Rebirth: Ancient Sword God

Chapter 1664: First God Human Race

The first thousand six hundred and sixty-four chapters

The golden light in the temple flickered, and it was indefinite, affecting the hearts and minds of everyone who was worshiping.

It's been half an hour.

The golden light finally stabilized. Although it was still faint, it seemed like the only light in the night, giving people hope.


For half a year, these people will come to the temple every seven days, maintain a pious heart, and perform worship rituals.

In the past six months, the golden light in the temple has gradually increased little by little.

From the first strand, to now, it has the size of a finger.

Moreover, in the golden light, consciousness has been born, and there have even been some intermittent exchanges with these people who continue to worship the temple.

The consciousness in this golden light, in fact, is not born, but is resurrecting.

However, the recovery is very slow.

Up to now, I just remembered my own name, Lin Hao. It seemed that he had experienced a terrifying explosion, and then it became like this.

He couldn't remember what that terrible explosion was.

When he first started to recover, he couldn't understand what these people who worshipped him every once in a while said.

However, now, I can already understand those languages.

These people seem to have existed for a long, long time. They belonged to the human race of the Early God Era. They took Teng as the surname. The old man who worshiped him every time was the only priest in this group, named Teng Fengxuan.

In the long, long past, there were many powerful people in their clan, but when a great battle broke out, the powerful people in the clan all participated in the war and never came back. They stayed here all the time. Never went out.

As for the Early God Era, Human Race, what exactly it is, Lin Hao's consciousness does not know, he just feels that he is also Human Race.

This group of people from the Teng surname, every time they worship, as the sole priest, Teng Fengxuan will extract the energy of the offerings and use it to absorb Lin Hao in the golden light. Lin Hao's consciousness can continue to receive these energy Recovery.

Time passed slowly.

Day after day, year after year.

Unconsciously, ten years have passed.

Jin Guang continued to grow, and Lin Hao's consciousness also recovered a lot.

Although he still doesn't know where he comes from, he has already determined that he is also a human race.

Moreover, he also remembered a lot of things, helping this group of Teng clan people, perfecting the exercises of body forging.

After obtaining the exercises, the Teng clan members began to grow stronger. Every time the offerings to Lin Hao worshipped, the energy contained in them became more and more concentrated. Lin Hao's consciousness recovery speed became faster and faster, and his consciousness , Accumulate energy actively.

Because his consciousness tells him that he needs a body, so now that he accumulates energy, he is trying to condense a body!


The members of the Teng clan, even though they got stronger by Lin Hao's perfect body-building exercises for them, they were still weak.

So Lin Hao communicated with the priest Teng Fengxuan again, gave them some exercises, and taught them some fighting skills.

The members of the Teng clan grew stronger day by day.

Lin Hao's consciousness recovered faster.

He accumulates the energy needed to condense the body, and it also speeds up.

Then, Lin Hao remembered more things.

He once seemed to have a golden armor. In his body, there seemed to be a world. In that world, there were countless golden energies, but all this was gone in a terrifying explosion.

Moreover, his consciousness clearly perceives that the Teng clan people are very weak, even if they have the exercises and fighting skills they have given them.

The strongest is Teng Fengxuan, Yuan Dan realm peak cultivation base.

Then there was a young and sturdy boy named Teng Qingfeng, who had just reached the Yuan Dan realm a few days ago.

Lin Hao felt that he was once, and seemed to be very strong. As for how strong he was, he didn't know how strong he was. Anyway, he was much stronger than this Yuan Dan realm.

And since his consciousness began to recover, it has been fifteen years.

The old priest Teng Fengxuan, fortunately, had the cultivation technique given by Lin Hao, and he had cultivated to the Yuan Dan realm. Otherwise, he would have died of old age.


This day.

It is not yet time to worship.

The old priest Teng Fengxuan, alone, came to the temple.

At this time, Teng Fengxuan was covered in blood, and there was a fist-sized blood hole in his chest.

"Qingfeng went out, hunted and sacrificed offerings, and encountered a beast. We have sent people to rescue them, but we have been unable to rescue Qingfeng. We hope that the God of Asylum will protect Qingfeng and return safely." Teng Fengxuan was praying.

The **** of refuge is what the Teng clan calls Lin Hao.

Hearing Teng Fengxuan's words, Lin Hao's consciousness moved slightly in the golden light in the temple.

Then, the golden light surged.

A body slowly condenses.

"Is this his body?" Lin Hao lowered his head, looked at his body, and then there was a surge of power, turning into a long gown.

"I need energy."

Lin Hao whispered to himself, condensed his body, and then used his strength to transform into a long gown. After 15 years of accumulation of energy, it was completely exhausted.

Feeling extremely weak at this time.

At the same time, I feel that my body seems to have dried up for a long time, and I desperately need that rain-like energy to nourish it!

With this sentence said.

Suddenly, energy surging wildly around the world, a whistling gust of wind rushed towards Lin Hao's body.

His pores were wide open, and an extremely comfortable feeling emerged in his heart.

But just for a moment, the energy that crazily poured into his body disappeared.

Because the energy of this world was completely absorbed by his blink of an eye.

Outside the temple.

Teng Fengxuan looked dull.

This is the first time this situation has occurred.

Since the miracle appeared, this is the first time that the protection **** has taken the initiative to absorb energy. In the past, Teng Fengxuan extracted the energy of the offerings and gave it to the protection god.

Next, something even more shocking to Teng Fengxuan happened.

In the temple, a person walked out.

A very young man.

The facial lines are sharp and angular, with sword eyebrows and star eyes, the bridge of the nose is high, the lips are slightly thin, and a white gown is over the shapely figure...

"Teng Fengxuan, meet the **** of refuge."

Where did Teng Fengxuan know? This is the patron **** of their Teng clan, and they must bow down.

A gentle force instantly supported Teng Fengxuan.

"I am not a refuge god... I am also... Human Race!" Lin Hao said slowly.

In Teng Fengxuan’s expression, a deep panic suddenly appeared, saying: "If the Teng clan has offended the **** of refuge in any way, please forgive the **** of refuge...please don’t give up the **** of refuge to the **** of refuge..."

Lin Hao shook his head and said, "Don't worry, I won't leave, I just don't like the title of the **** of refuge, my name is... Lin Hao!"

When the words fell, Lin Hao's heart moved, and there was a pure qi and blood power that gushed from his body, and then sank into Teng Fengxuan's body. Teng Fengxuan's injury was immediately controlled and did not continue to deteriorate.

"So weak!"

"I still need energy!"

Lin Hao sighed once again in his heart, now that he can barely control Teng Fengxuan's injury, he can't help him recover completely.

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