Rebirth: Ancient Sword God

Chapter 1680: Spiritual Awakening

Chapter 1680 Spiritual Awakening

Teng Qingfeng's body has undergone a transformation!

This kind of transformation is beyond Lin Hao's understanding.

Rays of light like metal sprayed out from the flesh and blood of Teng Qingfeng.

At this time, Teng Qingfeng looked extremely frightened in the face of this unknown change. Fortunately, when Lin Hao appeared, Teng Qingfeng hurriedly said, "Master, I..."

Lin Hao looked calm and said, "No need to panic, this is your chance, just let the flow go."

At this time, Lin Hao had many guesses.

The Teng clan where Teng Qingfeng belongs is of the human blood of the Early God Era.

In the Beginning of God Era, martial artists were all based on physical fitness.

Only then has the congenital beings control a period of the First God Era.

Inborn creatures, in terms of physique, are far superior to other races.

Then, as the era changed, the world changed, and the special physique became less and less.

But it is not the birth of life without a special constitution.

For example, the Human Race's Shepherd and Reliance Spirit is itself the most orthodox human bloodline in this era, but it is still awakened and can be regarded as the top holy spirit body in the Early God Era.

And Teng Qingfeng, who has been living in the shattered space after the destruction of the First God Era, has not been affected by too many changes in the rules of the world, and now he has achieved some achievements while practicing, and it is not surprising that he has awakened some special physiques.

In order to investigate the body of the Holy Spirit, Lin Hao once obtained a book from the God of War Palace. In the book, some special physiques of the Early God Era were recorded.

Based on the changes in Teng Qingfeng's body at this time, Lin Hao kept comparing the memories in his mind, and after a while, he came to a general conclusion.

What Teng Qingfeng awakened should be the sixth-class spirit body of the Early God Era, the golden spirit body!

This physique, defensive power and offensive power are extremely powerful.

However, Lin Hao didn't have much clue as to how to practice.

Regardless of the many inheritances of the Early God Era, they have lost their effect in the current era, but the powerhouses of the Early God Era are also adapting to changes in the world and reforming the inheritance of the exercises.

Once a person with a spiritual body is awakened, it will still have an extremely powerful effect after practicing the exercises and combat techniques that match the Era of the Early God.

The changes in Teng Qingfeng's body lasted for half an hour before dissipating.

"Master, I feel that my strength and defense have become much stronger!" Teng Qingfeng said excitedly.

Lin Hao nodded and said, "If the teacher didn't guess wrong, you should be the golden spirit body that has awakened to the Early God Era. As the teacher, there is no matching technique or skill for you to cultivate.

However, for your physique, you are already following a fierce line. It doesn't matter if you continue to practice the battle body and the Heaven-defying Sword Tome. When you find a martial art and combat technique that suits you in the future, you can change to practice again. "

Teng Qingfeng respected Lin Hao very much. He didn't have the slightest doubt about what Lin Hao said, and immediately responded: "Yes, Master, Qingfeng understands!"

It didn't take long for Teng Qingfeng to awaken the golden spirit body.

In the Tianqi Divine Ministry, someone came to this place again.

This time, Lin Hao did not let Yuan Xian go out to receive in person, but controlled the changes of flesh and blood, and became the appearance of Yuan Xian.

As for Yuan Xian, there is no need to reappear at present, but Lin Hao has not killed him, but has included it in his original world, which may be useful in the future.

The person who came to the Tianqi Divine Tribe this time is still the power of the Celestial Divine Realm who came two years ago, named Qi Hong, and he is also a descendant of the Qilian Mountain who controls the Tianqi Divine Tribe.

"I haven't seen each other for two years, and Yuan Xian's real witch's breath has improved again. It is worthy of being the descendant that Yuan Palace Master values ​​most, and his talent is really true." After meeting, Qi Hong first flattered.

Lin Hao maintained Yuan Xian's consistent arrogant attitude, and said: "Your Protoss is really procrastinating. You came to discuss cooperation two years ago. As a result, there is still no sign of doing it!

No wonder that a group of trash has been suppressed so badly by the human race, and even the Heavenly Realm of Gods cannot be kept! "

Although Lin Hao was very rude.

But Qi Hong still had a smile on his face, and said, "Yuan Xian, the real witch, don't want to worry. I'm here this time because of the battle between the gods and the heavens.

The war is about to break out, so please ask Yuan Xian Zhenwu here to help contact the Yuan Palace Master of the Seven-Star Ancient Shrine. At that time, you will have to rely on the Wu clan for help.

This is a little caution from our Tianqi and Tiansui God Ministry, and Yuan Xianzhenwu should not dislike it. "

After speaking, a storage ring appeared in Qi Hong's hand and handed it to Lin Hao.

Lin Hao took the storage ring, swept away his energy, and showed a smile on his face.

The Tianqi Divine Tribe and the Tian Sui Divine Tribe made the shots, but they were atmospheric, in the storage ring, the magic medicine of the fourth and fifth orders, there were a lot of magic materials for refining, and there was a fifth-order artifact long spear!

Yuan Xian used the spear, and he had a Tier 4 artifact spear.

Two years ago, when Lin Hao suppressed Yuan Xian, Yuan Xian didn't use the spear, because at that time he had no chance to use the spear, so Lin Hao had completely crushed him.

Don't think that Yuan Xian is the most important descendant of a witch **** palace owner in the Seven Star Ancient Shrine, but it is not so easy to get a Tier 5 artifact.

In the entire next three days of the God Realm, many of the **** kings and powerhouses did not have a Tier 5 artifact to use!

Tier 5 artifacts are quite rare.

Lin Hao had obtained a Tier 5 artifact and a large number of rare magical medicines and materials from the hostile Protoss.

"Don't worry, since the war is about to begin, I'll go to inform my ancestor of the Yuan family, when the time comes, the Seven-Star Ancient Shrine will definitely send enough power to wipe out the powerhouses of the Tianyun Divine Tribe!" Lin Hao smiled. Said.

Qi Hong also smiled, and said: "It's not necessary. There are still eight powerful **** kings in the Tianyun Divine Tribe. There are six people who participated in the battle this time. Just kill three of them. The false **** kings killed almost seven or eight. That's enough."

If they were killed, the Tianqi Divine Tribe and Tian Sui Divine Tribe would also be troublesome, and the temple would definitely investigate them to the end, and it would be easy to find them when they were checked.

Killing half, although it will anger the temple, but the temple will not turn against the Tianqi Divine Department and Tian Sui Divine Department!

Lin Hao sneered in his heart, but said in his mouth: "You don't even have this courage, no wonder you were squeezed so badly by the temple, but since you have decided, our Wu clan will do what you said.

After the matter is done, remember your previous promises, if you can't do it, we Wu clan will definitely want you to look good! "

The Wu Clan is willing to help the Tianqi Divine Tribe and the Tian Sui Divine Tribe to deal with the Tianyun Divine Tribe because they have promised to open up a separate area in their territory for the Wu tribe to survive and practice.

If the Wu clan wants to compete for the status of the master of the next era, they can't stay in the outer sky one after another, and need to personally enter the world of this era.

In this regard, in the first three days and the middle three days, the Wu clan had plans, but the next three days have not made any progress. Therefore, the Wu clan also attaches great importance to this matter!

"Yuan Xian Zhenwu, please rest assured, what we promised will definitely be done, and after it is done, the benefits of Yuan Xian Zhenwu, our Tianqi Divine Department and Tian Sui Divine Department, will certainly not forget." Qi Hong said.

Lin Hao nodded and said, "There is one more thing. I recently practiced our Wu Clan's secret method of puppet refining. I need some Human Race Tianjiao to experiment. If you encounter Human Race Tianjiao during the war, don't Kill, try to catch me alive!"

Qi Hong didn't have the slightest doubt, and smiled.

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