Rebirth: Ancient Sword God

Chapter 1705: Little Junior Brother is gone again!

The first thousand and five chapters are missing again!

As Yuan Xian, Lin Hao evacuated Qi Hong and Feng Yan.

On this battlefield, the people of the Protoss and Witches also began to retreat.

After all, their primary task is to ensure the safety of the descendants of the Seven Palace Lords of the Wu Clan’s Seven-Star Ancient Shrine. Now that they are dead, they have escaped, and it is meaningless to continue fighting.

The most important thing is the Tianqi Divine Tribe and the Tian Sui Divine Tribe, both know that this time the trouble is big.

It was not critical that the descendants of the three seven-star ancient palace masters of the Wu Clan died.

As long as Yin Su, Yin Qin, Yuan Xian, and Feng Yan are not dead, everything is fine. The ancestors of these four guys are the people who talked to the Seven Star Ancient Shrine of the Wu Clan.

The key is that the Wu Clan has been exposed!

It doesn't matter if the human race knows this news, but other people in the protoss race will certainly be aware of the situation here.

Tianqi Divine Tribe and Tian Sui Divine Tribe will immediately face doubts from within their Protoss, and will even be severely punished!

The Protoss was present, and the highest position was Sui King Sui Qianyuan of the Heavenly Sui Divine Tribe.

Sui Qianyuan fought against Yang Guang from the God of War, and he had always been aggrieved, suppressed miserably, and had no temper at all.

At this time, Sui Qianyuan wanted to withdraw, but Yang Guang was excited, where would it be so easy for him to leave.

Yang Guang, who has been converted to the supreme combat body, is extremely powerful. In addition, his negative body is a powerful force of reincarnation. He has practiced the reincarnation scriptures. The two inheritances are combined, and a punch is smashed. The fighting Sui Qianyuan was torn apart.


Yang Guangzong laughed loudly: "Sui Qianyuan, you old dog, nothing more than that!"

Most of Sui Qianyuan's torn apart body was crushed by Yang Guang's power.

The remaining part reunited, and then the powerful original force surged, and the whole body reappeared.

At this point, even if they can suppress the opponent with a great advantage, it is not so easy to kill the opponent.

Of course, if Yang Guang was dealing with an ordinary protoss king, it would not be difficult to kill the opponent.

After all, Sui Qianyuan is the King of Sui of the Tiansui Divine Tribe, one of the top powerhouses of the Protoss, and he is naturally not weak.

"Yang Guang, today's shame, he will be returned a hundred times by the king of Japan!" Sui Qianyuan shouted, and directly tore through the space of the heavenly realm of Gods and rushed into it.

"Want to go? Not so easy!"

Upon seeing this, Yang Guang shouted violently, and his fists blasted out together, and the fist marks directly blasted into the cracks in the space of the gods heaven opened by Sui Qianyuan.


The tens of thousands of miles in the sky of the heavens of the gods trembling violently, a dense crack appeared, like a spider web.

There are drops of blood containing powerful energy, through these cracks, spreading all over the land tens of thousands of miles.

Sui Qianyuan managed to escape after all.

Of course, the blow by Yang Guang just now caused extremely serious trauma to Sui Qianyuan, much more serious than the injury that shattered Sui Qianyuan's body before.

"Huh, what **** King Sui, can't stand a blow!" Yang Guang grinned and glanced at his fist. He was quite satisfied with this battle.

"No... I seem to have forgotten something!"

Yang Guang, who was proud, suddenly remembered an important thing, and suddenly patted his bright bald head, and said: "Oops, little brother!"

What I played just now was so much fun, I ignored such an important thing!

Finally found the little brother Lin Hao, who had disappeared for 20 years, don’t lose it again, don’t have an accident...

Yang Guang was so frightened that he suddenly broke out in a cold sweat, his mental power instantly swept away, covering the world.

His look became more and more ugly.

Never found the breath of the younger brother Lin Hao.

Moreover, I didn't find the aura of that wizard kid disguised by the younger brother Lin Hao!

Yang Guang went mad, displayed the fastest speed, and his mental power bloomed to the extreme. Searching for further areas still yielded nothing.

At this time, the Tianqi Divine Tribe, Tian Sui Divine Tribe, and the people of the Wu Clan had all retreated.

The three pseudo-god king realm powerhouses of the human race, together with the remaining human warriors, gathered together, all looked puzzled, and did not understand why Yang Guang suddenly appeared like this?

After a while, Yang Guang appeared in front of everyone with a low expression.

"Palace Master Yang, this battle is a big victory!" Human Race a pseudo-god king realm powerhouse said excitedly.

Another powerhouse of the pseudo-god realm also smiled, saying: "Palace Master Yang is mighty, and severely inflicted on the **** Sui Qianyuan of the Heavenly Sui Divine Buddhism, and killed three enemies of the pseudo-god realm. Our side also succeeded in killing. Protoss is a false **** king!"

Everyone knows that Yang Guang from the Palace of the Gods of War likes to listen to others flattering. At this time, it is a big victory. Flattering is harmless.

"Palace Master Yang, the Wu Clan appeared here. I probably already know the reason. The Seven Palace Masters of the Seven-Star Ancient Shrine of the Wu Clan should have the plan to let their descendants participate in the war. However, three of them The little **** of the Witch race have all died in my hands.

Regrettably, at that time, I was entangled by the spiritual power division of a palace lord of the Seven-Star Ancient Shrine of the Wu Clan, and I was escaped by four little bunnies. "

Yang Guang's eyes widened, looking at this pseudo-god king realm powerhouse who was talking, he was nervous to death, if his little junior was one of the three Witch cubs who were killed by this guy...

Yang Guang didn't dare to think about it anymore.

"I will tell this palace master the details of the few witch clan bastards!" Yang Guang's tone was extremely serious!

The powerhouses of these human pseudo-god king realms all realized that something seemed to be wrong, and then one of them told the story in detail.

After listening.

Yang Guang was finally relieved.

My little brother is fine...

These idiots were able to kill a pseudo-God King realm powerhouse from the Protoss and three young Tianjiao with unusual identities from the Wu Clan, thanks to the help of their little junior brothers.

It’s just that my little junior brother has just appeared now, and I don’t know where he has gone...

After thinking about it, I felt a little depressed, this matter can't be concealed, it must be reported back to Senior Brother and Second Senior Sister.

I can report, the elder brother and the elder sister will definitely clean up!

I found the younger brother, and he was greedy for fighting, and in a blink of an eye, he was lost by the younger brother!

He was already a top **** king powerhouse for three days before his fame...and had to be cleaned up... the more he thought about it, the more depressed Yang Guang became.

It was precisely the human pseudo-god king realm powerhouse who was chasing Lin Hao just now. At this time, he leaned forward and said: "Palace Master Yang, when I was chasing and killing that witch named Yuan Xian, he seemed to show a trace of belonging The breath of our human warrior, and his behavior is indeed a little suspicious, as if he is helping us..."

Yang Guangqi won't fight!

It's this guy, chasing and killing his little brother.

Although he also knew that this was his younger brother's plan, these guys were all led by his younger brother Lin Hao's plan.

However, this guy chased and killed his little junior brother. This is a fact. Yang Guang was worried that he had no place to vent his depression, and suddenly slapped him out.


This celebrity family pseudo-god king realm powerhouse was immediately photographed on the ground.

Although he was not injured, he was confused, what happened?

Everyone looked dumbfounded at the moment.

Yang Guang snorted coldly, and said, "The Witch Clan is the Witch Clan. How could it be our Human Clan? I can't distinguish this point. How can I do important things in the future?"

Anyway, the identity of the junior junior should not be exposed to these people, because the more people you know, the greater the possibility that your junior junior's safety will be threatened.

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