Rebirth: Ancient Sword God

Chapter 1753: committed to

Chapter 1 753 Commitment

King Yun took people away in a panic.

With the help of Shi Po, Lin Hao began to chase Yuan Xiao of the Wu Clan, Qilian Mountain of the God Clan, Sui Qianyuan and others.

Regarding the stone breaking shot just now, Lin Hao's original intention was to create more chaos for the Protoss.

However, Lin Hao was finally able to see the stone breaking method.

Even though he had never seen the power of the blow just now, Lin Hao was able to perceive that this kind of secret technique should be an extremely powerful inheritance among the Protoss.

Of course, it is not surprising that Shipo possesses these methods.

This is as long as the origin power is sufficient, it can display the existence of the supernatural power of the Holy Spirit Realm.

With the speed of breaking through the stone, he soon chased to the vicinity of Wu Clan Yuan Xiao and the others, and then slowed down again, just follow.



At this moment, Yuan Xiao frowned suddenly and looked back at the boundless void behind him.

"Palace Master Yuan, are there chasing soldiers?" Qi Lianshan looked uneasy.

Yuan Xiao shook his head and said, "It's okay."

Although he felt that something was not quite right, he was very confident of his strength. In a place like the God Realm of the Lower Three Heavens, it was impossible for anyone to avoid his perception.

"Qilian Mountain, this time your plan failed. You originally promised to give us the benefits of the Wu Clan, but now you can't give it. Moreover, our Wu Clan has also been implicated. The Seven-Star Ancient Shrine lost a palace lord. , If you can’t satisfy the Wu Clan, you should know what the consequences will be!”

The ancestor of the **** king of the Yin family said.

"Palace Master Yin, a few of us, are willing to join the Witch Clan and serve the Witch Clan!" Qi Lianshan hurriedly said.

Now, three days after the big one, there is no place for them to stand.

If they appear, no matter where they are, the Protoss or the Humans will not let them go. Only if they take refuge in the Witch Clan and enter the outer world of the Witch Clan, there is a ray of life.

Of course, Qilian Mountain is respectful, but in his heart he dare not speak.

This time it was exposed and failed... In his opinion, it was all given by the Witch Clan, if it hadn't been for the young Tianjiao **** that the Witch Clan had sent out, how could it have come to this point.

Thinking of the young arrogance of the Wu tribe, Qi Lianshan felt uneasy, and she didn't know how to explain it to the Wu tribe.

After all, what he knew was the latest news about the group of **** of the Wu Clan, or the group of guys suddenly went crazy and killed them from the Tianqi Divine Ministry's resident... and only a few people successfully left, and the rest were dead. In the hands of the Tianqi Divine Department and Tian Sui Divine Department.

Now, Qilian Mountain was anxious that the few guys who had escaped, also encountered other gods or human races in this chaotic battlefield, and were killed.

If there is still alive... once they return to the Witch Clan's outer world, the consequences will be serious.

Whatever comes to Qilianshan's mind.

Yuan Xiao said: "Qilian Mountain, since you are willing to take refuge in the Witch Clan, our Witch Clan will also give you a chance. However, before going back to Heaven, I will go and pick up the boy from the Yuan family."

As soon as this was mentioned, the faces of everyone present became ugly.

The ancestors of the Yin family of the Wu clan, as well as the ancestors of the Feng family, all knew that Yuan Xian of the Yuan family was messing around in the battlefield.

Yuan Xiao's spiritual power differentiation body also blasted the Yin Wuwu spiritual power differentiation body of another palace lord of the Wu Clan Yin family.

After Feng's ancestor's spiritual power differentiation body appeared at that time, he also noticed that the situation was not right. It seemed to be related to Yuan Xian of the Yuan family, but he had no time to figure out the situation, and he was entangled by the strong human.

Sui Qianyuan from Qilian Mountain looked ugly, so naturally they didn't know how to explain.

Seeing that Qilian Mountain's expression was a bit wrong, Yuan Xiao snorted coldly, and said, "You promised before that the kid from the Yuan family is in an absolutely safe area!"

The ancestors of the **** king of the Yin family and the ancestors of the **** king of the Feng family are also staring at the Qilian Mountains and Sui Qianyuan, and their descendants are still in the gods!

Sui Qianyuan of Qilian Mountain was all miserable for a while...

Seeing both of them, there was no reply.

Yuan Xiao's tone intensified a lot, and said: "I can pick it out in advance, my Yuan family's boy, with outstanding talent, is all the hope of our Wu clan for the next three days. If something happens to him, I will take your dog's life to pay tribute! "

The ancestor of the **** king of the Yin family also said coldly: "My Yin family is Yin Su, and the talent of the Yin Qin is one of the best in our Wu Clan. If they encounter any unexpected events, you will all have to be buried!"

The Feng Yan of the Feng family, although his talents can only be regarded as mediocre, but the ancestors of the Feng family are willing to give him a mental strength to defensively. Naturally, it means that the ancestors of the Feng family are also extremely fond of Feng Yan, and they are also at this moment. Face said: "Qilian Mountain, Sui Qianyuan, hurry up!"

Qilian Mountain gritted his teeth and said, "I will tell you, Palace Master Yuan, Palace Master Yin, Palace Master Feng, don’t worry, because the frontline battlefield was chaotic, I had secretly arranged for them to leave this battlefield and that area. Knowing with King Sui."

"Qilian Mountain, are you threatening our Wu Clan?" Yuan Xiao's face was extremely ugly.

The ancestors of the Yin family and the Feng family also both looked bad and burst into anger.

Sui Qianyuan snorted in his heart. At this time, Qilian Mountain actually dragged him into the water. He didn't dare not respond. He hurriedly said, "The three palace masters have misunderstood. This decision was made for the sake of the young generation of Witch tribe. For security considerations, only that area needs to pass through the frontline battlefield. Now the frontline battlefield is extremely chaotic...

However, King Qi and I can guarantee that the area is absolutely safe, and it is a hiding place that King Qi has spent a lot of effort to create, whether it is our gods or humans, we can't find it. "

Sui Qianyuan said, kicking the ball to Qilian Mountain.

Regardless of their excellent relationship, at this time, they are all overwhelmed with self-protection. Self-preservation is the most important thing.

"Lead the way!" Yuan Xiao shouted coldly.

"Palace Master Yuan, the battlefield is chaotic now, why don't we wait for the end of the battle between the human race and our protoss, then we quietly arrange a force to go and pick up the young masters of the witch race?" Qi Lianshan said.

Now, I can only think of a way to slow down...

"If you talk nonsense again, I will kill you immediately!" The ancestors of the Yin family are also violent. This time, their Yin family, but there are two outstanding descendants on the battlefield. Once something goes wrong, the loss is the biggest!

Qilianshan and Sui Qianyuan looked at each other, then Qilianshan said, "Okay!"

Now, both of them knew what to do next.

Find a way, escape!

There is no hope at all for taking refuge in the Wu clan.


And at this moment, Lin Hao, who had been following them, was completely transformed into flesh and blood, and the changed spirit began to imitate the aura of Yuan Xian of the Witch Clan.

Shi Po glanced at Lin Hao in surprise, and said: "Your spirit is very special, and your ability to simulate aura is quite extraordinary. However, at most you can only fool the strong of the false **** king. In this case, you If it appears, problems will be detected."

"After this battle, if Senior Shi finds a companion, even if you come to me, Lin Hao promises that I will go all out to wipe out the corrosive power of the alien demon for Senior Shi's companion." Lin Hao said.

Shi Po looked solemn, and said: "I can indeed help you, but this power does not belong to you, so it can last at most for an hour!"

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