Rebirth: Ancient Sword God

Chapter 1712: Witch Confluence

The first thousand seven hundred and twelve chapters meet the witches

"Master Silver Snake, thanks to you, otherwise, I'm afraid I will have to be planted in Qi Hong's hands like Feng Yan's idiot this time!" Lin Hao said with emotion.

"Master Yuan is serious, protecting you. This is the duty assigned to me by the seven palace masters. Besides, if Master Yuan hadn't rescued me, I would have died in the hands of Yang Guang from the Human Race God of War." The snake said that he was grateful to Yuan Xian now.

Speaking of this, the silver snake's expression revealed a ruthless look, and said: "This account, I silver snake will not just leave it alone, I must kill a group of tianjiao of their human race to settle the account!"

In Lin Hao's eyes, an undetectable cold light flashed, and said: "The most urgent task now is not to find the human race to settle accounts, but to expose their Tianqi Divine Tribe's conspiracy. Now, there are also two Yinqin brothers and sisters. "

"Master Yuan, what about the others?"

He was beaten by Yang Guang with only a strand of remnant soul, and then he was sealed by Lin Hao and taken away, without knowing what happened on the battlefield.

Therefore, upon hearing Lin Hao's words, Yin Snake suddenly looked flustered.

"At that time, the battlefield was chaotic. Only me, Yin Su, Yin Qin, and Feng Yan escaped, and the others died." Lin Hao said.

The Silver Snake was struck by thunder, startled!

This time, he was entrusted by the seven palace owners of the seven-star ancient palace of the Witch tribe to protect the descendants of the seven palace owners of the Witch tribe to enter the God Realm.

just now……

Of the seven young Tianjiao of the Wu Clan, four died, and only three remained.

This matter is serious!

Those seven-star ancient palace masters of the Witch Clan who died of descendants will definitely be furious and angry at themselves...

Lin Hao looked at Silver Snake and said, "Sir Silver Snake, don’t panic. You are not the fault of this matter. I will intercede for you, and as long as we rescue Yin Su and Yin Qin, we will have Yuan The family and their Yin family ancestors come forward, and the other palace masters will not embarrass you too much."

"Thank you, Master Yuan!" Silver Snake thanked him from the bottom of his heart. Now, Yuan Xian's side is already his last straw.

"Don't thank me, I also save myself. If these idiots die, I will be in a lot of trouble by then." Lin Hao said casually.

He was arrogant and domineering as Yuan Xian before, but now he really needs a reason to save Yin Su and Yin Qin brother and sister.

Even though he said that, Silver Snake knew that following Yuan Xian, this was his only choice!

"Let's go, can't delay any more time." Lin Hao said, even if he hurried at a very fast speed, he had already passed through Qi Hong before to know where the Tianqi Divine Tribe relocated to the Wu Clan.

The silver snake looked at Yuan Xian's leaving back with blank eyes.

Just now Yuan Xian said clearly, let him kill Qi Hong with the fastest speed regardless of all costs, and then Yuan Xian will restore the best magical medicine.

The silver snake, which had only recovered a part of it, burned its source just now, and its strength was severely damaged again.

But now... Yuan Xian seems to have forgotten about it.

However, Silver Snake didn't dare to mention...for fear of causing Yuan Xian to be unhappy... He knew very well whether he had a future, all hope was in Yuan Xian's hands.

As a result, the silver snake gritted his teeth, ignoring the feeling of weakness in his body, and immediately followed.


After half a day.

Lin Hao finally took Yuan Xian to the newly-arranged location of the Tianqi God Ministry.

Suddenly, several celestial **** realm experts from the Witch and Protoss flew over.

"Master Yuan, Lord Silver Snake, you're all right, it's really great," said a Celestial God Realm expert from the Wu Clan.

This time, most of the people who were responsible for protecting the Wu Clan group of young Tianjiao who arrived in the God Realm and experienced it were the people of Silver Snake, so when the Silver Snake came back, the remaining group of powerful Wu Clan also had their backbone!

And the strong celestial **** of the Tianqi Divine Tribe frowned. At that time, they all knew that Yuan Xian, the Wu clan, was evacuated with Qi Hong, so someone asked: "Master Yuan, where are Qi Hong people?"

In Lin Hao’s expression, a touch of distress appeared, and said: "Envoy Qi Hong took me and Feng Yan on the way to evacuate, and met Human Race interception. Envoy Qi Hong died in the hands of Human Race, and so did Feng Yan. ."

Now, it was not the time for the Wu Clan to directly fight the people of the Tianqi Divine Tribe, so Lin Hao thought of another set of arguments.

The people of the Tianqi God Department did not have too much doubt.

Next, Lin Hao joined the Silver Snake and the Wu Clan who had evacuated to this area.

very beginning.

The Wu Clan arranged three pseudo-god kings, more than 30 gods, and a large number of warriors in the true gods and the gods, with a number of nearly a thousand.

But now, only Silver Snake was left, a strong man of the pseudo-god king realm, and he was still very weak, at best he could only exert the fighting power of the peak of the gods.

There were only less than ten people left in the power of the gods.

The True God Realm plus the Divine Fire Realm left only three hundred people.

The total number is less than four hundred.

In the previous Human Race attack, the Wu Clan lost more than half of its power, mainly the top power, and lost two thirds!

The loss was extremely heavy.

At this time, Yin Su and Yin Qin brothers and sisters also hurried from their residence to the gathering place.

Yin Su frowned and said, "Where is Feng Brother?"

"Dead." Lin Hao said lightly.

Yin Su said: "How did you die?"

Lin Hao snorted coldly and said, "Could it be that you suspect that I am not going to succeed?"

Yin Qin also followed: "Yuan Xian, don't think you are doing some small actions. We don't know. If you didn't do anything in the battle that Human Race attacked, if you didn't attract a strong man in the Human Race's pseudo-god state, how could we be killed or injured? So heavy?"

Lin Hao glanced at the two brothers and sisters, coldly snorted: "If you want to survive, shut up for me. If you want to know the truth, I will tell you the truth. Feng Yan, that idiot, was killed by the Tianqi Divine Ministry. Qi Hong killed him!"

As soon as these words came out, it was not only the two brothers and sisters of Yin Su Yinqin, but also the expressions of every Wu Clan who were present.

"Master Silver Snake, tell them the truth!" Lin Hao was too lazy to explain, making Silver Snake more convincing.

Anyway, what Silver Snake knew, he told him.

"Yuan Shaoye said, it is true that the cooperation between our Wu Clan and the Protoss has been exposed. The Protoss Temple and other divine tribes have begun to put pressure on the Tianqi Divine Tribe and the Tian Sui Divine Tribe.

Tianqi Divine Tribe and Tian Sui Divine Tribe were to protect themselves and separate their relationship. Therefore, they wanted to destroy all these evidences. They gathered all of us Wu Clan here, and they wanted to kill them all! "

At this time, no one doubted.

After all, most of the people here are under Silver Snake.

Moreover, the Silver Snake, as a master of the outer heavens of the Witch Clan, a powerful person in the false **** king realm, still has a certain amount of weight in his words.

"Master Silver Snake, what should I do now?" Yin Su also panicked and asked hurriedly.

Silver Snake said: "Next, everything will be arranged by Master Yuan. Please believe that Master Yuan will be able to bring us all out of danger."

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