Rebirth: Ancient Sword God

Chapter 1747: Supreme Secret

The first thousand seven hundred and forty-seven chapters

Lin Hao and Shi Po rushed out of the void, and arrived at the battlefield where the three power **** kings, the Tianqi Divine Tribe, the Tian Sui Divine Tribe, and the Tianyun Divine Tribe, gathered more.

At this moment, here, Huo Cang is leading a total of seven **** kings of the human race, fighting against eleven **** kings of these three gods.

Nie Ru, the lord of the Second Palace of the God of War, is also in this area.

Huo Cang was one opponent to three, and one of his opponents was King Qi of the Tianqi Divine Tribe, Qilian Mountain!

Nie Ru is one enemy two.

The two of them restrained the five powerful **** kings of the Protoss.

There are also five powerful **** kings on the human race side, fighting against the six **** kings of the **** race, and not letting go.

"The technique of your God of War Palace is not simple." Shi Po said with Lin Hao watching the battle in the dark.

You must know that as long as the original source strength of Shiba is sufficient, it can display the combat power of the detached existence of the Holy God Realm. It is not easy to be called by Shiba. Naturally, this supreme combat body is very strong!

"This is the supreme fighting body of our God of War Palace." Lin Hao said.

"Supreme combat body?" Shi Po frowned slightly, and said: "This name is arrogant, Lin Hao, do you know, what is supreme?"

Lin Hao said: "I never knew."

Now that Shi Po knew Lin Hao's plan, he didn't need to take action for the time being anyway, so he said: "Supreme, from the Early God Era, the Ancient God Era, and now, only one has appeared.

That is a kind of physique, it can also be called a realm, far above the **** emperor, that is the real gong, which can create heaven and earth, and destroy everything in the world with a single thought. "

Lin Hao was also shocked, this supreme, the strength is far above the **** emperor.

For a long time, in his cognition, the **** emperor is the pinnacle of this power, but he did not expect that there is a supreme above the **** emperor, and only one supreme has been born from the beginning of the era of God to the present!

"Who is the only supreme person?" Lin Hao asked.

Shi Po shook his head and said: "I can't tell, nor can I tell, about the secret of the Supreme, because I don't know either."

Lin Hao said, "Senior Shi, if I guessed right, you guys are from the supreme handwriting, right?"

A strange color flashed in Shi Po's eyes, but he did not respond.

However, this also confirmed Lin Hao's guess.

Except for the so-called supreme, no one in this world can have this kind of handwriting, creating a batch of beings that can display the power of the Holy God as long as they have enough origin power.

The realm of the **** emperor is absolutely impossible to achieve this level!

"So, I say that you are in the Palace of the Gods of War, but you are arrogant, dare to use the Supreme as the name of the technique, if you anger the Supreme..."

Lin Hao frowned, and said: "The name of a mere skill can provoke this supreme, then this supreme is too narrow-minded!"

"Speak carefully!" Shi Po looked serious and sighed softly, followed by a long sigh, and said: "The supreme heart, vast and boundless, naturally won't care, not to mention..."

Speaking of this, Shi Po realized that he had said something that shouldn't be said. He turned his words and said: "The true martial emperor of your human race is the second most powerful existence that has the best chance to become the supreme. He was at his peak. It was only half a step away from the supreme, and if it hadn't been because of the human race that had distracted him too much energy, he had already stepped into the supreme realm.

It's a pity that in the original battle with the extraterrestrial demon, the Protoss retreated halfway, and the True Martial God Emperor of your human race suffered too much pressure and suffered heavy losses.

Come to think of it, the Protoss is also worried that the true martial emperor of your human race will become supreme, so you have that choice, and taking advantage of the opportunity of your human true martial emperor to be corroded by the power of the outer demon, launched an attack..."

"The fall of the True Martial God Emperor may also have something to do with the Wu Clan." Lin Hao said with a heavy tone. He didn't know some specific details about the True Martial God Emperor's fall. He just listened to Qing Tianjun when the True Martial World was chaotic in the sea. Said.

Shi Po said: "It's normal for the Wu Clan to take action, and it is normal even for the innate creatures to take action. With the strength of the Protoss, even if your Human Race True Martial God Emperor is seriously injured, it is not something that the Protoss guys can handle."

"Senior Shi, how do you achieve supreme?" Lin Hao shifted the topic to a key point.

The past is no longer important.

"Take the physique of the Protoss as an example, reaching the tenth-level divine body, and then reaching the peak of the emperor, and the cultivation base and physique one step further, is supreme, your human race true martial emperor, originally, tempered the physique to beyond the tenth-level divine body. Only waiting for the power of one body to transform the origin power, you can become the supreme." Shi Po said.

"Supreme, the power you use is the same as the original source power you use, Senior Shi?"

Shi Po said: "The origin power we use comes from the Supreme and is bestowed by the Supreme."

Lin Hao suddenly had more guesses in his mind.

Shi Po said before that the battle with the extraterritorial celestial demon broke out. As the protoss retreated halfway, the battle situation became quite tragic. The place where their kind of life form supplemented the origin power was defeated by the outer celestial demon.

Therefore, this kind of life form of them had to choose to sleep in those divine origin stone veins that entered the Nine Heavens God Realm.

But there is no place for them to supplement the origin power, but if the supreme he said is still there, then they can replenish the origin power at any time.

Chances are, supreme, has disappeared!

Those origin powers are all the reserves left by the supreme before disappearing...

Combining with some of the intermittent words of Shi Po just now, Lin Hao felt that his guess is very likely to be inseparable from the truth.

Of course, Lin Hao didn't say this point anymore, and Shi Po wouldn't answer himself.

"Siyuan Power, what kind of power is it?" Lin Hao said.

"The origin power is the foundation of the birth of all things in the world. The divine origin stone vein is transformed by a strand of origin power as the core, and it is also the power that the supreme can control.

The reason why I can use Origin Power is because my body is very special, and I cannot help you understand this power.

Origin power is the source of my strength, but during the battle, the origin power in my body will be transformed into normal divine power through the special structure of my body. You should be very clear about this. "Shi Po said.

Lin Hao is indeed aware that the life form of Stonebreak is like a transfer station, which can store and transform the original force for combat.

In fact, in a sense, based on Lin Hao’s current understanding of Shipo’s life form, he feels that this life form is not very similar to a foreign race, and is more like a true **** war created by a temple that has been in contact with. puppet!

After all, foreign races can practice on their own.

Shi Po couldn't practice by himself, as they were born like this.

The biggest difference from the true **** war puppets is that they have flesh and blood, souls, and thinking.

Lin Hao's contact with Shi Po was not long, but from Shi Po's side, he had come into contact with too many secrets.

These news, the next three days of the God Realm, I am afraid that few people in the human race are qualified to know, and the strong in the middle three days may not be qualified to contact.

These things, perhaps, are already one of the biggest secrets in the Nine Heavens God Realm!

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