Rebirth: Ancient Sword God

Chapter 1707: Reactions from all sides

Chapter 1707: Reactions from all sides

Qilian Mountain had a fierce dispute with the King Yun of the Tianyun Divine Tribe.

The other representatives of the God King and Powerhouse of the God Ministry watched the excitement and did not interrupt.

Seeing all this, Liu Jin felt powerless in her heart!

This is the Protoss!

The overall strength is much better than Human Race.

Moreover, even if the Wu Clan wants to make a comeback, the Protoss does not need to worry about anything.

However, within the Protoss, there is a mass of scattered sand, and each is calculating each other, all just taking care of their own immediate interests.

In fact, Liu Jin himself is the same.

Only now, he was forced to have no choice, only to have this kind of thought. Before changing, he did not use a few methods less in order to compete for the position of the deputy head of the temple in charge of the gods.

Of course, at this time, he forgot everything he did.

"Okay, stop arguing, the enemy of the human race is currently, and you are still fighting here, how decent you are!" Liu Jin shouted.

Qilianshan looked at Liu Jin and said, "Dianzhu Liu, although our Tianqi Divine Tribe has never been taken seriously by the temple, but Tianqi Divine Tribe always remembers that we are a Protoss. This kind of collusion with the Witch Clan, I will never touch it. .

The incident happened this time because of the harmful horses of the Tianqi Divine Tribe. I, Qilian Mountain, will not evade this question. I will definitely investigate this matter internally. After investigation, all those involved in this matter will be sent to the temple. Leave it to the temple! "

King Yun of the Tianyun Divine Tribe gave a cold snort, and said nothing.

Liu Jin nodded and said, "King Qi, I hope you can do what you say. Next, I don't want anyone from the Witch Clan to appear in your Tian Qi Divine Ministry!"

"Dianzhu Liu, please rest assured, I promise from Qilian Mountain that this kind of thing will never happen again. However, this time the Wu Clan obviously wants to take advantage of the war between our Protoss and the Humans to fish in troubled waters. If the Wu Clan has a strong presence again , Our Tianqi Divine Tribe can't stop...At that time, I hope that Dian Master Liu will give a clear lesson, but don’t throw all problems on our Tianqi Divine Tribe because of some villain’s words."

Qilian Mountain has not yet dispelled the plan to eradicate part of the power of the Tianyun Divine Tribe.

This is related to the survival of the Tianqi Divine Ministry in the future.

If you can't get a larger site in the Qingxiao Heaven Realm, and can't get more resources, the Tianqi Divine Tribe will continue to decline, and will eventually be directly swallowed by other Divine Tribes or Temples!

Many of these things have happened during the countless tens of thousands of years that the Protoss controlled the God Realm.


On the side of the top powerhouses of the Protoss, the chaos has been suppressed for the time being. After all, Liu Jin is also very clear about the current situation. Even if there is a real problem between the Tianqi Divine Tribe and the Tian Sui Divine Tribe, now is not the time to deal with it.

In the final battle of the Heavenly Realm of Shenxiao, Tianqi God Ministry, Tian Sui God Ministry, and Tianyun God Ministry are the main forces. If Tian Qi God Ministry and Tian Sui God Ministry are dealt with at once, there will be no battle. If it is necessary to fight, just surrender and leave the heavenly realm of Shenxiao.

Besides, Liu Jin also has her own little abacus in her heart.

The Tianyun Divine Tribe has always been loyal to the temple, but Liu Jin is not his loyal object.

On the contrary, the Tianqi God Ministry and the Tian Sui God Ministry have not received much attention from the temple, and they are also guarded by the temple.

If you can draw the Tianqi Divine Tribe with the Tianyun Divine Tribe, even if you enter the Qingxiao Celestial Realm without the Celestial Celestial Realm, you can still have a certain right to speak in the Temple.

If he didn't control much power in his hand, the heavens of the gods would be gone, and he would return to the main hall of the temple, and he would be no different from before.


At this time, in the Human Race God of War Palace.

In all directions, Yang Guang, the prestigious Lord of the Gods of War and the top **** king, screamed again and again.

The person who shot was Nie Ru, the second palace lord of the God of War who was once known as the Tyrannosaurus!

Huo Cang sat right above the main hall, watching this scene, thinking in his heart is a good beating!

Yang Guang, this reckless guy, went out this time and found his junior brother Lin Hao. This was great news.

However, this iron and hanky, just taking care of fighting people happily, in a blink of an eye, he lost his junior brother Lin Hao!

People are gone again!

To be honest, Huo Cang has the thought of doing it.

Although Nie Ru's strength is not as good as Yang Guang, he is also a strong man in the Divine King Realm who has cultivated the supreme combat body. Adding Nie Ru to clean up Yang Guang, Yang Guang dare not resist. After a while, Yang Guang's nose and face are swollen and bright. There are several big bags on the bald head!

Yang Guang did this on purpose.

With the strength of his blood, this injury healed casually.

But if he doesn't look a little bit miserable, the second senior sister won't calm down. Yang Guang is very experienced in this!

"Senior Sister, I'm almost done. Outside, I'm very prestigious, save some face..." Yang Guang begged for mercy.

Nie Ru coldly snorted, "Prestige? If you have the ability, you can take a look at the prestige in front of me! If you have the ability, go and find me the younger brother now!"

With that said, still puzzled, Nie Ru slapped Yang Guang away again.

This time, Yang Guang fell to the ground and couldn't get up at all. He just lay there and groaned.

He could see it, this time it was a little different from the past, the second elder sister did not lose his temper so quickly...

Nie Ru is still going to fight.

At this time, Huo Cang spoke and said, "Junior sister, it's okay."

Yang Guang immediately got up and said towards Huo Cang: "It's still big brother..."

Before he could finish his compliment, Huo Cang smashed out with a punch, directly hitting Yang Guang's eye socket.


Yang Guang screamed and flew out. One eye was blackened by Nie Ru before. Now it is considered symmetrical.

Huo Cang felt a little more comfortable now.

This reckless item must be cleaned up every once in a while, otherwise it will be unclear!

Under the circumstances at the time, the best thing to do was to bring back the younger brother Lin Hao directly instead of letting the younger brother continue to take risks!

Although they all know that the younger brother Lin Hao disguised himself as the Witch Clan, obviously another plan, but this is the Heavenly Realm of Gods. This battle is a big battle between the Human Race and the Protoss in the Heavenly Realm of Gods. In the original battle, there were more powerful and more dangerous!

Yang Guang hid on the side, never daring to approach anymore.

These injuries are not a problem, and the blood circulation can be recovered. The problem is that he doesn't know when his senior brother and sister will lose his breath...

I am also a big man anyway, and I want face!

Even if no one sees it here!

But it's also self-respectful!

However, at this time, Huo Cang did not take care of Yang Guang's thoughts anymore, saying: "Little Junior Brother has always had ideas, but his action this time is too risky. The Tianqi God Tribe and the Witch Clan joined forces. But the Protoss is also full of hostility towards the Witch.

Therefore, he is now appearing on the battlefield as the Witch Clan, not only has to bear the pressure from the Protoss, but also faces the attack of our Human Clan at any time.

In the current situation, the best way is to immediately find out the traces of the Witch Clan, and then our God of War Palace will take over the battlefield in the area where the Witch Clan appears. Only in this way can we interact with the junior apprentice. "

Now this situation.

Lin Hao was in the enemy camp.

The news that he is still alive must not be revealed!

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