Rebirth: Ancient Sword God

Chapter 1709: The feeling of the silver snake

Chapter 1709: The Feelings of Silver Snake

"Escape? With your strength, how can you help me? A bunch of idiots!" Lin Hao had a sneer on his face, and he didn't rush to do it!

"Smelly boy, dare to speak without shame." Tianyun Divine Department shouted.

"You idiots, all have to die today. Not only you, but your Tianyun Divine Tribe, all are idiots. After a while, my witch **** king will arrive on the battlefield. Hahaha, at that time, your **** The Cloud God Ministry has to be destroyed!"

Lin Hao laughed wildly, and threw out the news that the Witch King was about to come.

"You witch **** kings will participate in the war? Do they dare? You witch people have long since become the past. In this era, our gods are the masters!"  The people of the Heavenly Cloud God's Tribe obviously didn't believe it.

Now, the Protoss has gathered so many powerful people in the heavens of Gods.

There is also the Blue Heaven Heaven Realm in the Blue Heaven Heaven Realm, and there are also many Protoss powerhouses. If the Witch Tribe dares to show up, it will inevitably suffer the strongest offensive from the Protoss!

As for whether the Witch and Terran will take the opportunity to cooperate?

There is no such possibility.

The relationship between the Witch and the Humans is even worse. In this era, the Witches want to make a comeback, but their overall strength is too different from the Protoss. Therefore, the Witches have launched a lot of conspiracies against the Humans. To annex the strength of the human race, and then to fight against the gods.

But just when these guys from the Tianyun Divine Department were thinking like this, Lin Hao threw out a message again.

"It is true that you are stupid, you are even stupid than I expected!"

"No wonder that with the support of the temple, the strength of your Tianyun Divine Tribe is still not as good as the Tianqi Divine Tribe and the Tian Sui Divine Tribe. With your brains, how can you fight the Tianqi Divine Tribe and the Tian Sui Divine Tribe!"

So, at this point, it's almost the same.

Too much is too late.

This information is enough for the Tianyun Divine Department to make some judgments.

The four True God Realm guys in the Tianyun Divine Department were in a state of thinking because of Lin Hao's words. At this moment, Lin Hao shot instantly.

They all felt that the witch clan boy in front of them no longer had the power to fight again. They didn't expect that the opponent would suddenly counterattack. They were caught off guard. In the blink of an eye, there was a person from the Tianyun Divine Department, annihilated in a biting sword light.

"Don't be careless, catch alive!"

There were three people left in the Tianyun Divine Department, one of them shouted, and immediately organized the other two to launch an offensive against Lin Hao.


Lin Hao swept out with a sword, and he was astonishing. He was also a fellow of the Heavenly Cloud Divine Department and was killed by him.


A tyrannical force fell on Lin Hao's back, and Lin Hao was blown out, blood spurting out of his mouth.

This is also intentional.

With the tyrannical strength of his true martial arts, this little strength could not cause him any injuries at all.

The two remaining members of the Heavenly Cloud God Department gritted their teeth and chased after Lin Hao, who was blown away.

After a moment of carelessness, in the blink of an eye, this witch clan kid killed two of his companions, and both of them were angry!

But they just ran after Lin Hao.

Lin Hao, who appeared to be in a state of aura and was seriously injured, once again cut out an extremely astonishing sword aura.

This sword directly lifted the two members of the Tianyun Divine Department into flight, and one of them exploded into a blood mist in the air, and even the Divine Soul was also destroyed.

The last person left was also seriously injured by Lin Hao's sword just now.

"A bunch of rubbish, also want to deal with me Yuan Xian? Humph, this Shao is a descendant of the Yuan family of the Seven-Star Ancient Shrine of the Witch Clan, so are you qualified to deal with it?

You heard something you shouldn't listen to, that's because Ben Shao has absolute certainty and will kill you all! "Lin Hao yelled, although he was covered in blood, he was extremely powerful, holding the sword, and killing the last person in the Tianyun Divine Department.

The person from the Tianyun Divine Department was so scared that he dared to fight again, so he immediately fleeed with all his energy!

Lin Hao chased him for a while, then his breath became extremely chaotic again, and finally had to stop.

But that day, the true sage warrior of the Cloud God Department finally escaped, with lingering fears.

Although just now, he once again felt that the aura of the Wu Clan man who claimed to be Yuan Xian in the rear had become disordered, but he did not dare to kill him again.

The three companions just now were a lesson for the past, and they were all killed by that kid when his breath was disturbed.

The Heavenly Cloud Divine Part True God Realm Martial Artist who continued to flee, saved his life at this time, and no longer feared, but an expression of excitement appeared on his face!

Great service!

Just now Yuan Xian of the Wu clan, although he didn't say it clearly, his words revealed important information.

He is a descendant of the Yuan family of the Wu Clan’s Seven-Star Ancient Shrine, and there will be a group of powerhouses at the level of God Kings in the Wu Clan. It is very likely that he will help the Tianqi and Tian Sui God Tribes to deal with them. The Ministry of God!


The other side.

Lin Hao watched the guy in the Tianyun Divine Department escape without a shadow, a sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth.

With just these few words, the Tianyun Divine Tribe naturally cannot defeat the Tianqi Divine Tribe and the Tian Sui Divine Tribe.

As long as the King Yun of the Tianyun Divine Department had a little brain, he would forbear it for the time being, and be fully prepared in secret.

Once Tianqi Divine Tribe, Tian Sui Divine Tribe, and Wu Clan Divine King, if they act on them, there is bound to be an extremely fierce battle.

Those who take advantage of the fisherman's profits are Human Race!

This chess piece has also fallen. Next, it depends on the effect.

After thinking for a moment, Lin Hao's breath became extremely weak again.

Later, he took out the sealed ball of spirits.

Lifting the seal, this group of spirits immediately turned into an illusory figure.

"Master Yuan..." Seeing Lin Hao's miserable appearance, Shenhun Xuying immediately shouted.

"Master Silver Snake, it's too late to explain so much. Let me tell you first, listen!

"The cooperation between our Wu Clan and the Tianqi God Tribe was discovered by the God Tribe's temple. In order to clear the relationship, the Tian Qi God Tribe has already begun to work on us.

Now, the only person who can turn the tide is you, Lord Silver Snake. I have a part of the magic medicine here. Lord Silver Snake, refine it as soon as possible to restore some power.

Feng Yan, that idiot, is still obedient to Qi Hongyan of the Tianqi Divine Tribe, and is kept in the dark. I will go and rescue him first.

Lord Silver Snake, you must come over within half an hour, and only you can deal with Qi Hong! "

With that, Lin Hao took out a large amount of magical medicine and handed it to the weak spirit of Silver Snake.

Qi Hong is a powerhouse at the pinnacle of the Heavenly God Realm, and he really needs the Silver Snake to take action.

Moreover, with the witness of Silver Snake, other people of the Wu Clan would believe that the Tianqi Divine Tribe took action against the Wu Clan.

"Master Yuan, why don't you stay here, use the magic medicine together, first recover some injuries, and then go to rescue Master Feng." Yinshe suggested.

Lin Hao shook his head and said: "I am refining magical medicine too slowly, and I can't recover much in a short time. Time is running out. I have to let more people of the Wu Clan know the sinister intentions of the Tianqi Divine Tribe as soon as possible. To prevent more people from dying in the conspiracy of the Tianqi Divine Tribe, Lord Silver Snake, everything is up to you!"

Leaving these words, Lin Hao left immediately.

The ghost of the silver snake looked at Lin Hao's leaving figure, and he was also emotional. Although this Yuan Xian is arrogant and devoid of eyes, he still has a firm stand in front of the big things. In the future, this person will become a witch clan. One side hero!

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