Rebirth: Ancient Sword God

Chapter 1667: The eight great arrogances of Zhenwu

The first thousand six hundred and seventy-seven chapters

Teng Fengxuan took the people and returned to the barrier.

Lin Hao continued to stay in the world outside the barrier.

He needs a huge source of heaven and earth, and staying in the small enchantment of the Teng clan is extremely detrimental to his consciousness recovery.

The revival of consciousness will bring memories of the past. Lin Hao felt that there must be many important things in his past. Maybe, there are still many important things waiting for him now.


The world outside the barrier is very desolate,

There are fierce beasts from time to time.

However, these fierce beasts were completely vulnerable to Lin Hao.

That rusty ordinary iron sword, in his hand, was like a sharp weapon of a divine weapon, and there was no fierce beast that could block his sword.

The first day left alone outside the barrier.

Lin Hao absorbed all the heaven and earth power within a hundred li radius.

As a result, he had to leave and went to a farther area, and the fierce beasts he encountered were even stronger.

However, these fierce beasts still couldn't help Lin Hao to be killed one by one.

The next day, he once again absorbed all the heaven and earth's vitality in a radius of a hundred miles, and on the way to kill the fierce beast, he used a sword, and the vitality in his body was reversed once.

He remembered that this kind of sword that made his attack power soared had a name called Nine Turns Against Heaven!

On the third day, he performed the second and third turns of the Nine Turns Against Heaven.

On the fourth day, all the power of the Nine Revolutions against the sky was displayed by him.

"I've never used the ninth turn before..." Lin Hao whispered to himself. The reason for this feeling is that he is familiar with the first eight turns of the ninth turn.

Only this ninth turn, he was very strange, but he showed it naturally.

Time passed day by day.

He is walking in this deserted area.

Unconsciously, three years have passed.

For three whole years, his body finally stored enough heaven and earth energy.

He also remembered a lot of things.

He was born in a small town, never met his parents, and then joined the Heavenly Cold Sect.

Many names came to mind.

Mu Yiling, Lu Yi, Jiang Chen, Yu Jianxin, Feng Dongyu, Tao Yuan, Huo Cang, Yang Guang, Nie Ru...

However, these memories of him are all fragments.

He still couldn't remember what the owner of these names had to do with him, and what these people looked like.

Although Lin Hao desperately wanted to remember everything in the past, although it is still very vague now, he is getting closer and closer to the truth!

He believes that one day, he will recover!

After going around for three years, without realizing it, he returned to the barrier of the Teng clan.


Shenxiao heaven.

Eighteen years have passed since the last war.

Eighteen years, as far as the God Realm is concerned, it was a snap.

However, for some people, this period of time is extremely long.

Since a great war broke out eighteen years ago, the Human Race took the opportunity to launch an extremely fierce offensive against the Protoss in the Heavenly Realm of Gods. Today, it controls more than 80% of the Heavenly Realm of Gods.

Although giving up the Bixiao Heaven Realm and Qingxiao Heaven Realm in the next three days, almost the entire Divine Heaven Heaven Realm was exchanged, and it was a huge victory to build this place into the human race base camp.

Eighteen years ago, Lin Hao from the True Martial Realm Human Race, the key figure who brought the human race to victory in that epic battle, never appeared again.

Terran sent a large number of people and searched for three full years without a clue, so it had to accept the reality that Lin Hao had fallen.

But there are still people who haven't given up, believing that Lin Hao is still alive and will definitely return.

Lin Hao's parents, Lin Zhentian and Qin Yun, have ignited the sacred fire in the past 18 years, and their footprints are almost everywhere in the control of the gods and heavenly human race.

The three palace masters of the God of War Palace, Huo Cang, Nie Ru, and Yang Guang, who had transferred all their power to the Heavenly Realm of Gods, had not given up, searching for their junior brother in secret.

Liu Ting, who had entered the seat of Nie Ru in the God of War, and Qin Xinyao, who had entered the seat of the Lord of the Reincarnation Temple, also searched for Lin Hao in secret.

Some people are looking for it.

There are others who are no longer looking for them, but are telling Lin Hao in another way that they are waiting for Lin Hao to return!

This group of people came from the Void Shrine.

The reconstruction of the Void Shrine has not yet been completed. However, all parties in the human race have already acknowledged the existence of the Void Shrine, and only wait for Jiang Huanyu, the descendant of the Void Shrine, to refine the seeds of the original world and enter the realm of the gods. , Is the moment when the Void Shrine really reappears!

The team of Void Shrine are all from the real martial arts world.

Eighteen years have passed, among the Terran warriors from Zhenwu Realm, eight are the most famous.

These eight people are Jiang Chen, Yu Jianxin, Feng Dongyu, Chen Hui, Wei Liang, Wu Hanfei, Su Yu, and Ouyang Feier.

They did not stay in the Void God Realm, they have been fighting for the Human Race in the God Realm.

Today, all eight people have stepped into the realm of true gods.

In the battles of the Human Race against the Protoss and the victory of the Heavenly Realm of the Gods, each of them has an extremely brilliant record, and even teamed up to kill the powerhouse of the false gods.

They believed that after Lin Hao learned their names, no matter where he was, he would definitely come back to join them!



A huge roar came from a temple in the heavens of Shenxiao.

Then, this temple was annihilated in the explosion.

A famous temple powerhouse rushed out of the annihilated area.

Immediately afterwards, seven huge golden killing characters appeared in the air, suppressed.

A black and white sword light that seemed to cut lives fell, a sword energy that cut off all vitality swept across, the giant wolf roared, the white giant beast swallowed everything, the stars flowed, the waves surged, and the snow turned into endless killing moves...

An endless stream of powerful killers pours out, killing the Protoss powerhouses in these temples.

The fighting soon stopped.

"I thought there was a pseudo-god king to kill here, but I didn't expect that the strongest ones were just a few trash gods!" A contemptuous voice sounded, and the person speaking was a big fat man with a chubby body. Pulse Chen Hui.

"Fat brother, don't be careless, there are many coincidences for killing a false **** king of the Protoss last time." Jiang Chen dressed as a scholar appeared and said.

"You have to withdraw quickly, otherwise things will be very tricky when the Protoss reinforcements arrive," said Su Yu, who held Fang Tian's painted halberd.

Immediately afterwards, a group of figures appeared, it was the eight young talents who came from the Zhenwu realm and are now members of the Human Void Shrine.

The eight of them joined forces today to break through a sub-temple of a temple!

At this moment, a loud shout came.

"Hmph, it's been a long time since you eight, finally waited until you fell into the trap, today, don't even want to escape!"

Suddenly, around Jiang Chen and the eight others, a tyrannical aura of strength emerged.


Facing the arrival of reinforcements from the Protoss, although Jiang Chen and the eight others were only at the realm of true gods, none of them had fear on their faces.

"It just happens that the killing just wasn't easy enough, it's so good!" Feng Dongyu shouted violently, once again transformed into the wolf king, and rushed forward!


Eight people shot almost at the same time.

Over the years, they have been together, and they have already formed an extremely tacit cooperation with each other.

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