Rebirth: Ancient Sword God

Chapter 1555: The plot of Zhenshi Shrine

The first thousand five hundred and fifty-five chapters of the plot of the Zhenshi Temple

The lord of the Zhenshi Temple coldly snorted and said: "Lu Yi, a foreign race, is under the control of the gods, you shouldn't get involved!"

Lu Yi looked cold, and said: "That's just used to be. Now, the Protoss can't control the alien race."

Lei Master said: "The palace lord has confessed that all alien races who are willing to obey the orders of the Protoss again will be taken out. Those who are not willing to submit will not stay!"

Obviously, Zhenshi Shrine also needs the power of a foreign race for them to use, and it will never allow the power of a foreign race to fall into the hands of other people!

"Don’t forget, I, Lu Yi, have a direct cooperation with the great figures in the temple. Your Zhenshi Temple interfered with my plan this time and affected my arrangements with some great figures in the temple. When the time comes, your Shenshi God The palace and the temple can't explain it!" Lu Yi shouted coldly.

Thunder Lord and Fire Lord also looked solemn at this time.

To be honest, the two of them, the Emperor Peng who united the Shenpeng clan, were not Lv Yi's opponents either.

Moreover, Lu Yi did cross the Zhenshi Temple and had some cooperation with the great figures of the Temple.

Seeing the mine master and the fire master, they all hesitated.

Lu Yi shouted again: "Now, your life and death in Zhenshi Temple and my Lu Yi fight is meaningless, but it is cheaper for others!

You may not think, Lin Hao, also entered the Ability God Space! "

"Is this really true?" Lei Master's eyes widened with surprise in his expression.

Zhenshi Shrine is an important chess piece arranged by the shrine in Zhenwu Realm.

The temple can be said to wish to kill Lin Hao and then hurry up, the same is true of Zhenshi Shrine.

What's more, some time ago, Lin Hao also killed Mingyao, the soul master of their Zhenshi Temple, and Fengjing.

If Lin Hao is really in Ability God space, then the matter of conquering the alien race in Ability God space can indeed be put aside first, and dealing with Lin Hao is the most important thing!

"I, Lu Yi, don't have to lie to you about this matter. Before, I always thought that Lin Hao was hiding on the side of Shenpeng Clan. Now it seems that I guessed wrong!" Lu Yi said.

"Then you tell me, where is Lin Hao?" the fire master asked.

Lu Yi's eyes flickered, and said: "In another area, I arranged a force to attack and kill the Dragon Xiao of the alien dragon. Now the action has failed.

And the power I arranged, under normal circumstances, there will be absolutely no problems.

In Ability God Space, no one can destroy my arrangement.

There is only one possibility, Lin Hao, has already joined forces with the alien dragons to break my plan.

Even the conflict between your Zhenshi Shrine and me is part of Lin Hao's plan! "

With Lu Yi's mind, there are many things that can be inferred as long as you understand them all at once.

Before, it was just the wrong direction. He always thought that Lin Hao could not handle the alien dragon, and this was the result of a misjudgment.

"Alien Dragon?" Lei Lord and Fire Lord obviously didn't believe it.

Because, like Lu Yi, they wanted to control the alien dragon the most, but it was not easy to start.

In their view, the alien races in Ability God Space now have the most trouble with the alien dragons.

"We have never underestimated Lin Hao's methods, but his methods have always been beyond our expectations. At this point, your Zhenshi Temple will not suffer less than my Lu Yi." Lu Yi said, beginning Follow the temptation.

Let's solve Lin Hao first, and the matter of snatching control of alien power in Ability God space with Zhenshi Divine Palace can be temporarily put aside.

"It is said that your Lu Yi City Mansion is very deep, we can't believe your words easily." Lei Lord said.

Lu Yi said, "Whether what I'm saying is true or not is easy to prove. You follow me to the Sea Clan. If Sea Emperor returns to the Sea Clan, he should have met Lin Hao.

If the Sea Emperor and the others did not come back, it would be even more proof that Lin Hao and the Alien Dragon had joined forces, otherwise, although the Alien Dragon was strong, it would not be so easy to keep the Sea Emperor! "

Lord Lei and Lord Fire looked at each other, and then said: "Okay!"

They didn't worry about what Lu Yi was playing carefully at this time. Lu Yi was indeed powerful, but their current strength was not weak and could not beat Lu Yi, but it was not so easy for Lu Yi to calculate them.

Having said that, Lord Lei, Lord Huo, and Emperor Peng of the Shenpeng Clan, followed Lu Yi to the Sea Clan.

After arriving at the sea clan.

Haihuang and others did not come back.

Then enter the forbidden area of ​​the Sea Clan, and check the life imprints left by the Sea Emperor and another True God Realm Supreme Elder.

People of different races will leave the mark of life in the forbidden area of ​​the clan. It seems that the new members of the clan in the secular clan will be written into the genealogy of a ritual.

When Lu Yi saw that the life mark of the Sea Emperor and another True God Realm Supreme Elder had dissipated, obvious anger appeared on his face!

The sea king is dead.

The Sea Clan’s True God Realm Supreme Elder is also dead!

In this way, the power and overall strength that Lu Yi controlled in Ability God Space was greatly reduced.

Prior to this, there were true **** powerhouses in Ability God Space, Alien Dragon Race, Sea Race, and Shenpeng Race, but no other alien races!

Now, there is no true **** powerhouse in the Sea Clan!

At this moment, Lord Thunder, Lord Fire, and Emperor Peng no longer doubt Lu Yi.

They also knew very well that, no matter how deep Lu Yi's city mansion was, it still wasn't to the point where he could abandon the powerhouse of the True God Realm as a **** at will.

"Lu Yi, now that we have a common enemy, perhaps, we can indeed cooperate." The Thunder Master of Zhenshi Temple said, a little gloating in his heart.

Lu Yi had no powerful chess pieces in the Ability God Space, which was a good thing for Zhenshi Divine Palace.

Now join forces with Lu Yi to solve Lin Hao.

Can Lu Yi fail to see the thoughts of these people in Zhenshi Temple, his expression is gloomy, and he said: "Solving Lin Hao, the alien race in Ability God Space, I want to control half of it!"

"Lu Yi, I can't promise you this request. After all, the palace lord of our Zhenshi Shrine had previously explained that, except for the aliens who have returned to Zhenshi Shrine, none of them will be left!" Lei said.

"If I don't make a move, have you dealt with Lin Hao?" Lu Yi's voice was cold, this was his last bargaining chip.

The Lord Lei and the Lord of Fire condensed. Indeed, without Lu Yi, they would not dare to take action against Lin Hao. The two looked at each other and said, "Okay, I can call the shots and promise your terms, but not half. Only one-third, whether you can succeed, you can handle it yourself."

Lu Yi gritted his teeth. He did not have enough cards in his hand, so he could only nod his head in agreement.

Zhenshi Divine Palace gave him one-third of the alien races, that is, about twenty, and half of them were willing to submit. It was considered a strong force, at least better than nothing!

Initially reached the intention of cooperation, Lu Yi changed the topic and said: "With the method of Zhenshi Jingong, it should be more than what Lu Mou sees now. Since we want to cooperate, I hope everyone can be more honest.

If Zhenshi Shrine is unwilling to be honest, then Lu Yi would rather not cooperate.

I, Lu Yi alone, returned to the real martial arts world. Even if Lin Hao were to be my enemy, it would be difficult for Lin Hao to find me.

But your Zhenshi Shrine is different. Next, Zhenshi Shrine will truly enter the world. At that time, Lin Hao will threaten your Zhenshi Shrine more than Lu Yi! "

With Lu Yi's caution, he wouldn't easily join forces with Zhenshi Divine Palace if he didn't figure out the real plot of Zhenshi Divine Palace!

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