Rebirth: Ancient Sword God

Chapter 1687: Empty the treasure house

The first thousand six hundred and eighty-seven chapters empty the treasure house

Half a quarter of an hour later.

The Witch Clan, the lord of the outer heavens, the silver snake of the false **** king realm, heard the report from his confidant, and he almost went black...

Too ruthless!

Yuan Xian went to his treasure house and raided his treasure house directly!

Not only took away the healing pills, but also all the magical materials used in the refining tools. Anyway, everything in the treasure house was taken away!

Silver Snake tried to keep himself calm, took a deep breath, and kept telling himself that this time, he placed his chips on Yuan Xian, and there will be more rewards in the future!

Yinshe's confidant, seeing that the master's mood gradually returned to calm, he said again: "My lord... Master Yuan also asked me to ask you if there are any materials suitable for healing in your storage ring... If so, I hope to talk to the adults. Borrow a little..."

The silver snake's heart is bored!

It's not enough to scrape my entire treasure house, and I want to store the things in my ring!

This Yuan Xian is really not easy. Not only is he talented, he is cruel, and his heart is dark enough!

Such a person will become a big man in the future!

There are naturally many good things in the silver snake storage ring.

However, the treasure house was emptied by Yuan Xian. The things in his storage ring were the last belongings, and he was determined not to give it away.

"No, you go and tell Master Yuan that for the development of this world, all the materials are in the treasury. I store it in the ring, and there is nothing!"


At this time, this place is in a palace outside the sky.

The Yinqin who had just suffered a big loss, Fengyan and a group of people gathered together.

"Hmph, this Yuan Xian is too arrogant and too much. I can't bear this tone!"

"Yes, this tone is unbearable, we must take revenge!"

"For people like him, if we really listen to his deployment and join the war, we are not sure that he will let us die!"

They were very angry, thinking that they were badly injured by Yuan Xian before they even participated in the war, and even the life-saving things were used up, and they even had to listen to Yuan Xian's arrangements next. The anger in their hearts seemed to explode!

Feng Yan waved his hand and motioned to a few people not to be impulsive, saying: "Yuan Xian has hidden deep enough. This time, everyone was deceived by his previous disguise. His strength is undoubtedly strong. Now we can't beat it. He, therefore, don’t clash with him again for the time being, lest he find an excuse to continue working on us!"

"Brother Feng, should we just let him behave like this and let him be at his mercy?" someone shouted unwillingly.

Feng Yan shook his head and said, "No, the forbearance now is just a stopgap measure. When we meet with Brother Yin, Brother Yin can definitely suppress him. When that happens, he won't be able to jump up and down again!"

Yin Qin on the side also nodded, and said: "Yuan Xian's strength is not weak. I can mobilize more power of the ancestor witch to suppress him, but he directly detonated a Tier 4 artifact...

Now, he doesn't have a Tier 4 artifact to detonate, and the Tier 5 artifact in his hand, he absolutely dare not use it to detonate as before. Unfortunately, I am seriously injured now and cannot continue to fight him. "

Yin Qin felt that she still had a great chance to defeat Yuan Xian, but her state was too bad now.

After a pause, Yin Qin said again: "When I recover from my injury, I will challenge him again and defeat him!"

Feng Yan and several people all looked at Yin Qin, and one of them said, "When will Brother Yin join us?"

"Yes, if Brother Yin arrives, this Yuan Xian is of course not a problem, and we don't need to suffer such aggrieved anger anymore!"

Obviously, they have no confidence in Yinqin.

Although Yin Qin was a little angry because of the distrust of these people, she could only bear it. She was indeed in the hands of Yuan Xian and suffered a great loss. It is useless to say anything now, only to be defeated after her injury recovers. Yuan Xian can prove himself.

"My brother entered the God Realm one step ahead of time to inquire about the news. After we have also arrived in the God Realm, my brother may already have important clues. When that happens, we can act directly and save a lot of time!" Yin Qin replied The problems of these people.

"Brother Yin is really thoughtful, saying that the human race has now occupied a lot of luck, and there have been several extremely outstanding Tianjiao figures. This time, I Feng Yan must kill them!" Feng Yan clenched tightly. Fist, with a touch of excitement on his face.

This time, although the Wu Clan was invited by the Tianqi Divine Tribe and the Tian Sui Divine Tribe, it was mainly to help deal with the powerful Tianyun Divine Tribe of the Protoss.

But this secret is limited to a few people.

This group of young Tianjiaos like the Witches participated in the war mainly against the human race.

The Witches want to regain the Lord of the Era, and the Protoss and Humans are their enemies.

In this battle, the Wu Clan will not only take the opportunity to destroy some of the top powerhouses of the Protoss, but also use the top young talents of the Human Race to give them the young generation of the Wu Clan as a sharpening stone.

In addition, they can also get some conditions promised by the Tianqi Divine Department and the Tian Sui Divine Department.

It can be said to kill three birds with one stone!


Regarding the wishful thinking of the Wu Clan, Yin Qin Fengyan and the others do not know the details.

But Lin Hao knew everything clearly.

However, he already has a plan now, and he is absolutely sure that the Witch Clan’s wishful thinking will fall to nothing, and he has to use the Witch Clan’s secret participation in the war to win a huge victory for the Human Race!

Now, before it was the time for them to enter the God Realm to participate in the war, Lin Hao stayed in a secret room outside the sky to practice.

Just scraping this treasure house of the outer world, there is no shortage of training resources, the real martial arts combat body is also overbearing and powerful, the speed of refining the magical medicine Shen Dan can be described as fast as ordinary people can't imagine!

Moreover, Lin Hao found more than a dozen of God's Origin Stones in this treasure house of the outer sky.

This kind of thing is rare and rare, and contains pure divine power.

Lin Hao is no stranger to the source stone of the gods. At the beginning, he used the true **** war puppets of the temple to motivate him.

In the God Realm, the source of the gods is also very rare. The veins of the source of gods are almost completely controlled by the temple. Even the twelve gods of the gods in the next three days do not have this kind of resources, and they can only get a very small amount from the temple. Allocate shares.

Lin Hao now uses true martial arts combat body to refine these divine resources, and he doesn't worry about being discovered by the Wu clan.

In this outer sky, only the silver snake in the false **** king realm could find a clue. However, since Lin Hao, as Yuan Xian, emptied the silver snake, the treasure house of the outer sky, the silver snake has always been there. Avoiding him.

Avoid it!

Except for the Silver Snake, the other witch races in this outer sky... even if Lin Hao used the real martial arts combat body to refine these resources in front of them, they would not see any problems!

Time passed day by day.

Unconsciously, a group of young witches, Tianjiao, stayed in Silver Snake's place for more than half a month.

In the past half a month, Yin Qin Fengyan and others' injuries have all recovered.

Yin Qin is about to find Yuan Xian, fight another battle to prove himself and suppress Yuan Xian's arrogance...

But at this moment.

A tyrannical wave of power spread from an area not far from them.

Then there was a burst of laughter from that area.

"Hahaha, thank you Lord Silver Snake for your support and help me break through!"

Yin Qin Fengyan and others looked at each other... They have been healing for more than half a month, and now their injuries have finally recovered... But Yuan Xian... However, taking advantage of this half a month's time, the cultivation base has broken through!

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