Rebirth: Ancient Sword God

Chapter 1552: Lin Hao appeared

The first thousand five hundred and fifty-two chapters Lin Hao appeared

Lin Hao and Long Ming, the supreme elder of the alien dragon clan, came near the core of Ability God Space.

There was no one guarded here, but it was the safest place in Ability God Space.

The time of existence of alien races can be traced back to the beginning of the reincarnation of the True Martial World. As the most important place for survival of these alien races, Ability God Space has naturally devoted a lot of effort and energy.

The restriction around the core of Ability God Space is at least a hundred times stronger than the restriction outside Ability God Space.

Moreover, the restrictions on the outside of Ability God Space are scattered, covering the entire Ability God Space.

And this evil restriction in the core land is concentrated in a small area.

Even if the top True God powerhouse had to fight hard, there was only one dead end.

I am afraid that the strong gods will not be able to break through.

Therefore, there is no need for someone to guard here.

"Lin Hao, if you control the Ability God Space, what would you do?" Long Ming said emotionally.

"If the next battle develops in an uncontrollable direction, I will destroy Ability God Space." Lin Hao said truthfully.

He has absolute control over the core place of this Ability God space.

However, this kind of control only uses the power of this Ability God space, rather than turning this Ability God space into its own real power.

His original world is still in a relatively weak state after all, and it is obviously impossible to refine the original world fragments of these several gods.

The original world of each **** king is different.

Even if the Origin World collapses, the fragments in it still contain different Origin Avenues.

Lin Hao wants to forcibly refine these origin avenues, and it is very likely to cause a huge impact on his origin world.

Long Ming sighed, but said nothing.

As the Emperor Long Xiao of the Alien Dragon said before, it is no longer possible for Alien Dragons to protect themselves in the world of great competition.

Since the Alien Dragon now chose to put the bargaining chip on Lin Hao, they could only unswervingly cooperate with Lin Hao's decision.

If the intention is constantly swinging, suffering from gains and losses, and wanting to have both sides, in this chaotic situation, the alien dragon will be completely annihilated sooner or later.


It didn't take long for Lin Hao and the others to arrive near this Ability God space.

The Sea Emperor of the Sea Clan, and Long Xiao also arrived one after another.

"Dragon Emperor, long time no see." Haihuang smiled and said hello.

Long Xiao nodded and said, "It's true that I haven't seen the Sea Emperor for a while."

"Dragon Emperor, do you think about my proposal before that?" Haihuang asked.

Long Xiao shook his head and said: "Our alien dragons are not interested in the battle of the real martial arts, so let's forget it."

Sea King said: "Dragon Emperor, it is not a good thing to continue to stay in this Ability God space without making a choice now."

"Don't talk about it, Ability God Space has vibrated too frequently these days, let's go in and see what's going on." Long Xiao said.

"Yeah." The Sea Emperor nodded and said: "This is also our Sea Clan. We have contributed to Ability God Space for the last time. From now on, Ability God Space will be given to you."

Having said that, the Sea Emperor and Long Xiao flew towards the forbidden edge of the core land.

"Dragon Emperor, please." Sea Emperor looked at Long Xiao and said.

Long Xiao raised his hand and waved, and suddenly, a piece of palm size, like a bone, fluttered out of his palm.

This is one of the two keys to unlock the restrictions around Ability God Space.

There is also a key in Haihuang's hand.

Haihuang waved his hand and seemed to be taking out another key, but in the next instant, his power became extremely violent and violent, and he suddenly slapped Long Xiao's body with a palm!

Long Xiao had been prepared for a long time, and he punched out without seeing the slightest panic.


The power of the two great true gods collided, and a terrifying storm was immediately set off.

The storm spread to the restriction around this core place, swept through with devastating force, destroying the sky and the earth.

Even though Long Xiao and Haihuang are strong, they dare not hold on to the power that bursts out of this restriction, and immediately withdrew from the extreme distance.

"Haihuang, what do you mean!" Long Xiao roared.

The Sea Emperor sneered and said: "Dragon Emperor, the storm in the current world of great controversy has spread to the Ability God space, and your alien dragons are unwilling to be involved in this battle, but you can't help it.

Today, you must die! "

Long Xiao snorted coldly, and said, "It's too much because you want to leave my life as Long Xiao!"

The Sea Emperor also knew that his strength was indeed inferior to Long Xiao, and said: "Dragon Emperor, I know that the strength is not as good as you, but since I have to do it, how can I not be prepared?"

The voice fell.

Suddenly, two more figures flew from a distance and came to Haihuang's side.

One of them is the True God Realm Supreme Elder of the Sea Clan.

There is another one, Sha Yan, the emperor of the sandstorm tribe.

"It seems that Elder Haixin has already encountered an accident." Long Xiao said slowly.

Sea King said: "Before our Sea Clan wanted to enter the True Martial Realm, it was the old immortal guy who had been fighting against the emperor. This time, we naturally had to get rid of him first!"

The Sea Clan, like the Yilong Clan, has three true gods.

Obviously, the Sea Clan took refuge in Lu Yi, and the Supreme Elder of one of the true gods has been eliminated.

In fact, the same is true of the different dragons. A Supreme Elder of the True God Realm fell under the sword of Lin Hao.

Long Xiao's gaze fell on Sha Yan, and said: "Tsar, your Sandstorm Clan went to the True Martial Realm. It seems that Lu Yi came into contact with the Sea Clan through your recommendation."

The Sandstorm Clan used to be closer to the Sea Clan. Lu Yi entered the Ability God Space and was able to control the Sea Clan so quickly, Sha Yan was indeed indispensable.

Sha Yan sneered, and said, "Unexpectedly, the Dragon Emperor still knew Master Lu Sect."

Long Xiao said indifferently: "I know a lot more than you expected."

A cold light flashed in Sha Yan's eyes, and said, "Sea Emperor, do it."

In the next moment, the Sea Emperor and the Sea Clan’s True God Realm Supreme Elder simultaneously attacked Long Xiao.

The few divine fire realm powerhouses that Sea Emperor had brought attacked towards the few divine fire realm powerhouses that Long Xiao had brought.

Sha Yan didn't rush into the battlefield. He was only the cultivation base of the Divine Fire Realm. He attacked Long Xiao at close range. He was worried that Long Xiao would destroy himself first.

The battle broke out, and the two true gods of the Sea Clan besieged Long Xiao, and Long Xiao immediately fell into a disadvantage.

"Haihuang, a quick fight!" Sha Yan shouted, and the next moment, with a wave of his hand, the Sky Gate Projection flew out of his palm!

Although it is only a projection of the Tianmen, it still possesses extremely tyrannical powers, so that Sha Yan also has the power to fight against the true gods at this time. It is the Shanghai Emperor and the Supreme Elder of the Sea Clan, that is to say, Long Xiao has to face the three at the same time. Power attack of the true god!

Even if the rank of the alien dragon is not low, there is no chance of winning at this time.

Seeing the projection of the gate on that day, a bright divine light burst out in the air, towards the occasion of Long Xiao's suppression.

Suddenly, a sword light that was so powerful that the true gods would feel suffocated, slashed at the projection of the gate of the day.

The moment this sword light appeared.

Tsar Sha Yan, who controlled the projection of the sky, had the original confident look on his face, instantly replaced by fear!

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