Rebirth: Ancient Sword God

Chapter 1676: Qi Heng shot

The first thousand six hundred and seventy-six chapters Qi Heng shot

Outside the Witch God Temple at this moment, Lin Hao made another move, and several more powerful Witch God fire realm experts fell.

At the same time, the remaining group of strong guards in the Witch Temple had already mobilized the Witch Clan formation, trapping Lin Hao temporarily.


The Wu Clan's Great Array was under the impact of Lin Hao's power, causing violent shaking.

The witch guards around the big formation were full of worries in their expressions.

This Human Race man who suddenly broke into their outer sky was really too strong. The four true **** puppets in their outer sky were all destroyed, and the guards of the strong gods in the fire realm also died more than half.

And at this moment, the master of this place, the real witch Yuan Xian, and Qi Heng, the messenger of the Tianqi Divine Tribe, appeared beside the big formation.

"See Real Witch!"

The remaining guards of the Wu Clan Divine Fire Realm around the Great Array hurriedly saluted Yuan Xian.

Yuan Xian's face was very ugly, and he scolded angrily: "A bunch of trash, even the remnants of an abandoned human race can't be solved, what do I want you to do!"

The eyes of Qi Heng on the side changed slightly. Yuan Xian told him before that he had just caught a fierce beast and used it to study the secrets of the Witch Clan. Now it seems that this is a human race and broke into this heaven.

"Brother Yuan, what is the origin of this human race?" Qi Heng still couldn't help but asked. After all, the human race appeared in the outer space of the Witch Clan. This is too strange, especially the Tianqi God Tribe and the Witch Clan. To join forces, Qi Heng did not dare to care about the presence of a human race at this critical moment!

"Brother Qi, you should know that the outer world of our witch tribe does not belong to the **** realm of your protoss now, but belongs to the ancient **** era dominated by our witch tribe.

Before the Era of the Ancient Gods, there was another Era of the First Gods.

The broken space after the end of the Early God Era and the broken space after the end of the Ancient God Era were actually connected together.

Although most of the guys in the Early God Era have entered the land of the first source, they rarely appear.

However, outside of the land of the first source, there are still many abandoned barren areas, and in those barren areas, there are also many lives that have not had time to enter the land of the first source.

With the passage of time, those beings abandoned in the barren land have no way to adapt to the changes in the world after the epoch, and they have almost completely disappeared.

But there will always be a small part of life that has survived. This time, it was an abandoned human race who broke into my outer space! "

Yuan Xian explained in detail because he knew what Qi Heng was worried about. At this time, Qi Heng must be assured, otherwise it would affect their next plans.

Qi Heng nodded.

He still knows a little about Chu Shen and Gu Shen, and Yuan Xian's explanation is also very reasonable, without any abruptness.

"Brother Yuan, if it is useful for my contribution, just open the mouth." Qi Heng said.

"Brother Qi came to me as a guest, how can I trouble Brother Qi to take action, don't worry, I can suppress this kind of stuff!" Yuan Xian said, the voice fell, and he waved his hand with a strange force. , He didn't enter the formation that was about to be broken.

The formation was stabilized a lot, and exuded a hazy blood.

At the moment, within the formation.

Beside Lin Hao, countless mysterious blood-colored lines appeared. These blood-colored mysterious lines converged at an extremely fast speed. After a while, it turned into a weird beast with three heads, surrounded by raging flames.


These three creatures suddenly rushed towards Lin Hao.

Lin Hao's expression did not change. As soon as he pointed it out, his sword aura was like a dragon. He immediately wrapped the fierce beast, cutting and piercing it continuously.

In the blink of an eye, this huge weird beast was completely shattered in the howling sword aura controlled by Lin Hao.

Immediately afterwards, the blood-colored lines around Lin Hao's body converged again and turned into a mysterious mark, exploding with a burst of strange power, sweeping towards Lin Hao.

This kind of power is very strange and special.

In this formation, it is everywhere.

And Lin Hao also discovered that his own power seemed to be unable to isolate this special power of the Wu Clan.

When his body was overwhelmed by this power, he immediately discovered that his flesh and blood, spirits, and spirits all had a tendency to be forcibly assimilated by this power!


It is a means of sacrifice!

Lin Hao had a general judgment in his mind.

The witch race is physically tyrannical, and also has a unique innate advantage in terms of sacrifice and summoning.


Although Lin Hao couldn't isolate this strange power of sacrifice.

However, he completely revived the memory of the True Martial Body, and his body was extremely powerful.

The power of these witches who forcibly sacrificed Lin Hao's body couldn't help his body at all.

With Lin Hao's soft drink, an extremely dazzling glow of blood bloomed.


The power of qi and blood scoured and shook like a river and sea. Then, the power of qi and blood turned into a sword and appeared in Lin Hao's hands.

With this method of dealing with the Witch Clan, the effect of divine power does not seem to be very good. Using the power of qi and blood can achieve a multiplier effect with half the effort.

As Lin Hao's energy and blood exploded, a sword came out.

In this formation, the omnipresent and inseparable power of the Witch Clan's weird sacrifice was suddenly split.


This big formation of the Wu clan has once again suffered a huge impact.

Outside the big formation, Yuan Xian, the true witch who personally controlled the big formation, paled for a while, with a puff, blood spurted wildly.

"Brother Qi, this man is extremely strong and full of energy and blood. My Wu clan's methods have been restrained by him. I am afraid that I will have to trouble Brother Qi for help later!" Yuan Xian said with an extremely ugly expression.

At this time, face can no longer be taken into consideration. The strength of the celebrity man in the formation has exceeded the scope that Yuan Xian can deal with.

Qi Heng nodded and said, "It seems that this person has come here with preparation for breaking into Brother Yuan's place. Don't worry, Brother Yuan, your business is my Qi Heng's business."

Qi Heng was very confident.

He takes Qi as his surname, and is a direct line of the Tianqi Divine Tribe, and he believes he is much stronger than Yuan Xian.

The human men trapped in the formation used powerful energy and blood to restrain the witches' methods, but the power of energy and blood could not restrain the protoss' methods!

Speaking sword, Qi Xian already held a sword in his hand.

This sword carries an extremely fierce aura, coupled with Qi Heng’s divine power flow, and the power that blooms, even this real witch Yuan Xian in the outer sky, is shocked, and the rest of the surrounding Wu Clan’s divine fire guards are all Involuntarily stepped back some distance.

Qi Heng looked indifferent, he was ready to make the strongest blow at any time!

And Yuan Xian, at this moment, also decided a lot, Qi Heng's strength is stronger than he imagined, it seems that there will be no problem in solving this trouble.

After a few breaths.

There was a bang.

The witch family's great array shattered.

A figure rushed out of the storm!

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