference.

It didn't take long before the situation was extremely dangerous.

The two apex powerhouses of the Void God Realm Human Race Celestial God were already extremely injured.

The two no longer escorted Lin Hao and the others to evacuate, and they turned around resolutely and headed towards the powerful Protoss who continued to chase from behind.

"Human Reincarnation Shrine, Qin and Han!"

"Human Pantheon, Li Feilong!"

The two yelled and reported the identity of the human race, the shrine to which they belonged, and their own name.



At the peak of the two heavenly gods, the powerful human beings in the virtual **** realm who could fight against the false **** king, instantly detonated everything about him.

The horrible power swept through, instantly killing more than a dozen of the Protoss powerhouse, stopping the pursuit of the Protoss powerhouse for a moment.


"Elder Li..."

Among the younger generation of the Void God Realm, someone shouted in grief and tears.

Even people who are not from the Reincarnation Temple and the Pantheon Temple, at this time, their eyes are already wet with tears.

This is the strong man of the human race!

In order to protect them these young people.

Without the slightest hesitation, I gave up the fruits of my own practice for countless years and gave up my life.

Just to give these young people a chance!

Duan Xiao, the deputy palace lord of the Reincarnation Palace, also flashed sadness in his eyes.

However, sadness is fleeting in the blink of an eye.

He lived for millions of years.

I have seen too many such scenes.

Every warrior of the human race.

No one is qualified to be immersed in sadness.

Because there is no such time!

"In order to save you, in addition to the two human heroes you saw just now, in other areas, in this battle, our human race has had more than 30 strong gods, and three strong men in the pseudo-god realm have fallen.

You now are not qualified to take revenge!

But, remember all this for me.

Among you, you must compensate, and at least thirty true kings and powerhouses of the human race can be worthy of their contributions!

After you become stronger, if you encounter the current situation, it must be the same.

Our human warriors, striving for survival in the cracks, can continue to this day, and the blood can continue to be passed down, because there are countless martyrs fighting and sacrifices. "

The loud shout of Duan Xiao knocked people's hearts.

this moment.

Every young warrior of the Void God Realm guarded by the power of his world wiped away the tears from his eyes, gritted his teeth and clenched his fists.

Everything that happened today will be engraved in their memory forever and will never be forgotten!

Lin Hao did not shed tears.

At this time, his heart is already crazy.

In that invisible imperial road, Lin Hao's spirit has turned into a blood man, frantically attacking the void in front of him, blasting the way forward with an extremely tough posture.

"Drive me!"

The blood man transformed by Lin Hao's spirit and spirit uttered a series of roars, constantly blasting the road of Wuwei Emperor and moving forward.

He now has no strength to guard all this.

But what about later?

I will be able to guard all this in the future!

But how long will it take after this?

How many human heroes will sacrifice?

Lin Hao didn't dare to think about it.

At this time, he can only seize every bit of time and constantly improve himself, not allowing himself to be slack in the slightest!

Others did not know Lin Hao's changes.

However, Duan Xiao, who was protecting everyone from leaving with the power of the world, noticed the abnormality.

He doesn't know Lin Hao.

However, with his aura, he could judge that this was Lin Hao, the fourth palace master of the God of War Palace who had caused great turmoil in the God Realm.

However, he still didn't know that this was the'Lin Yuan, the Tianjiao born in the reincarnation shrine' that he attached great importance to.

Duan Xiao frowned.

He knows what is going on with Lin Hao now, if it continues like this, perhaps, an inner demon will be born and his power will get out of control!

Therefore, Lin Hao said, "Palace Master Lin, this matter is the matter of our human race, and the decisions we make are also decisions made by our human race together. These pressures are not yours. One's stress.

You have a long way to go, and now it's just the beginning, don't completely mess up your mind because of this! "

Lin Hao, whose spirit was transformed into a blood man, was bombarding Wuwei Emperor Road. Hearing Duan Xiao's words in his mind, he knew that Duan Xiao was worried about himself.

Therefore, the same Divine Thought Transmission responded, saying: "Palace Master, don't worry, I have a sense of measure!"

Duan Xiao saw that Lin Hao was still able to respond to him soberly, and was a little relieved, but obviously, Lin Hao didn't intend to give up. After thinking about it, Duan Xiao didn't stop him anymore. Later, if Lin Hao really couldn't hold it. Now, the power of my own world has time to stop!

Duan Xiao clings to his mind. After all, he hasn't reached the real **** king state, forcibly urging the world, and the load is heavy. At this time, in order to protect the hope of the future of these virtual gods, it can be said that he can hardly make a move.

There are still more than sixty powerhouses pursuing the Tianyun Divine Department, and only three powerhouses of the pseudo-god king realm remain.

If this continues, there may be sacrifices later.

However, at this time, it was already close to a chaotic battlefield channel. As long as you passed through the channel and returned to the Void God Realm, it would be safe.

The Void God Realm is the base camp of the Human Race, and there are still many strong people sitting there.

It is impossible for all those strong people to come to the God Realm, otherwise, once the strong God race takes advantage of this, the consequences will be disastrous.

at this time.

In front of everyone, there was a terrible shock.

Ahead, there are top powerhouses clashing.

Lin Hao was also affected by this power shock and looked far away.

The front is where they must pass, and in other directions, there are powerhouses of the Tianyun Divine Department.

Duan Xiao could only continue to lead people on the road quickly.

After a while.

The scene of the battle ahead finally appeared in everyone's sight.

Lin Hao gritted his teeth, his veins violent, and his already extremely heavy mood became even heavier at this time.

Because the two sides of the battle, two of them were his second senior sister Nie Ru and third senior brother Yang Guang.

And Lin Hao had seen their opponent.

I saw it when Huo Cang, the older brother of Guan, walked the road of the invincible king.

There are also five **** kings of the Tianqi Divine Tribe on Qilian Mountain!

Nie Ru and Yang Guang, even if their fighting power is extremely powerful, they are still in the realm of pseudo-god kings after all. At this time, both of them have suffered extremely severe trauma, their bodies are broken, and their strength is disordered.

Seeing Duan Xiao leading people through here, a strong **** king of the Tianqi Divine Tribe, immediately wanted to stop him.

"Your grandfather Yang Guang is here, get me back!"

Yang Guang roared and slapped it directly. The huge palm print grabbed the strong man of Tianqi Divine Part, like a chicken, and threw the strong man back.

Yang Guang, the lord of the three palaces of the God of War, is full of domineering!

However, the price Yang Guang paid was also heavy. He was at a huge disadvantage with one opponent to three. Now he is trying to prevent one of the gods of the Tianqi Divine Tribe from attacking Duanxiao, and the other two Tianqi Divine Tribes. The strong **** king, his body was blown up abruptly!

Yang Guang's body didn't even have enough time to completely reorganize, dragging its remains, and continuing to fight with the three **** kings of the Tianqi Divine Tribe.

Nie Ru fought fiercely with the enemy and shouted: "Duan Xiao, take them back!"

When the voice fell, the sky trembled, and a strong and extreme world power burst out from her body.

At this moment, Nie Ru, Lord of the Second Palace of the Gods of War, broke the shackles and entered the King of God!

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