Rebirth: Ancient Sword God

Chapter 1648: The power of the gods

The first thousand six hundred and forty-eight chapters

Having hurriedly gathered with Mu Yiling, and hurriedly parted, Lin Hao suppressed the thoughts in his mind. Before, he relied on the power of the sky screen to sense the entire True Martial Realm, and thus gained the faith of hundreds of millions of creatures in the True Martial Realm.

Now, the sky curtain has been broken, but the close connection between Lin Hao and Zhenwu Realm still exists.

"Warriors above the sacred fire of all domains, join the battle with me, enter the eight heavenly dragon realms, protect the true martial arts world, this battle will win, after this battle, the true martial arts world will enjoy stability forever!"

Lin Hao shouted, and immediately received responses from all parties. The strong men who stayed in various places responsible for resisting the power of the Heavenly Array Blood Sacrifice True Martial Realm entered the teleportation array and rushed toward the endless sea.

As for Ouyang Feier, who was temporarily controlled, she has been sealed. Someone sent her into the Void God Realm, and waited for the strong human race fighting in the God Realm to bring her soul lamp back, and then she could recover.

Lin Hao's strength is in a very special state. For him, using the teleportation method to drive his way is far less than his own speed. One step out is tens of thousands of miles away, reaching the limit.

In less than half an hour, Lin Hao had crossed a long distance and came to the endless sea with surging waves.

Above the endless sea, there is a special barrier. Inside the barrier is the Dragon Clan’s treasure, the eight heavenly dragon realms, and the most tragic battle took place in the eight heavenly dragon realms.

"Please also Senior Long to open the barrier!" Lin Hao said.


Immediately afterwards, the space trembled and an entrance was opened to the barrier. Lin Hao flashed into the eight heavenly dragon realms.

As soon as he entered the eight heavenly dragon realms, Lin Hao felt countless tyrannical storms of strength swept over him.

These power storms are the aftermath of the top powerhouses in the eight heavenly dragon realms. If there were no eight heavenly dragon realms to block these spilled power storms, indeed, the true martial realm might have already been destroyed.

Lin Hao no longer hesitated, and immediately rushed to the nearest battlefield.


A long distance away, in Lin Hao's eyes, he saw a straight sword energy traversing the sky, but it was crushed by the palm of a strong **** of the Protoss.

"Zhengtian sword Huang San, haha, but that's all, one move to destroy you!"

The Protoss Heavenly God Realm powerhouse laughed frantically, slapped his palm at Huang San, immortal divine power, turned into a huge handprint, and landed in Huang San's area.

There was a touch of determination in Huang San's expression.

Although he is extremely powerful, he is only a true **** cultivation base after all. Against the gods of the Protoss, the gap is too big. At this moment, when his fall is imminent, Huang San has no fear at all, and his whole body exudes even more sharp edges.

Before death.

The first sword in the North Sea of ​​the Qiandaozong in the endless sea of ​​Zhenwu Realm will also bloom his sharp edge to the extreme.

If the sky is not right, I Huang San uses the sword to straighten it.

Huang San yelled furiously and swung his sword towards the immortal handprint of the supernatural power.

And at this moment, a sword light, faster than Huang San's sword, instantly appeared on the huge handprints made by the gods of the **** race with immortal power.

The huge handprint, like thin paper, was torn in an instant.

The gods of the Protoss race showed a deep shock in his eyes, looked into the distance, and exclaimed in an incredible way: "Lin...Lin Hao!"


The **** of the Protoss, just shouting these two words, another extremely fast sword aura fell on him.

The power of a sword, the gods, fall!

Huang San, who had been ready to go to death generously, looked at Lin Hao who rushed in front of him, and his expression suddenly revealed a strong expression of excitement.

Immediately, Lin Hao learned the situation of the eight heavenly dragon realms from Huang San's mouth.

Originally, Human Race could barely stabilize the battle.

But just after Lu Yi, a god-king body, was destroyed by Lin Hao, Lu Yi again attracted a group of powerful gods to come at any cost.

Now, in the divided battlefields, every battlefield, the human race is already in danger.

And at this moment, a familiar voice came into Lin Hao's ears.

The person who spread the word was Lu Zhan, the ancestor of the God of War.

"The battlefield of the **** king is still able to hold it, you first solve some of the clutter of the gods!"

Lin Hao learned the situation and moved quickly without hesitation.



A violent explosion sounded.

Two powerhouses from the gods of the **** race rushed out of the storm.

"Huh, it's a mere god, how can you blew yourself up, hahaha!"

"Don't waste time, try to be as fast as possible and clean up all these human wastes."

The two Protoss deity powerhouses said, immediately preparing to rush to other areas.

But at this moment, Lin Hao's figure appeared in front of these two people.

Resplendent sword light poured out all over the sky, and the two gods of the Protoss race had no resistance to resist.

Seeing the place where the violent explosion sounded just now, a touch of sadness appeared in Lin Hao's eyes. He was a step late, and the superior elder of the alien dragon, Long Ming, just blew himself up.

Although Long Ming is a foreign race, but at this moment he is willing to fight for the real martial arts, and the battle is at the last moment, this is worthy of Lin Hao's respect!

Now, it's not the time to mourn and mourn. If he wants to reduce the casualties, then he moves faster.

As Lin Hao joined the battlefield of the eight heavenly dragons.

In less than half an hour, there were already more than 20 Protoss deity powerhouses who died in his hands, and more than a hundred people of Protoss deity fire realm powerhouses died.

At this time, loud shouts sounded in the battlefield of the Eight Heavenly Dragon Realms.

The realm of Zhenwu Realm has reached the Divine Fire Realm and the powerhouse of True God Realm, finally arrived!

In this area of ​​the battlefield, the Protoss also has no gods, so Lin Hao can leave without worry and go to another battlefield!


The second battlefield is also the most tragic battlefield.

This is the battle of the group of strong men left behind by the Shenting Army.

Today, there are only seven strong people left by the Shenting Army.

And there are more than thirty people in the Protoss powerhouse!

In this battle, the strong people left by the Shenting Army have gained the reputation of the Shenting Army. From the initial more than fifty people, there were nearly 100 people from the Gods.

After that, nearly a hundred people from the Protoss descended, and now there are only more than 30 people left.

The record is extremely brilliant!

The remaining seven strong people left behind by the Shenting Army, each of them were in dilapidated body, and the Shenhuo was in a state of being extinguished at any time, but each of them had a straight waist.

This is the human army created by the Emperor Zhenwu himself, and each of them remembers the teachings of the Emperor Zhenwu.

The waist of the human race can never bend down!

The remaining thirty-odd members of the Protoss, the weakest, are also the cultivation base of the gods. Among them, there are two pseudo-kings of the gods. The Protoss has set the tone for victory and surrounded the remaining seven of the Gods.

Even if it is an opponent.

In the expressions of the powerhouses of these Protoss, there was a look of respect.

They all knew that if it weren't for the fifty-odd people of the Shenting Army, all of them were not in their peak state, otherwise, they would never have won this battle.

A leading Protoss pseudo-god state existed, and said: "Today, I finally saw the style of the human divine army that once powerfully shocked the Nine Heavens God Realm, but today, the divine army will be completely destroyed!"

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