Rebirth: Ancient Sword God

Chapter 1720: Converge one by one

The first thousand seven hundred and twenty chapters converge one by one

Jiang Chen was unwilling to consume Lin Hao's power to heal himself under such circumstances.

Lin Hao didn't insist either. With a thought, he took out a large amount of healing pills from the storage ring.

These things were all searched from the Wu Clan and the Tianqi God Department.

Terran is in a difficult situation.

Everyone is fighting in blood.

The consumption of magic medicine Shen Dan is very huge.

Even the top talents of human race like Jiang Chen, they can't distribute many magic pills.

In the battlefield, it is also difficult to kill opponents and obtain resources.

For example, most of the warriors of the Protoss will place in their storage rings a ban closely connected to them. If they fall, the ban on the storage ring will also be triggered, and the space in the storage ring will collapse.

This is a requirement of the Protoss temple to the major gods.

Even if you die in battle, you can't let people get supplies!

When Jiang Chen saw the healing supplies given by Lin Hao, a light flashed in his eyes, but he no longer refused. After taking a divine pill, the rest was also put in the storage ring.

He didn't think about recovering from his injury as soon as possible.

Instead, you can stabilize your injury.

These magical medicines and pills are life-saving things for many human warriors.

Although Jiang Chen didn't talk about these things to Lin Hao, Lin Hao was able to guess that he felt a little heavy.

too difficult!

Even the Wu Clan of the last Ancient God Era had much more resources than the Human Clan.

Before the end of the epoch, they must have made a lot of preparations and stored a lot of materials.

The owner of the Early God Era, that group of innate creatures, must be like this.

Not to mention the Protoss that controls this era.

Only the human race has never become the lord of the era. Only in the early **** era, the human race’s situation is barely counted. In the ancient **** era and the current era of the gods, the human race survives in the cracks, resources, and For Terran, it is quite scarce!

But this time, the human race attacked the gods and heavens with all its strength, and once the gods and heavens were completely taken down, it would also bring about a great improvement to the problem of lack of resources.


After a while.

Lin Hao and Jiang Chen arrived in a desolate area.

In fact, the entire battlefield with Shenduan Mountain as the core of the battle was desolate.

The battle was so fierce that it had already devastated an area of ​​tens of millions of miles.

In this area, there are only more than a dozen celebrities and warriors.

There are many signs of a war that have just broken out.

Obviously, the battle has just ended.

In this small battlefield, Human Race has won.

Everyone is sitting directly on the ground, adjusting their breath and healing injuries.

Without resources to recover, it can only rely on his own blood and divine power to control the injury.

Before the next war arrives, a little more recovery is a little bit.

In the field, a man, covered in blood, could not see his appearance, was alone, sitting on a gravel, holding a sword in his hand.

The magic weapon has broken several positions.

There is even flesh and blood hanging in the mouth, it is from his enemy!

The man was sitting on the gravel, looking into the distance.

This scene is so similar to before.

Take your companions to kill the enemy in blood.

But, this time, will it be the same as before?

In the end, all the companions died in battle, leaving only one alive?

The man turned his gaze back, looking at the flesh and blood fragments hanging in the divine sword that had begun to crack, took out a piece of ordinary cloth, and slowly wiped the sword in his hand.

Wipe off the dirt on this sword.

Although there are several cracks, there are several cracks.

However, this sword still shone with extremely dazzling light, and its sharpness remained!

"You kid, if you don't come back, the sword you gave me will be destroyed." The man whispered.

This sword was given to himself by the guy who saved the real martial arts when he was in the real martial arts world.

With this sword, he continued to fight in the God Realm, bringing the name of the inanimate swordsman from the True Martial Realm to the Heavenly Realm of God!

Among the Ten Human Races, his talent is not the best, and his strength is not the strongest, but everyone knows that the inanimate swordsman, among the Human Race Tens, is the one who killed the most enemies!

He is Wei Liang!

A former squad leader in the Black Armored Army of Danbaoge in Zhenwu Realm.

And in his team, there used to be a person called...Lin Hao!


Wei Liang's expression tightened, and he looked forward.

He is among the ten outstanding human races, the one who killed the most enemies, the most sensitive, and the calmest!

But after Wei Liang raised his head and saw the two figures in front of him clearly, the calm, lifeless swordsman couldn't control himself, so excited that even the hand holding the sword trembled!

Lin Hao looked at Wei Liang and was deeply moved in his heart. Since he came into contact with Wei Liang, he has clearly understood that this is a man who takes all the pressure on himself.

Once, he was afraid that one day he would forget those comrades who died in battle, and forcibly endured countless pains for decades without treatment. In this way, he would remember those comrades in arms.

"Captain Wei, the sword is gone, you can change it again." Lin Hao took a deep breath and said.

Wei Liang stood up.

When he walked in front of Lin Hao, the silent man, without saying a word, hugged Lin Hao with one arm and slapped Lin Hao's back vigorously.


When Wei Liang learned of the action that the Protoss arranged to attack and kill the squad, just like Jiang Chen's response before, he immediately asked the human warriors who followed him to withdraw first to the last radiotherapy. He, Lin Hao and Jiang Chen, together Go find other people!

After half an hour.

Lin Hao found Yu Jianxin.

After Yu Jianxin saw Lin Hao, his excitement was beyond words.

The four traveled in the air and shuttled in this battlefield.

As if back to the real martial arts.

They are now much stronger than they were in the real martial arts world.

The situation that can be faced is also more severe than the Zhenwu world.

Zhenwu world is related to the foundation of human race.

God Realm is the real battlefield.

The four searched for a while, and Lin Hao suddenly said, "Junior Brother Feng is in danger, I will go first!"

When the voice fell, Lin Hao took the lead and flew towards the location of the induction Feng Dongyu.

After a while, he finally arrived on the battlefield.

At this moment, Feng Dongyu transformed into the body of a giant wolf, holding a huge magic axe, with great power.

In addition to him, Su Yu, who was sent out by Jiang Chen to pass on the news, was also here to fight the Protoss with Feng Dongyu.

Their opponents, there is no shortage of strong gods, it is clear that they have been sneaking into the back of the battlefield and are responsible for attacking and killing the gods of the human race.

Seeing that Feng Dongyu was under the siege of two Protoss gods, a sword light appeared in an instant, smashing the two gods of the gods into flight.

Feng Dongyu roared and threw the huge **** axe in his hand, facing the storm, and smashed an opponent into pieces. The huge wolf king's body jumped up and rushed to another **** of the **** race that was smashed into flight. By his side, he tore his body abruptly!

He did not see who was helping him.

Because you don't need to watch.

He also knows who it is!

His brother Lin, Lin Hao!

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