Rebirth: Ancient Sword God

Chapter 1740: Black blood

Chapter 1740 Black Blood

Lin Hao controlled the tyrannical power, turned into countless sharp swords, cutting this hard rock wall.

This is an abandoned mine. Don't make too much movement, otherwise, it will be exposed immediately.

This is so, the speed at which Lin Hao opened a passage horizontally from here was also extremely fast.

About a quarter of an hour.

Lin Hao finally succeeded in piercing a horizontal passage between the two mines, and his figure flashed into the passage of the other mine.

Follow this passage, diagonally downward, and there are more than fifty miles, you can reach the area where the blood has been dug out.

And the location not far behind Lin Hao is the blockade formation arranged by the Protoss Beigong family. Outside the big formation, there are many Celestial God realm experts from the Beigong family guarding it.


at this time.

Bei Gongxiu estimated that Lin Hao's side was almost there, so he took the initiative to trigger the restraint arranged by Lin Hao in the spirit.

Before she knew it, Lin Hao had moved her hands and feet in the soul. After learning about it, it took a lot of effort to finally find the power that Lin Hao left in her soul.

This force is very special.

If it is said that Lin Hao placed the restriction in her spirit when she was on the chaotic battlefield, Bei Gongxiu could still rely on her own cultivation level to improve, bit by bit.

But now this situation, she is totally unsure to deal with, that kind of power, as if it has been thoroughly integrated with her spirit, regardless of each other.

Even if relying on external forces, Bei Gongxiu does not know whether the strong **** king can help him, but the strong **** king realm definitely cannot help him.

Of course, Bei Gongxiu did not dare to ask other people for help.

If it is a strong person from the Protoss, even if it is from the Beigong family, knowing that her spirit has been touched by the human race, it is not difficult to guess that Bei Gongxiu must have done something for the human race in this situation. In the end, she It's hard to save life.

Therefore, wanting to wipe out Lin Hao's power in his soul, Bei Gongxiu felt that he had no chance unless he reached the realm of the **** king.

Regardless of her possessing a Tier 5 divine body, in the next three days of the God Realm, this kind of physique is already top-notch, but if you want to reach the Divine King Realm, although there is hope, it is very slim, and it will take an extremely long time.

So, either she would never meet Lin Hao and stay far away, but no one can say for this kind of thing.

The best way is for Lin Hao to die here.

Now, Lin Hao has begun to have some thoughts about the taboos in the source of the gods, and has even begun to take action.

Bei Gongxiu didn't know the origin of the mysterious life represented by the so-called taboo, but she knew very well that the mysterious life was extremely powerful and touched, and the king and the strong could not bear the consequences.

Taking the initiative to touch Lin Hao's power in his own soul, Bei Gongxiu is asking Lin Hao if he can leave.

After a while, Bei Gongxiu did not get any response, and knew that he could go.

So, Bei Gongxiu immediately went to see their uncle Bei Gongnan, the strongest man in their Beigong family.

As for the reason for leaving, I have already thought about it.

Bei Gongnan directly agreed to Bei Gongxiu's proposal to leave the heavenly realm of Shenxiao. He was not happy with Bei Gongxiu, and staying here was an eyesore.

When Beigongxiu flew up from this abyss and floated in the air, looking at the abyss below, a strong look of expectation appeared in his eyes.

Here, it should soon be turned into ruins.

Everyone in their Beigong family will die.

The hateful Lin Hao of the Human Race will also fall here.


At this moment, in the mine, Lin Hao naturally noticed Bei Gongxiu's departure.

However, he didn't care.

Even if Bei Gongxiu left, he did not dare to disclose his information.

The most important thing now is to find out what the origin of the mysterious life represented by the taboo in this **** source stone vein is!

If this mysterious life can join hands with the human race, it will be a major gain.

After all, this mysterious life is not only one or two. Protoss is found in many divine origin stone veins. Obviously, this is a group of power, but, for some reason, it is extremely In the distant past, they were buried in the veins of the source of the gods, relying on the power of the source of gods to maintain their immortality.

Even if this mysterious life doesn't work with Human Race, the Protoss is obviously very afraid of this mysterious life.

Enemies of the enemy, at some point, even without cooperation, they are also friends!

The only thing to worry about is that if this mysterious life is awakened, will the other party immediately act on him?

Therefore, Lin Hao is still unable to make a decision whether to awaken this mysterious life.

As Lin Hao continued to deepen the diagonally downward mine, he gradually felt an extremely cold breath appear.

When he was about to reach the bottom of the mine, Lin Hao had to run his qi and blood with all his strength to resist the erosion of the cold aura on himself.

You know, his true martial art has reached the level of being able to compete with the gods’ top-level seventh-order gods. On the God Realm side of the next three days, if you talk about the majestic qi and blood, even those top gods are strong. It may not be comparable to Lin Hao.

In other words, when a warrior who was a non-false **** king realm came here, it was only eroded by this cold aura, and it was estimated that few people could bear it.

And this is just the tip of the iceberg of this mysterious life, it's just a few strands of blood spilling out of the force.

What is the origin of these mysterious lives?

Lin Hao was even more puzzled.

Powerful and terrible!

Moreover, buried in the veins of the source of the gods, is it the arrangement of these mysterious beings themselves, or the handwriting of others?

With these doubts, Lin Hao continued to go deep into the bottom of the mine.

When he reached the bottom.

Those cold auras, like countless fine needles, seemed to pierce Lin Hao's extremely defensive body and penetrate into his soul!

Lin Hao gritted his teeth, resisting the discomfort caused by the cold breath, and looked around.

Although the surroundings were gloomy, the darkness of this degree naturally couldn't stop his sight.

Soon, Lin Hao saw a dark to shiny pool of blood on the corner of the rock wall.

But the range of palm size.

The weird and powerful cold aura that pervades this area comes from this pool of blood!

This is the taboo that the Protoss found in the ore veins of the gods, originating from that mysterious life.

Lin Hao's gaze was staring at the pool of blood. At this moment, he felt the incomparably powerful cruelty and killing.

In front of his eyes, there seemed to be a battlefield, blood flowing into a river, bones piled up into a mountain, the wind screamed, and countless screams echoed in his ears.

The next moment, Lin Hao bit his tongue abruptly, clinging to his mind and returning to normal.


At this time, there was another crisp sound, resounding in this calm mine.

Lin Hao's gaze shifted upward from the slap-sized pool of black blood on the ground, and then he saw the location of the rock wall, and strands of black blood slowly seeped out from the inside of the rock wall.

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