Rebirth: Ancient Sword God

Chapter 1737: Mix in

The first thousand seven hundred and thirty-seven chapters mixed into it

Under the lead of Beigongxiu, Lin Hao came to the location of the source of the source stone secretly mined by the Beigong family.

This vein is located under an abyss about ten miles long.

This area is already outside the battlefield where the human race and the **** race broke out in the final duel in the heavens of the gods.

If it weren't for Beigongxiu who suddenly took a few people to patrol outside, Lin Hao happened to encounter it again. Humans and Protoss would indeed have been unable to discover the Beigong family secretly mining the source stone of the gods here.

The two rushed into the abyss. At the bottom of the abyss, there was a camp, and there were many mines around the camp.

You can see many protoss warriors in the Divine Fire Realm and the True Divine Realm, rushing to and from the camp and the mine.

The warriors of the Divine Fire Realm and the True Divine Realm are mainly responsible for mining the source stone of the gods.

Bei Gongxiu took two gods and a total of twelve true gods out on patrol, but now only one person was brought back. Therefore, it was natural to be tossed for a long time by a posture that was almost interrogated.

Lin Hao followed Bei Gongxiu, and when someone asked, he responded with one or two without saying much.

Bei Gongxiu did not dare to betray Lin Hao at this time. She knew Lin Hao's strength. Under such a short distance, if she used other thoughts on her own, Lin Hao could definitely control herself for the first time.

Bei Gongxiu went out on patrol, met a group of human races, had a great battle, and finally managed to deal with it, and then took Lin Hao to this temporary camp set up by the Beigong family that belonged to her. Stay alone.

"Lin Hao, what do you want to do?" Bei Gongxiu lowered her voice and shouted.

"If you say my name again, you will die immediately!" A cold light flashed in Lin Hao's eyes.

Bei Gongxiu is very afraid of death. This is the biggest weakness. Therefore, when Lin Hao said that, the fear in Bei Gongxiu's heart once again filled his body, and he whispered: "This is my residence, even if our Beigong family Now that it has gradually declined, those guys don't have the guts to monitor me!"

"Who controls the large array of detonation veins that your Beigong family has arranged in this vein of **** source stone?" Lin Hao asked.

Bei Gongxiu said, "One of my uncles, Bei Gongnan."

"How strong is it?"

"The peak of the gods is only half a step away from the false **** king realm."

She was not afraid that Lin Hao would know this.

Nothing can happen if I know it!

Although Lin Hao is strong, Bei Gongxiu has probably figured out some of Lin Hao's foundation, and wants to deal with his uncle Bei Gongnan, Lin Hao does not have that strength yet!

Instead, she hoped that Lin Hao learned the news and immediately went to her uncle Bei Gongnan, wishing Lin Hao hurry to die.

"I want a detailed map of this big formation!" Lin Hao said.

Bei Gongxiu shook her head and said, "I can't do it. The formation is in my uncle's hands and no one can get it."

Lin Hao did not press this information again. Bei Gongxiu could not get the formation, which is normal. Even if she is an elite of the younger generation of the Beigong family, it is obvious that Beigongxiu will not be the master here. Otherwise, Bei Gongxiu just now Gong Xiu would not be interrogated so strictly.

"Find a way and arrange for me to enter the mine." Lin Hao turned around. Since I can't get the formation map, I will enter the mine first. The Beigong family wants to blow up this sacred source stone vein and set up a large formation. , The front must be arranged inside the mine!

Go in and check it out by yourself. With the power of supernatural power, you should be able to find some clues.

Bei Gongxiu agreed very readily. She wished Lin Hao hurry to leave her side, and then personally came forward and arranged for Lin Hao to enter the mine with a team of mining the source of the gods.

After confirming that Lin Hao had entered the mine with his own eyes, Bei Gongxiu immediately had other thoughts in her heart, and was going to report the news to her uncle Bei Gongnan and get rid of Lin Hao.

But at this moment.

An icy voice sounded in Bei Gongxiu's sea of ​​soul consciousness.

"Bei Gongxiu, you better be honest, otherwise, I can take your life anytime!"

Bei Gongxiu was shocked.

Lin Hao actually moved his hands and feet in the sea of ​​his own soul and consciousness again!

She knew very well that the restrictions that Lin Hao had placed in the sea of ​​soul and consciousness had been lifted, and that he had taken the martial arts oath.

And now in this situation... the greatest possibility is that when he brought Lin Hao here, he was smashed to pieces by Lin Hao, and his soul was exposed to his vision. It must be that time when Lin Hao avoided. My own perception, and in my own soul, arranged another means silently.

Bei Gongxiu can't wait to cramp Lin Hao!

However, her hatred was so pale and feeble that she didn't dare to do anything. She could only dispel the idea of ​​reporting to her uncle Bei Gongnan and returned to her house.

Just let Lin Hao toss.

She didn't believe that Lin Hao had the ability to cause trouble in such a heavily guarded place!


Lin Hao, who entered the mine, followed in a team of ten people and kept going deep.

The channels inside are intertwined, with countless branch roads, among which there are branch roads.

Following these fork roads and walking at least dozens of miles, Lin Hao only found the position of the eye.

"It seems inappropriate to find a way to destroy the Beigong family and blow up this divine origin stone vein." Lin Hao secretly said in his heart.

There are too many fork roads. Obviously, the Beigong family has not only recently mined this divine source stone vein in secret, it must have been secretly mined for many years.


"You guys, here, the others, follow me!" The leading man from the peak of the Protoss True God pointed to a side road and arranged for three people to enter.

Lin Hao was among these three.

Now, Lin Hao was not in a hurry to do something, walking with these two people while chatting, and continued to inquire about some deployments of the Beigong family here.

However, these two guys are too weak and low in status, and they are not qualified to know important information.

After a while, the three of them came to the bottom of the fork, and there was no road ahead. The other two began to explode with supernatural powers, armed with weapons, and forcibly bombarded the rock wall in front.

The place containing the source stone of the gods is a very special kind of rock. This kind of rock has a very hard texture. Even if a person with a true **** level cultivation level, a full blow can only blast one or two meters deep.

The source of the gods is embedded in these exceptionally hard rocks.

Lin Hao also learned something. He raised his hand and patted it with a palm, blasting the rock wall in front of him into a road more than four meters deep. Among the broken rock fragments, there were two divine source stones scattered.

Raise your hand and collect these two gods' source stones. According to the arrangement of the Beigong family, those who mine the gods' source stones must open the storage ring when they leave the mine. If someone dares to embezzle them, they will face the most serious punishment.

With Lin Hao's hand, the two guys next to him noticed his extraordinary strength. One of them chuckled and said, "As expected, he is someone who can follow Miss Xiu'er, his strength is extraordinary."

Lin Hao smiled bitterly and said: "This time I went out with Miss Xiu'er and encountered big troubles. I was lucky to be able to get a life back. The outside is really messy. I would rather stay here to mine the source stone. I don't want to go out."

"That is, the battle between our Protoss and Humans this time in the Gods and Heavens Realm is too big. We have this strength to go out, and we don't even know how to die. Mining the Gods Origin Stone here is a bit boring, though. But as long as you don't touch that taboo, you can save your life anyway," one person said.


Lin Hao looked at the speaker and said, "I've been outside with Miss Xiu'er before, but I'm not quite sure. Can you tell me?"

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