Rebirth: Ancient Sword God

Chapter 1674: Zhenwu war reappears

The first thousand six hundred and seventy-four chapters Zhenwu war reappeared

In the outer sky space controlled by the Wu Clan.

Lin Hao went all the way, no one could stop.

Anyone who blocks the way will be wiped out with one sword.

With the continuous swords and the killing of the enemy, Lin Hao's mind continued to have memories, and a road emerged in his mind.

This road gave Lin Hao a very familiar feeling. He felt that it was his own road!

This avenue is very special.

It is full of an unspeakable edge, and there is a tyrannical and high fighting spirit, as well as a perfect inheritance of the power to control the world, and even powerful creatures and shadows are flying.

Lin Hao knew that the edge came from the Heaven-defying Sword Classic, the lofty fighting spirit, the battle body, the inheritance of the power to control the heavens and the earth, and the Wuwei Dilu. He had already remembered these.

But that powerful creature...what is it?



It is another special vocabulary that emerged from his mind.

"This should be the avenue that symbolizes the Zhenwu combat body!" Lin Hao secretly said in his heart. He had thought of the Zhenwu combat body a long time ago, but he couldn't remember it completely.

Now, the memory of Zhenwu combat body has begun to recover continuously!

"How did I integrate these different inheritances to create a true martial art form?" Lin Hao whispered to himself, with doubts in his expression.

He is thinking!

Now, although he has been reunited with his body for more than three years and his strength has recovered a lot, his instinct tells him that his strength is far from the strongest state he once was.

Not because of insufficient energy.

But the strength of his body is far less than before!

If you can remember how you used to perform Zhenwu combat body, you can use this method to increase the physical strength again!

Lin Hao thought while walking forward in this place.

The magical fire realm powerhouse of the witch clan keeps appearing, and they want to stop him, and the magical fire realm powerhouse of the witch clan continues to fall.

Gradually, in Lin Hao's mind, a picture of Teng Qingfeng, who had seen the Teng clan tribe, reluctantly left, and desperately fought to protect his companions.

He finally thought of how he used to integrate multiple powerful inheritances into one!

With guardianship as the core, everything is contained and all-encompassing!

Thoughts are instantly accessible.

The avenue of Zhenwu combat body is immediately complete.

The outer sky occupied by the Wu clan suddenly set off an extremely fierce storm. The vast energy, like a river, poured into Lin Hao's body madly.

His vitality is constantly increasing, his vitality is growing rapidly, and his bones are beginning to transform into a jade-like form.

At this moment, Lin Hao had a very strong feeling that even if he didn't use his divine power, just relying on the power of his body, he could easily bombard and kill the magical fire realm powerhouses of the Wu Clan.

And just as Lin Hao's real martial arts avenue began to recover.

Somewhere in an unknown area in the God Realm, a girl in her twenties was practicing swordsmanship.

The appearance of the girl can be described as the beauty of Zhong Tiandi, without a trace of blemish, and at a young age, she is already a true god. The swordsmanship she has practiced is also quite powerful and exquisite. Each move is accompanied by the sound of the great road.

Suddenly, the girl stopped, her face showing thoughtfulness.

"Yona, what's the matter?"

At this moment, an old man who had been watching the girl practice the sword, asked.

"Grandpa Yuan, big brother is still alive!" the girl said excitedly.

She is the Heavenly Dragon, Long Yan, formed by the dragon vein at the bottom of the Yongjiang River behind the Heavenly Cold Sect of the Eastern Region of Zhenwu Realm.

The Grandpa Yuan that she said was exactly Long Yuan who once assisted the human race in the Zhenwu world!

At the beginning, before the outbreak of the war, Long Yuan sent the sleeping Long Yan into the God Realm in advance.

After Long Yan woke up, that battle had passed for several years.

Upon hearing the news of Lin Hao's fall, Long Yan was extremely sad. She also secretly searched for Lin Hao in the God Realm for several years. Later, he was forcibly brought back to the clan land of the Dragon clan by the strong dragon clan, and Long Yuan was responsible for guiding him to practice.

Just now, Long Yan felt a trace of fluctuations in the Zhenwu combat body!

The reason why she was able to feel the power fluctuations of the Zhenwu combat body was because, when Long Yuan sent it into the God Realm after she fell asleep, Lin Hao stripped a part of the core of the Zhenwu combat body and sent it to Long Yan for enlightenment.

Over the years, Long Yan has attached great importance to the inheritance of the True Martial Art form that Lin Hao has given her. She practiced very hard. Although she was only a trace of the True Martial Art form, combined with the Tianlong Legacy, she has also benefited tremendously.

"Yan'er, although I am unwilling to accept the fact that Lin Hao has fallen, this matter can no longer be changed.

Over the years, I have accompanied you to find him. The Human Race has also spent a lot of effort looking for him, and even the Protoss has confirmed this again and again..."

"No, Grandpa Yuan, the eldest brother must be alive. Just now, Yan'er clearly noticed the fluctuation of Zhenwu combat body!" Long Yan said firmly.

"Is this serious?" Long Yuan's expression changed. If Long Yan really felt the fluctuations of the Zhenwu combat body, then the possibility of Lin Hao still alive is really great!

The real martial arts body belongs only to Lin Hao, and no one else in the world can go this way!

"Grandpa Yuan, let's tell the patriarch immediately, let the patriarch inform the human race, let's go to the big brother together!" Long Yan was excited and wished to leave now to find Lin Hao.

Long Yuan pondered for a moment, shook his head, and said, "Yan'er, this matter is very important. Don't let it go. I will report the matter to the patriarch first. You must remember that you are not allowed to report this news to the patriarch without my permission. Anyone to disclose.

Once the news that Lin Hao is still alive spreads, a terrifying storm will inevitably be set off again, and the Protoss will be swept away again.

We don't know exactly what Lin Hao's condition is now. If the news leaks, it will be very detrimental to him. "

Long Yan stared at Long Yuan with a solemn expression, nodded, and said: "Grandpa Yuan, I will go to the patriarch with you!"

Long Yuan nodded and said: "Okay, but there is one thing, I have to tell you clearly in advance, our Dragon Clan, from the Early God Era, shouldn’t interfere too much in the era dispute between Human Race and Protoss. The reason that the world assisted the human race in the war is because our dragon family owes a favor to the human race Zhenwu God Emperor.

If the patriarch does not agree with you to find Lin Hao later, you must not conflict with the patriarch, I will think of another way. "

The dragons come from the Era of the First Gods, and they are also innate creatures. They are the masters of the Era of the First Gods.

Today, the Early God Era has long been annihilated in the long river of years, but the Dragon Clan has been able to exist forever because of the Dragon Clan's attitude.

Dragons, don't fight!

In the Era of the First God, the monster clan that was annexed by the witch clan has almost disappeared in the **** realm, because the monster clan is no longer in dispute!

Indisputable, it is the attitude of many people left over from the Early God Era.

The Witch Clan that also ruled the Ancient God Era is still ready to move, wanting to regain the master status of the next era. In today's battle between the Human Race and the Protoss, the Witch Clan representing the Ancient God Era has always been secretly deployed.

And the human race, whether in the Early God Era, the Ancient God Era, and the current Protoss Era, are constantly fighting against the fate and fighting!

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