Rebirth: Ancient Sword God

Chapter 1698: Yang Guangwei

The first thousand six hundred and ninety-eight chapters of Yang Guang prestige

It was between Lin Hao and Qi Hong talking.

Suddenly, a huge roar sounded.

The sky in the distance was directly torn apart, and a terrifying storm swept away. Even if it was far away, Qi Hong, who was at the cultivation level of the Heavenly God Realm, looked pale.

"No, the human beings in the Divine King Realm have taken action!" Qi Hong was extremely nervous, and said: "Master Yuan, you quickly meet with Lord Silver Snake and prepare to evacuate from here, I will stop the human attack!"

Putting down these words, Qi Hong's figure flashed and immediately left the place.

And Lin Hao, looking at the shattered sky in the distance, there was a flash of light in his eyes.

Terran, finally launched an attack on this area!

Moreover, he also drew a strong **** king over, and he was one of the people Lin Hao knew best!

His third brother, Yang Guang!

Although he didn't see Yang Guang's figure, Lin Hao was familiar with that breath.

The inheritance of the Palace of War has now branched out.

But even if Lin Hao cultivates the True Martial Body, and the others cultivate the Supreme Body, they are divided into two paths, but the core still has the original body!

Everything is finally ready!

With a thought of Lin Hao, he quietly released a breath of true martial arts combat body.


The broken sky in the distance.

A man with a bright and big bald head, surrounded by an extremely violent aura, is extremely domineering.

In front of him, the false **** king realm powerhouse who was seated here by the Tianqi God Department was cracked and bloody.

"Yang Guang...Unexpectedly, you would actually appear here!" The false **** king realm powerhouse who is sitting here in the Tianqi Divine Department said with gritted teeth, and at the same time, there was a strong fear in his expression.

Yang Guang, the palace owner of the Human Race God of War Palace, is one of the human race's top combat powers in the God Realm in the next three days. Although it hasn't been long since entering the God King Realm, in the past 20 years, the God Race has four strong God Kings who died in Yang Guang's hands.

This is the God of War level figure of the human race!

The people who have been stared at by the Protoss for a long time, but today, quietly, appeared here, and smashed the enchantment formation arranged by the Tianqi Divine Tribe in this area with a single blow, and killed ten. Many of the peak powers of the Tianqi Divine Tribe, and the strongest pseudo-god king, the Tianqi Divine Tribe who will sit here, almost fell!

The power of a punch is already so terrifying!

Yang Guang stood in the broken sky, laughed, and said: "Huh, you have known that your Tianqi Divine Tribe is in collusion with the Witch Clan. I didn't expect that there are so many Witch Clan wastes here.

Today, don't even try to escape! "

A few days ago, the human race noticed that there was a wave of power from the witch race here.

Protoss, needless to say, will be destroyed naturally!

The Wu Clan is not a good thing either.

When the War God Palace learned the news, Yang Guang took the initiative to ask Ying and rushed to this area secretly.

He has always remembered that the guys in the Seven-Star Ancient Shrine of the Witch Clan had once acted against his little junior brother and had grudges.

Although Lin Hao has not been found in the past two decades, Yang Guang is one of those people who firmly believe that Lin Hao must be alive.

Therefore, the main purpose of his coming this time was to give Lin Hao a sigh of relief and find the Wu Clan to settle accounts!

"Your grandfather Yang Guang is here, and you want to escape, so get out of here!"

Yang Guang yelled violently and slapped out a huge handprint, tearing the sky and falling into the distance.

"Boom boom boom!"

Three explosions sounded, and then huge handprints, directly grasping the three blood-covered Witch clan pseudo-god king realm powerhouses, caught Yang Guang, this scene appeared in everyone's eyes!

"A bunch of scumbags, sneaky, really think you can't see Uncle Yang Guang?"

Yang Guang shouted, his tone arrogant, the huge handprints exploded with extremely tyrannical power of the original world and power of reincarnation.

The three powerhouses of the Witch Clan that were pinched by the handprints were all like little chickens, and they had no resistance, and they were pinched and exploded.

Only the Silver Snake tried his best to save his life, broke free of his fingerprints, and rushed to the powerhouse of the false **** king who was seated here by the Tianqi Divine Tribe.

But... the two of them, facing Yang Guang, there is no possibility of life-saving, their expressions are extremely heavy!

Just as Yang Guang was about to continue his hands, his expression was startled.

At this moment, he felt an extremely faint and hidden breath.

Battle body!

Although this battle body aura is very weak and concealed, Yang Guang can still judge that his supreme battle body, in essence, is not as good as the breath of the battle body he sensed!

In the world, the cultivating battle body is stronger than the supreme battle body, who?

Only his junior brother, Lin Hao, who saved the real martial arts world, guarded the foundation of the human race, and walked out of the real martial battle body!

Junior Brother is still alive!

The junior brother who hadn't heard anything from him for 20 years is still alive, and it's nearby!

Yang Guang Yangtian laughed!

Although he is a rude person and was called a rash, but he also knows that at this time, this news cannot be exposed.

Lin Hao is in the camp of the Protoss and the Witches, his situation is unknown, he is not aware of the danger, and he must be cautious.

Therefore, Yang Guang's mental power swept away, covering this world.

"Senior Brother, I keep it for the Wu Clan, I still have it!"

Yang Guang immediately received the divine spirit transmission from Lin Hao.

A very brief sentence, and Yang Guang didn't find out where his junior brother Lin Hao was, but since he said that, he naturally knew what to do.

At this time, a large number of powerful people in the human race had arrived, and they fought fiercely with the Tianqi Divine Tribe and the people of the Witch race.

The silver snake and the false **** king realm powerhouse who sits here with the Tianqi God Ministry have scattered and fled.

Yang Guang snorted coldly, stepped out, and instantly appeared behind the pseudo-god king realm powerhouse of the Tianqi Divine Tribe, punched out, and with a loud bang, the pseudo-god king who directly hit the Tianqi Divine Tribe was wiped out.

The silver snake ran desperately, like a dog in a family.

Yang Guang glanced at the direction where Silver Snake had escaped, and stepped forward again, chasing behind him.

Although Lin Hao asked him to keep this guy.

But Yang Guang is not welcome. He wants to maimed the silver snake, so that his junior brother can make better use of this person.

The silver snake was exploded by Yang Guang's slap.

"Hahaha, Wu Clan, **** ancient god, too weak, it's not enough to fight!" Yang Guang laughed loudly.

The silver snake reunited with difficulty.

Yang Guang slapped it again and blasted it.

"Say, what do you want to do when you sneak into the heavenly realm of Shenxiao!" Yang Guang shouted angrily.

The Silver Snake reunited his body again and was about to speak.

But Yang Guang didn't give him a chance to speak at all. He slapped the silver snake to the ground, and his body exploded with the ground with a radius of tens of thousands of miles.


The body of the silver snake reunited again, and Yang Guang just dived down from the air, stepping the silver snake on the ground with one foot, unable to move.

Taking a look at the silver snake under his feet, Yang Guang felt that it was almost done, and if he continued to fight, he would really kill him...

"Damn the witches, the protoss, they are all rubbish, hasn't anyone come after so long?" Yang Guang muttered, really don't know what to do to let this guy go!

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